The device of a waterproofing of a floor in a bathroom by the hands

About this waterproofing can be said briefly - it is necessary. Firstly, the constant presence of moisture on the floor "spoils" the material of the interfloor overlapping. Therefore, the time will come when it will be necessary to do major repairs, and this is quite expensive. Secondly, the neighbors from below are unlikely to loudly applaud in the case when their ceiling will once again become wet. Everything can turn into a claim to the court, and you will have to "shell out".Plus the spoiled relations with associates and unnecessary hassle.

To protect your floor from leaks( and yourself - from future troubles), you should worry about the waterproofing of the bathroom. Considering that such work is not an activity of special complexity, waterproofing of the floor can be done by one's own hands. The main thing is to know how and what. To provide waterproofing, there are several ways. In accordance with the specifics of each and determine the necessary materials and technology of work.

Types and materials for floor waterproofing

waterproofing-bathroom Waterproofing can be: anti-corrosion and anti-filtration. Methods of impregnation, backfilling, gluing, staining are applied. Everything depends on the specific living conditions and the condition of the sex, as well as on your financial possibilities.

Specialists recommend, if we are talking only about the insulation of the floor, and not the entire bathroom( walls, ceiling), stop your choice on the coating. By the way, materials for this method are more convenient in the process of work and have better characteristics in comparison with materials for other methods of waterproofing.

The insulating mixtures produced in Germany are well proven, although among the domestic materials there are mixtures of quite good quality. To calculate the necessary amount of insulating material, you need to measure the bathroom and calculate its area. It is customary to divide the received number by 1.5 - 2( with a margin) in order to determine the amount of materials purchased. But it is better to consult the seller. The main thing is to know the area of ​​the bathroom.

Methods of waterproofing

Now briefly about the simplest methods. The most common two ways. Isolation is done with a special mastic or a "roll" method. The first method is the easiest and does not require special skills. However, you can use the combined method( even better): first the first layer is made from a special coating, all seams and joints are sealed, and a layer of mastic is applied on top.


If funds permit, it is better to buy a ready-made mixture - it is sold in banks. This will significantly shorten the time for the work. A more economical option is to buy a dry mix, but you will need to prepare the mastic for use yourself, strictly following the corresponding instructions. Here the main attention should be paid to the correctness of the "batch".And most to breed still better because it will be possible to choose a convenient viscosity of such a mass. If it is not yet clear what will work: a roller, brush or construction shovel.

Before you start, you need to prepare the floor surface. If previously something has already been applied to the floor, then this layer needs to be removed. Naturally, it is carefully swept and then washed. Maybe two or three times. Applying "isolation" to the dirty floor does not make sense - it will eventually "rise" and the entire layer will be broken.

After the floor surface has dried completely, you can start working directly. You should carefully inspect the entire floor. Perhaps, previously unseen pits, gaps will appear. That there was no increased consumption of mastic, the floor is better leveled( putty, cement mortar).Well, then, of course, wash again.


If the work is carried out only with mastic, then it is necessary to lay two layers - for greater reliability. If there is a possibility, then three. It should be noted that each successive layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried out and is necessarily perpendicular to it. In order for the insulation to be complete, it is necessary to process the lower parts of the walls, enough for a height of 10-15 cm. As a result, a single insulating plane with raised walls is obtained, which will surely protect the neighbors from flooding.

For simple insulation, you can use liquid rubber, a number of other materials - the choice is extensive. A conscientious host can be given such advice. The best option is a layer of mastic, then a film, then again a mastic( a pair of layers).This isolation will last for many years.

Thematic video about the waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom:

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