How to properly glue wallpaper: pasting of walls after, video, pasted meter, photo, what you need one, rules

Correctly pasted wallpaper will save you for many years from the need for minor repairs properly sticked wallpaper will save you many years the need for small repairs Nowadays there are many types of cladding for decorating wall surfaces. One of the most common types of decoration is the wallpaper sticker. Building markets today are replete with wallpaper of different types. Such wallpaper can be made of a wide variety of materials, which affects their characteristics and features. Before the beginning of the finishing works you need to learn how to properly glue the wallpaper. It is from qualitatively performed works that a long service and their appearance depend.

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professionWall wallpapering with wallpaper: types of materials

Before you paste wallpaper in the room, you need to determine their appearance. On this depends the whole process of finishing.

Wallpaper manufacturers today offer consumers a wide variety of materials at different prices. It can be cheap paper wallpaper or expensive wallpaper from non-woven or vinyl.

Before choosing the wallpaper you like, you should carefully study their characteristics Before you choose your favorite wallpaper, you should carefully examine their characteristics

To avoid confusion in the selection, you must familiarize yourself with the types of materials, their features and characteristics.


Have an affordable price. They are durable and reliable. Glued wallpapers easily resist the effects of moisture. They are easy to take care of. Wallpaper can be washed with water using detergents. The decor options are very diverse, which allows everyone to choose the perfect option for the interior. Of the drawbacks - the wallpaper is poorly flowing air, which provokes frequent airing of the room. Harmful substances evaporate at high temperature. But there is a recommendation: do not glue the wallpaper in the rooms to pregnant women and children.


Have low cost, which attracts consumers. Paper wallpapers are environmentally friendly, which gives confidence in safety for health. They are easy to glue on a pre-prepared surface.

Paper fights have a structure that allows walls to "breathe" Paper battles have a structure that allows the walls to "breathe»

paper has flaws in the form of exposure to damage, they deteriorate from exposure to water, are easily contaminated.


For their manufacture, cellulose fibers are used. They do not contain PVC, which means they are environmentally friendly and safe for humans. The wallpaper consists of several layers, which gives their structure strength. They are easily glued to the surface. Due to their high quality they have a long service life. Thanks to the cellulose-based wallpaper, air can penetrate deeply into the structure of the material. A feature of non-woven wallpaper is the possibility of reusable staining. Flizelin has a high cost.

Liquid wallpaper

Consist of environmentally friendly material. Easily applied to the wall. Allow to perform the design of walls of any complexity. The wallpaper is afraid of moisture, but if contaminated, the damaged area can easily be replaced with a new wallpaper composition.


The wallpaper is durable and reliable. Do not be afraid of moisture and fire. The quality of the material provides a long service, beautiful appearance. Usually, these wallpapers are decorated with paints. They are easy to care for with detergents and tools. When finishing, there may be difficulties with gluing.

Fiberglass - a material that requires additional decorative finishing in the form of painting or pasting wallpaper fiberglass - a material that requires more decorative finishes in the form of painting or wallpapering

Wide selection of wallpaper allows you to select the appropriate option for each style in the interior. When choosing wallpaper, it is important to consider the type of room, the condition of the surface, the style in the interior, the cost of wallpaper.

Main rules for wallpapering

Wallpaper gluing is the crucial stage of repair work. From the strict adherence to the rules depends the success of the wallpaper gluing, the strength of their adhesion to the surface, the appearance and the service life.

In order for the adhesive to go well, the wizard advises that the wallpaper be glued according to the instructions of the experts. If you are unsure of your own abilities, it's better not to experiment, but to provide work to professionals.

The rules for wallpaper gluing may differ depending on the type of wallpaper and surfaces. However, there are universal rules that must be met for any type of finish.

Following the basic rules of gluing, you can expect an easy workflow and a qualitative result Following the basic rules of gluing, you can expect an easy workflow and a quality result.

The main rules for wallpapering:

  • Selection of high quality materials.
  • Thorough preparation of the surface for wallpapering: primer, plaster, putty, grinding, additional primer.
  • Choose the right adhesive for the selected wallpaper.
  • Preparation of glue in accordance with the instructions.
  • Compliance with the rules characteristic for wallpapering different kinds of wallpaper.

The main tool for gluing wallpapers

Bonding wallpaper is impossible without tools that will make repairs more quality and convenient.

Required tools can be purchased at any construction store. Such a repair kit should be in every house in which they prefer self-execution.

Tools should also be of high quality. For example, scissors and spatulas should be sharp, and levels - even.

Rollers and brushes should absorb and distribute building compounds and glue mixtures well Rollers and brushes must absorb and distribute construction compounds and adhesive mixtures

Required tools:

  • Stationery knife;
  • Water level;
  • Rollers and brushes in different sizes;
  • Spatulas;
  • Bucket;
  • Protective film.

The number and type of tools can vary depending on the type of finishing work.

What you need for high-quality wallpapering

One solution to cover the wallpaper with a wall is small. In order for the repair to be easy and without difficulties, it is important to have knowledge about the repair process from its beginning to the end.

The number of tools and materials for wallpapering can vary depending on the type of wallpaper and surface.

To make the process of selecting materials and wallpaper gluing easy and fast, you need to draw up a clear action plan that will save time and effort.

When gluing wallpaper "to the back", it is important not to leave any gaps, following the strip after the strip When gluing wallpapers "in butt", it is important not to leave any gaps, following the strip after the strip

What you need to glue the wallpaper:

  • Decide on the type of wallpaper.
  • Choose a style for the interior.
  • Decide how to glue wallpaper: horizontally or vertically.
  • Measure the area of ​​the room, calculate the number of required materials.
  • Selection of high-quality finishing materials, putty, wallpaper primer and glue for them.
  • Preparation of the necessary tools.
  • Preparation of the surface for gluing.
  • Preparation of materials.
  • Stick wallpaper, according to the instructions.

When deciding to paste a wallpaper, it is important to study the issue of professional surface finishing in order to fulfill it qualitatively.

How to glue wallpapers on different types of surfaces

The method of wallpaper gluing depends on the type of surface. The technique of pasting wallpaper on whitewashed concrete walls, whitewash, plywood, plastic dsp, tiles, pox and MDF panels is different. However, the algorithm of actions for finishing is always the same.

How to prepare the surface:

  • Primer;
  • Plaster;
  • Putty;
  • Grinding;
  • Finish primer.

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