Facade of granite - greatness in simplicity

What are the typical facades of granite?

The principle of operation of this facade is uncomplicated. Air flows, circulating in the gap between the heat insulator and the screen, remove excess moisture, which are separated by walls and formed in the form of condensate. Thanks to this, a microclimate favorable to health with an optimum moisture regime is created inside the building, and the walls and heat insulator are reliably protected from rotting in the summer and icing in the winter.

More recently, has become extremely popular in the Russian market porcelain stoneware for many years with success is used in European countries, where the facing of granite facades is increasingly rare because of its high cost and limited resources. The new artificial facing material is not much inferior to the natural, and in some respects it exceeds it.

Facade of porcelain stoneware - what qualities to wait in this case?

Ceramic granite used as a decorative coating comes for sale in the form of ceramic tiles, obtained by pressing under high pressure followed by firing several types of clay with different physico-chemical parameters.

The strength of the resulting material is many times greater than the strength of reinforced concrete, and its fire resistance allows the use of granite for finishing saunas, stoves and fireplaces. Its rigidity and durability are unprecedented, which makes the deformation of the tile practically impossible.

Resistance to chemical compounds( except hydrofluoric acid) allows the use of ceramic granite in an environment with an increased content of corrosive substances. Made from natural natural ingredients, the tile is environmentally friendly and does not emit even the strongest heating of harmful substances.

It is moisture-proof and hygienic, does not fade when exposed to direct sunlight and does not accumulate electric charge. Almost any natural stone inevitably has a radioactive background, sinning it and facades of granite. However, with appropriate measurements of its artificial analogue, background devices were not fixed.

It follows from the foregoing that facade installation of ceramic granite fits the best possible, but it can not be recommended for laying the floor, because as a result of increased sand friction the surface of the tile loses its polishing, and when water gets extremely slippery.

Facade installation from porcelain stoneware -

work sequence. The facade finish with ceramic granite provides high stability of the building to changes in outside temperatures and to the influence of atmospheric precipitation. Due to the fact that the facade consists of several structural elements with different characteristics, the structure is provided with excellent sound insulation.

In hot weather, a significant part of the heat absorbed by the lining is diverted from the walls of the building by air currents circulating in the gap, which positively affects the microclimate inside the room. But it's worth going directly to the installation features. And the first important fact should be pointed out that the fastening units of the facades of the granite-tiled buildings are made of brackets and vertical galvanized profiles.

The erection of the facade from porcelain stoneware can be carried out without preliminary leveling of the walls and elimination of minor defects on them. The first stage is the installation of pendulums and marking, along which vertical profiles and brackets are fastened. The design of the brackets allows you to align the profiles relative to the wall surface. They are secured by corrosion-resistant anchors.

Then follows the installation of insulation from the bottom up, with the plates of the insulation material firmly adjacent to each other. The plates are fastened with special dowels. At the next stage, rivets of vertical profiles to the brackets are made with the expectation that there will be a gap between the heater and the lining.

At the final stage, the facing is done with ceramic granite slabs. For solving the remaining issues, you can refer to our media section, which clearly shows the facade cladding with ceramic granite video clips, there will be no superficiality in this matter.

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