Landscape design of a country plot on a slope

The difference of the site on a slope from an even terrain is that its development involves careful study and consideration of natural features directly related to the relief.

Design of a country plot on a slope

Design of the suburban area on the slope of the

The sloping sections have undoubted advantages - as a rule, there is no problem of high groundwater, and such a site can not be called boring, and some disadvantages. These include a large number of necessary earthworks and less freedom in choosing a location for the location of buildings. To ensure that the result of creating a landscape design has pleased you for many years, you need to approach its creation thoroughly.

It is especially important to consider the following characteristics of the terrain:

  • · The orientation of the slope to the sides of the world.
  • · Inclination angle.
  • · Direction and force of prevailing winds.

The first item in this list will tell you about the lighting of the site. Exactly what light regime was established on your slope will play a decisive role in the choice of plants. The southern slope is lit by the sun from morning till late evening. Here the snow melts early, but the soil is more desiccated, and many plants in the southern latitudes suffer from burning heat. The northern slope is the least exposed to insolation, and this limits the use of light-loving plants. The western and eastern slopes are quite favorable for the location of green spaces, it is only necessary to take into account the direction of the shadow.

Angle of bias dictates in many ways both the zoning of the site, and the need for the device of stairs, terraces, retaining walls. These engineering facilities not only make the site harmonious and comfortable. The higher the slope, the stronger the erosion of the soil, when the upper fertile layer is washed down. The creation of steps hinders this process.

An unpleasant feature of the inclined relief is the movement along the slope of air masses. Cold air flows down, stagnating in natural or artificially created hollows. In these places, late frosts are possible. The warm wind, rising upwards, withers the soil in hot months. Set up buildings and recreation areas on the site on the slope should take into account the prevailing winds.

How to start the development of the

Model of the site design


site layout. Presenting an incline in the details of a slope simply by drawing a plan on paper is very difficult. It is much easier to create its three-dimensional model. This can be done with the help of conventional clay. By giving the layout of the plot the most appropriate form of relief and angle of incline, you will clearly see its features, determine the most appropriate location of the house and other buildings, paths, parking and rest area. At this stage, referring to the relief with the trajectory of the sun, it is worthwhile to think about the optimal location of the garden, tall trees, the garden zone. Be sure to solve the problem of organizing the movement of people around the site - you may need to arrange stairs. And now it is worthwhile to plan the most advantageous places for the placement of rockeries or alpine slides, dry creeks - these decorations are most appropriate and look very advantageous in areas with complex terrain.

Design of a country plot on the slope - photo

Design of suburban area on the slope - photo

Then comes the turn of the design of communications. Particular attention should be paid to water supply and sanitation. An inclined site does not always assume the presence of hidden, hidden from view corners, so all engineering facilities should be aesthetically flawless. At the same stage decide the issue of the organization of drainage. Water streams should be directed to specially designated for them channels, otherwise the relief of the site will change with time. Some areas located on the slopes are swamped at the bottom. This problem is solved by equipping a pond or digging a ditch.

Start planning the terraces. They are flat sections of different widths, located at different levels. From the bottom of the terrace can be fringed with a specially erected retaining wall, but in large areas sometimes do without terracing. In this case, a sharp bias between the terraces should be protected by geotextiles.

Features of plant selection

Plants for a site located on a slope

Plants for a site located on the slope

Of course, the final choice of plants for green spaces is dictated by the tastes of the site owners. But it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of selected trees and shrubs to the climatic features of the locality and give preference to the most enduring species with a well-developed root system. Here are the principles of selecting plants for the slope:

  • · The complex relief of the site also assumes a complex species composition of plants. This means that on the slope there must necessarily be a place for coniferous and deciduous trees, low bushes and a flat lawn. Such a variety will give the site a naturalness.
  • · In addition to decorative, plants perform the slope strengthening function. The dense sod keeps the soil, the bush across the slope prevents the occurrence of landslides.
  • · Plants living on slopes should tolerate a lack of moisture. Choose species, in natural conditions, populating hills and mountain slopes.

If we talk about the sites located in the hills in the central strip of Russia, then here it feels good conifers - cedar, mountain pine, junipers, spruce species. Of the deciduous trees, one should prefer birch, hazel, microbiota, in a humid climate - willow. Shrubs suitable for growing on slopes are numerous. For example, barberry, white durene, lilac, elder, rakitniki - a variety of shapes and colors will already create a beautiful composition. Indispensable are deciduous flowering plants - hosts, daylilies, irises. Fennel will create a perfect turf turf. And, of course, decorating the retaining walls of all kinds of plants for rockeries - sedums, cleansers, zhivichki.

Interesting design of the suburban area on the slope

Interesting design of the suburban area on the slope

Slope, for all its complexity, allows you to create a unique and distinctive design of the site. The main thing is to take into account natural factors, to overcome soil erosion, to arrange convenient zoning and to populate a site with suitable plants.

Video - landscape design of the site on the slope of

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