Dwarf apple trees are stunted trees with a spreading crown. This is not one variety, but a number of varieties on certain stocks. They are popular among gardeners and the Middle Strip, and regions of risky farming, because they are unpretentious and at the same time have a fairly high yield.
Features of the growth and structure of the dwarf apple tree, what kind of vaccination is it
- Appearance of a dwarf seedling
- Advantages and disadvantages of varieties of undersized apple trees
Description of good varieties of dwarf apple trees by growing area
- For Moscow region
- For the Urals
- For Siberia
- For the middle band
- For Ukraine
Landing Features
- Video: seedling planting technology
Further care
- Watering
- Fertilizer application
- Video: procedure recommendations
Diseases and pests
- Photo: signs of damage to the apple tree by diseases and pests
- Table: control methods and preventive measures
- Collection and storage of apples
- Gardeners reviews
Features of the growth and structure of the dwarf apple tree, what kind of vaccination is it
In height, dwarf apple trees reach no more than 2.5 m
Dwarf apple tree is not a new plant variety. A stunted tree can only be obtained by grafting a varietal stalk onto a clonal dwarf rootstock. The apple tree obtained in this way reaches a height of 1 to 2.5 m. In addition to its compact size, dwarf trees differ:
- small root system;
- early ripening of fruits (the crop can be harvested about 2 years after planting a tree);
- high yields.
Appearance of a dwarf seedling
Dwarf apple trees also have some features that should be considered when buying seedlings, so as not to purchase a fake. Near the root neck in low-growing specimens there is always a ledge, which is the site of vaccination. 2-year-old seedlings also have large buds, which are located at the ends of the shoots.
Often dwarf apple trees are confused with undersized colony-shaped. But these plants have a significant difference. Dwarfs have the same crown as ordinary trees, but they have a smaller size. Colon-shaped apple trees have no crown.
Advantages and disadvantages of varieties of undersized apple trees
Among the advantages of a dwarf apple tree, it is worth highlighting:
- high productivity;
- ease of care (pruning and harvesting is much more convenient due to the low growth of the tree);
- saving space on the site;
- unpretentiousness (can grow even in places with underground water).
An important advantage of dwarf specimens is that they require less nutrients.
The disadvantages of stunted trees:
- dwarf seedlings are more expensive than tall specimens;
- the life expectancy of short specimens is on average 10 years lower than that of tall apple trees;
- stunted trees need warming for the winter and more frequent watering.
Description of good varieties of dwarf apple trees by growing area
Varieties of dwarf apple trees, as well as varieties of tall apple trees are divided by maturity into the following groups:
- Summer (early). Apples in these varieties ripen in the middle of the summer period. They quickly mature and are not suitable for transportation.
- Autumn (mid-season). Such fruits ripen in early September. As a rule, they are large. The advantage of mid-ripe apples is long-term storage - at room temperature they can lie for 3 months.
- Winter (late). Harvest from late varieties can be harvested at the end of the autumn period. Hard and large fruits mature after harvest, suitable for transportation and long-term storage in the basement or refrigerator.
When choosing a variety, it is worth considering not only the ripening dates, but also the regionalization of the variety. Certain types of dwarfs tolerate Siberian frosts well, while others take root better in the suburbs and in Ukraine.
For Moscow region
The fruits of Moscow Grushovka have a sweet and sour taste
One of the most popular early varieties suitable for cultivation in the suburbs is Moscow Grushovka. This high-yielding apple tree tolerates frosts. The tree received this name due to its pear-shaped crown.
Bogatyr apples are sour and large
In the suburbs you can grow such a winter variety as Bogatyr. This fruit tree is resistant to most diseases. Its reddish-yellow apples taste like Antonovka.
Zhigulevskoe apple tree is popular due to the large tasty apples
In the dacha near Moscow, the mid-season Zhigulevskoye variety is well established. Large sour red-orange apples with delicate pulp can be harvested from this apple tree in early autumn. The disadvantage of this variety is that the tree does not tolerate severe frosts.
For the Urals
Chudnoy apples of 140 g weight have a dessert flesh
One of the common varieties with winter hardiness, which is necessary for growing in the Urals, is Chudnoye apple tree. Apples in this variety are juicy, yellowish-green, with a reddish blush.
The name of the variety Bratchud stands for "Brother of the Wonderful"
The high-yielding late variety Bratchud fructifies with greenish-yellow apples with weak-sucking sweet and sour flesh. The fruits of such an apple tree weigh 120 g each.
Sometimes in the apple tree, Snowdrop fruits in weight reach 300 g
Another frost-resistant late variety suitable for cultivation in the Urals is Snowdrop. Its fruits are ribbed, pale yellow. As a rule, apples weigh 160 g.
For Siberia
Apple tree Ermakovsky bred by crossing varieties Felix Altai and Altai dove
The apple tree Ermakovsky mountain is a summer variety that can withstand temperatures up to -50 ° C. The apples in this variety are small, round and smooth. The pulp of the fruit is fragrant, white, sweet and sour.
Uslada apple-tree bears fruit with round-conical fruits with red-raspberry blush
In Siberia, you can also grow such a winter-hardy variety as Uslada. The fruits of this variety are large and juicy. In weight, they reach 150 g. The flesh of these fruits is with a slight smack of raspberries.
Fruits of the Winter Lungwort can be stored in the cellar until spring
The late hybrid variety Medunitsa winter is resistant not only to cold weather, but also to various diseases. Its apples weigh 120 g and have a medium-sized pulp with a sweetish aftertaste.
For the middle band
Autumn stripes are also known as Streifling.
One of the suitable varieties is considered to be the Autumn Stripes apple tree. This mid-season variety has rounded sweet and sour apples weighing 200 g.
The variety Candy has apples with a yellow peel and a reddish-brown blush
One of the most popular summer varieties is Candy. Apples in this class ripen in August and weigh 120 g. Their flesh is juicy and sweet.
Melba apples come with a red dash-like blush
For cultivation in areas with a temperate continental climate, the early Melba variety is also suitable. The fruits of this apple tree in weight can reach 250 g. They ripen in the middle of the summer period. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, sweet and sour, with a caramel flavor.
For Ukraine
Large apples at Williams Pride apples come in an unusual raspberry-violet hue
In the Ukrainian garden, such an unusual summer variety as Williams Pride will take root well. Its fruits come in an interesting pale purple hue, have a pleasant taste and aroma. This variety is winter-hardy and resistant to various diseases.
Liberty fruits are covered with a bluish-wax coating.
The liberty apple tree with greenish-red fruits is also well suited for growing in temperate climates. The fruits of this autumn variety ripen by the beginning of October and can be stored for 5 months. 130 g weigh apples, and their pulp is loose and juicy.
Idared apples are arranged in clusters on branches, which looks very impressive and greatly facilitates harvesting.
One of the most famous varieties in Ukraine is Idared. This heat-loving late variety is great for growing in the southern regions and is distinguished by large yellowish-raspberry apples, which are rich in healthy substances.
Landing Features
Saplings of a dwarfish apple tree are desirable to get in a specialized nursery. It is better to take one-year-old or 2-year-old trees. Selected specimens should not have diseased roots. A two-year-old healthy tree reaches 55 cm in height, has a branched trunk and no more than 7 branches.
Dwarf apple trees can be planted in the middle of the autumn period, but it is better to plant in the spring, 2 weeks after the snow has melted.
It is recommended to plant a fruit tree in a well-lit place that is protected from drafts. The soil in the selected area should be slightly acidic or neutral. It is recommended to plant undersized trees on loams. Clay soil will need to be diluted with sand and peat.
A pit 60 cm deep and 55 cm wide needs to be prepared a week before the intended landing. To begin with, you should prepare the soil mixture by mixing part of the dug up earth with 2 buckets of humus. To this mixture you also need to add wood ash (700 g) and superphosphate (600 g). Then, in the center of the hole, it is necessary to establish a stake and pour the prepared soil mixture around it.
Step-by-step instructions for planting seedlings:
- Place the apple tree on a hill and spread its roots. The vaccination site should be 3 cm above the surface of the site.
- Fill the landing pit with garden soil without fertilizer.
- Tamp the soil.
- Pour seedlings with 2 buckets of water.
If you plan to plant several seedlings at once, then you need to leave a distance of 165 cm between them.
Video: seedling planting technology
Further care
The gardener will need to perform a number of the following procedures for caring for a dwarf apple tree:
- regular watering;
- fertilizing;
- pruning.
Low-growing trees also need to be sheltered for the winter. The trunk circle should first be covered with humus, and then with a spruce branch, which can be removed in winter, and instead, throw snow that has fallen.
A fruiting tree should be watered 3-5 times a year, and an apple tree that has not yet begun bearing fruit should be watered 3 times a year. The last watering should be carried out at the end of the summer period. Under one tree you need to pour 5 buckets of water. If the summer turned out to be arid, and the autumn is not rainy, then you need to carry out water-charging irrigation for the winter, during which you will need to pour 10 water per 1m2 plot.
Moisture-charging irrigation does not need to be carried out only if the tree is planted on a site with occurrence of groundwater.
Fertilizer application
A stunted apple tree needs to be fed 1 time in 2 weeks. Starting from 2 years of age, the plant should be fertilized with complex dressing at the rate of 30 g per 1 bucket of water. Twice a season, you need to feed the apple tree with organics (a bucket for each plant). In the summer, you need to fertilize the plant with superphosphate at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water. The last top dressing must be carried out in September and introduced during the procedure, fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus.
The first procedure should be carried out in the spring before the sap flow begins. During the pruning of the branches of young trees, you need to prune a little. In adult specimens, remove all branches that thicken the crown, shorten shoots on skeletal branches by one third and cut off broken branches. The place of cut must be treated with garden paste (Annoyance, RunNet). The second pruning should be done in the autumn. During it, only damaged and diseased branches are removed.
Video: procedure recommendations
Diseases and pests
Dwarf fruit trees suffer from the same diseases as ordinary apple trees. Most often, undersized specimens arise:
- Cytosporosis. This fungal disease most often develops in trees with damaged bark, as well as in weakened apple trees. Cytosporosis rapidly develops in the absence of top dressing and improper watering.
- Rust. This disease is caused by a fungus localized on conifers. Most often, rust affects the leaves of the apple tree, but sometimes branches and apples also suffer.
- Powdery Mildew The causative agent of the disease is also a fungus. Varieties that are resistant to most diseases do not suffer from this disease.
- Black cancer. This dangerous disease is rapidly developing and within a year destroys the plant, if you do not take any measures. Black cancer can also affect other fruit trees that grow near an infected tree.
- Scab. Some varieties of stunted apple trees are resistant to this disease, but if the spring turned out to be rainy, then they can suffer, as the fungal spores spread with water. In the places where the scabs are affected, the apple tree may develop other diseases.
- Proliferation. This disease is also called a witch's broom. Its causative agent is phytoplasm, which appears on the tissues of the bonsai tree if the vaccination rules are not observed. The fruits of a diseased apple tree are small and deformed.
The following pests can also attack a dwarf apple tree:
- Fruit plant. This parasite, which is a gray butterfly, damages most of the apples. Each of the insects can lay more than 200 eggs. Insects appear on the apple tree, usually 3 weeks after the beginning of the flowering period.
- Green apple aphid. Parasites settle mainly on young trees.
- Listobloshka. These small insects are also called apple thistle. They eat juice, which is pulled from the leaves of the plant.
Photo: signs of damage to the apple tree by diseases and pests
- With the development of rust, orange spots appear on the leaves on the upper side, in the center of which there are small black dots
- During proliferation, the affected branches release many thin, straight shoots, the internodes of which are shortened
- Powdery mildew initially affects the leaves of the apple tree, which curl and dry
- Green aphids can be found on the back of leaves
- With cytosporosis, the fungus affects the bark of an apple tree
- With the development of scab, dirty green spots appear on the leaves, and dark gray spots and cracks appear on the growing fruits.
- When black cancer occurs, indented brown spots form between the skeletal branches of the tree and the trunk, which turn black over time
- Fruits larvae feed on pulp and fruit seeds
- Listobloshka during drawing juices leaves spherical liquid secretions that stick together leaves and flowers
Table: control methods and preventive measures
Pest or disease | Ways to fight | Preventative measures |
Cytosporosis | To clean the affected bark and treat the wounds with a solution of copper sulfate | Treatment with a mixture of copper sulfate and hydrated lime |
Powdery mildew | Remove all injured shoots and treat the diseased apple with cumulus | Spraying all apple trees with Topaz |
Rust | Spray a diseased tree with Skor or Abiga Peak | Fungicide treatment of conifers in the garden |
Black cancer | To clean all the affected areas of the cortex, treat the wounds with a solution of copper sulfate and seal them with oil paint | Regular treatment with Bordeaux fluid (1%) |
Scab | Treat with fungicide (Thanos, Trichodermin) | Conducting foliar top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer |
Proliferation | Cut damaged parts of a tree, and destroy heavily affected young seedlings | Disinfection of garden tools |
Fruit plant | Treat with insecticides (Fufonon, Karbofos) | Planting on a site of plants that repel the fruit plant (wormwood, tansy) |
Green apple aphid | Spray the tree with soapy water. If this method does not bring results, then you have to resort to processing Oleokupritom | Proper feeding of plants and their regular watering |
Leaf-tree | Treat with insecticides | Implement timely pruning and harvesting |
Collection and storage of apples
The ripening time of apples depends on the plant variety. From one stunted tree you can collect an average of 4 buckets of apples. Fruits that are planned to be consumed immediately need to be picked ripe. Their seeds are brown in color, and the apples themselves are easily separated from the tree. If the fruits are removed for storage, then they should be harvested approximately 6 days before full ripening.
Harvesting is recommended on a non-hot day. If it has been raining recently, it is advisable to postpone the procedure for a couple of days to allow the apples to dry. Wet fruits are not stored for long, even if they are provided with ideal conditions.
Keep apples in wooden crates.
Apples that are planned to be stored must be of the same size, without any damage or traces of mold. Selected fruits should be placed in a refrigerator or dry cellar. They must be placed in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. Arrange apples so that they do not touch each other. To do this, you can overlay them with straw or sawdust.
To better preserve apples, each of them can be wrapped in a napkin.
Gardeners reviews
What can I say - my brother has been growing with me for about 8 years, fruiting since 5 years, a very beautiful dense compact crown - there is very little shear (it would be better), on the second year of fruiting yielded about 10 buckets of fruit, this year there are not enough apples on all apple trees - this year there will be a bucket, but now there are 200 grams of fruit, very delicious. It is good because it blooms later than the rest and is almost not damaged by frost. The diameter of the crown is 3 meters, height - about 180 cm.
We planted a dwarf apple tree. The apple tree is like an apple tree, only its growth is small, 2.5–3 meters high. We have White filling. Harvest depends on the year. Usually so, everyone has a lot of apples and we have a lot. I can also say this - it takes up more space than an ordinary apple tree. The usual (we have one) has grown, branches are up there somewhere, and under it we plant different plants. But under the dwarf you will not plant anything, everywhere its branches. In general, a giant bush on a stalk.
How many people, there are so many opinions, who really like them, who don’t really, but they all agree on the same apple tree prolific, low to 2 m, wide enough in diameter, branches thick, strong, withstand such a large the crop. But you need to choose the ripening dates, early - Miraculous, the rest later, there are autumn varieties of long-term storage, in a dry basement can be stored until spring.
Dwarf apple trees will need to provide proper care, otherwise they may develop various diseases, and the quality of the fruit will noticeably worsen.
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