Bubafony furnace: video, long burning furnace, drawing and diagram, from a gas cylinder with your own hands, photo

Many have to heat not only the house, but also the utility rooms. To do this, often use inexpensive potbelly stoves. But the Bubafony stove, capable of efficiently using fuel, is considered a real economical breakthrough.


  • The principle of operation of the long-burning furnace "Bubafonya"
  • Drawing of the furnace from a gas cylinder "Bubafonya"
  • Features of the Bubafony furnace for heating a house
  • Do-it-yourself preparatory work for the Bubafony furnace
  • How to make a long-burning furnace "Bubafonya" with your own hands
  • Do-it-yourself shirt for Bubafony boiler
  •  Bubafonya (video)
  • Examples of Bubafoni furnace (photo options)

The principle of operation of the long-burning furnace "Bubafonya"

The principle of operation of the Bubafony furnace allows more efficient use of the heat that is released during the burning of solid fuel. The main feature is that wood gases burn separately from the coolant itself. Wood at this time slowly smolders that allows to save fuel and to achieve big results when using firewood.

The Bubafony furnace can be easily made with your own hands. Due to the use of improvised materials, the appearance of the structure suffers.

The Bubafonya stove got its name from the creator Athanasius Bubyakin. The basis of the device was a pyrolysis boiler. The inventor removed all unnecessary and made the design as simple as possible. Thanks to this, she gained her popularity.

The Bubafonya long burning furnace is great for heating a small room

Furnace Design:

  1. Body. It has a cylindrical shape. This is the base of the stove. The material for the manufacture can serve as a gas cylinder, barrel, pipe of optimal thickness.
  2. Chimney. Used to remove smoke. To create a pipe made of metal with a diameter of 11-25 cm. It is welded to the top of the body.
  3. Piston feeder. It looks like a metal circle with ribs on the bottom. The piston structure in the center has a fixed exhaust pipe. Thanks to the ribs, an additional air gap is created between the wood and the piston. This allows you to increase the smoldering time.
  4. Gate valve It is made adjustable. It allows you to control the supply of oxygen to the stove.
  5. Cap. It is used for air exhaust. In conjunction with the piston creates a secondary combustion chamber.

The combustion process is called pyrolysis. Conventional combustion does not allow maximum fuel reprocessing. The end result is a lot of non-processed products. Long burning furnaces solve these problems, and ultimately only ash remains.

Drawing of the furnace from a gas cylinder "Bubafonya"

The main proportion that must be determined when designing the Bubafony stove is the ratio of the size of the internal diameter of the case to the height of the device. Ideally, this figure is 3: 5, respectively. The diameter of the case is on average 30-80 cm. If this indicator is less than 30 cm, then oxygen will move too rapidly through the combustion chamber. And if more than 80 cm, then the wood will burn unevenly.

The parameters that must be considered when working:

  1. Wall thickness. The best option is 4-5 mm. If the indicator is less, then the furnace will not last long.
  2. The diameter of the piston pancake. This indicator is quite simply calculated for the formula - d = D-2 * H.
  3. The height of the pressing ribs. Calculating this data is a bit more complicated. If the case has a diameter of 60-80 cm, then the formula for the calculation is as follows: 0.1 * D.
  4. The thickness of the pancakes. The indicator is inversely proportional to the inside diameter of the furnace.

When calculating, pay attention to the total occupied area of ​​the heater. To do this, use the formula S (cm2) = 1.75 * E (kW / h). In this case, E is the energy release of fuel per hour. For this indicator, the formula is also used - E = m * q. It takes into account the mass of fuel and density.

The density in each tree species is different. It can be found out if you familiarize yourself with a special table.

For ease of use, it is better to print the drawing of the Bubafon furnace on a printer or make it yourself on paper

It is also necessary to calculate the diameter of the air intake. To do this, you need to know the size of the chimney. This parameter is equal to half the square root of the formula 4S / π.

Features of the Bubafony furnace for heating a house

The first design was created from a metal barrel. So you can put more wood and save a little. A potbelly stove gradually burns fuel, and does not immediately ignite the entire amount. You can also control the supply of oxygen, and hence the intensity of combustion.

High temperature and complete combustion of wood increase the efficiency and increase the operating time of the stove. Due to its simple design, the design is widely known among the people. It is used in a greenhouse, bath, pool, farm buildings, garages and workshops.

Pluses of the Bubafony stove:

  1. Ease of installation. Even a novice will be able to understand the design and build a do-it-yourself oven in a couple of hours.
  2. Non-volatility. Such a device operates exclusively on wood fuel.
  3. You can use any fuel. The furnace operates on sawdust, firewood, branches, straw, cardboard. On any type of solid fuel.
  4. Compactness. The stove will fit anywhere in the house.
  5. Simple operation. It is easy enough to understand the mechanism and rarely add firewood.

Negative sides in the stove are also available. They note the need for good ventilation, because without an influx of oxygen, the stove does not work well. Also in the potbelly stove low heat capacity. The area of ​​the furnace is not enough for complete heat transfer.

You can increase the heat capacity with a brick or a water jacket.

If the tree is raw, then the stove will not work efficiently. It also creates problems when maintaining the structure. It is difficult enough to clean the device of soot and ash. But all the disadvantages are significantly inferior to the merits.

Do-it-yourself preparatory work for the Bubafony furnace

The creation of Bubafoni requires special equipment - welding. To this end, not every room is suitable for work. The room should have good ventilation, constant access to electricity and reliable wiring.

It is important in advance to stock up on all the necessary tools. It is important to have a welding machine and grinder.

Using the Bubafoni furnace, you can heat the greenhouse

Work can take several days, so the room should be equipped with a roof and be spacious enough. It will also require good soundproofing of the room. Noise from work can disturb neighbors.

Preparation of materials for construction:

  1. The case is an old gas cylinder. The basis will also be a metal barrel, a large fire extinguisher, a metal pipe with a welded bottom.
  2. The legs for the furnace are made of metal profiles, fittings, pipe sections. This is not a required item.
  3. Handles potbelly stoves are trimming reinforcement. The handle must be made on the stove cover.

It is also worth stocking up with auxiliary materials. The piston will require sheet steel. The chimney and air outlet are made of metal pipes. The foundation is made of crushed stone, concrete and refractory bricks.

How to make a long-burning furnace "Bubafonya" with your own hands

After all the preparatory work, you can start installing the stove. In any case, you will first need to make a foundation. The base performs not only a fixing function, but also creates a fire protection.

For the construction of the foundation exclusively refractory bricks are used. But it is better to protect yourself and place a box of sand next to it in case of fire. Make a small depression - 20 cm, square in shape. The perimeter of the recess is 4 m. The bottom is covered by rubble, and then the solution is poured.

Cement should reach the edges of the pit. After drying, the base is considered ready.

The walls of the foundation are laid out with refractory bricks. Flatness of the surface is checked by the building level. Enough to 2-3 rows of material.

Stages of mounting the main part:

  1. Often the oven is made from a gas cylinder. The housing must be properly prepared. A bottom is attached to a pipe segment, and it is cut from a barrel or cylinder.
  2. A circle is cut from a metal sheet. Then make a hole in the middle. An inlet pipe is attached to it. The edges are equipped with metal channels. The end result is a cross.
  3. The final stage is roof equipment. A hole is formed in the cut bottom, which coincides with the diameter of the supply pipe.
For the manufacture of a Bubafon furnace, it is better to use thick metal

Further prepare the holes for the fuel. The place for this is the lower part on the side wall. Just below the door, a hole is made to clean the furnace from ash and ash. Latches are made on the doors so that the pyrolysis structure easily closes and does not open during operation.

After that make a chimney. The place for this is 20 cm below the highest point on the furnace. The chimney must have a bend. To do this, weld two pipe cuts at an angle of 45 degrees.

Do-it-yourself shirt for Bubafony boiler

A pyrolysis furnace has many advantages, but there is also a significant disadvantage. The oven unevenly distributes heat. You can solve this problem by equipping a special water jacket. This will require an additional cylinder with a diameter large for the furnace frame.

To figure out all the features of the furnace will help the diagram and drawing with the dimensions that are made in advance.

You can improve the design of a water jacket. It is mounted in two places: immediately on the body and on the chimney pipe. These places can heat up well. A mandatory rule for dressing a shirt is that the diameter of the pipe should be larger than the diameter of the place on which it is worn. The open ends of the pipe are welded, and the inlet and outlet pipe are also welded. This place is used to connect the heater. Water passes through the shirt, heats up and gives off heat to the room.

 Bubafonya (video)

The Baba Fanya stove is widely used by people for heating various rooms. This is a long burning design that each of the materials at hand can mount. Firewood, burning slowly and gradually, allows the most efficient use of fuel.

Examples of Bubafoni furnace (photo options)


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