To get a good potato crop, it’s important not only to choose the right variety. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the region and choose the right landing method. A competent approach to care is also important. With the proper organization of work, a rich harvest will not take long.
Features of planting potatoes
- Preparing potatoes for planting
Potato Growing Methods
- In a barrel
- In drawers
- In a bucket
On ridges and ridges
- Video: Potato Crest Formation
- Under the film
- At home
All not
- Video: Harvesting under Hay
- From the eyes
- On hydroponics
- Early potato cultivation
Plant care
- Watering potatoes
- How to get rid of weeds
- Pest and Disease Treatment
Potato varieties
- Video: Choosing the Best Potato Variety
Features of growing potatoes in the regions
In Siberia
- Video: two potato crops in Siberia per season
In Belarus
- Video: how to grow potatoes in Belarus
- In outskirts of Moscow
In the Urals
- Video: growing potatoes in the Southern Urals
- In the Donbass
In the Nizhny Novgorod region
- Video: growing potatoes in the North-West of Russia in difficult climatic conditions
In Siberia
- Reviews gardeners
Features of planting potatoes
In central Russia, potatoes begin to be planted in early May. The earth should warm up to at least 10 degrees. Potato belongs to the solanaceous family, so planting it after tomatoes, eggplant and sweet pepper is undesirable. The best predecessors are cabbage, beets, legumes, greens, cucumbers and siderates.
For potatoes, sandy, loamy or chernozemic soil is preferable. Clays are too heavy; potatoes on them will grow poorly. You need to prepare the soil since the fall: to plow, fertilize. You can sow siderates, such as mustard or rye. In spring, the soil needs to be plowed with green manure.
For planting potatoes, the plot should be sunny and protected from the wind.
There are a large number of ways to plant potatoes. It is necessary to take into account the variety, location of the site and the type of soil.
Preparing potatoes for planting
For planting, seed potatoes must be selected from the fall. The most suitable tuber size is 4–5 cm (weighing approximately 70–100 g). Greening potatoes is also better in the fall. So it will not be eaten by rodents and it will be preserved better. For this, it is enough to hold it in the sun for several days.
When germinating on potatoes, white sprouts form
Seeds need to be germinated a month before planting. To do this, scatter tubers in low boxes in 1-2 layers and place them in a warm place in the light. Sprouts 1–2 cm in size should appear. If the weather is still cold, and the sprouts have already grown, then the boxes must again be put in a dark place.
You can treat the tubers with a growth stimulator before planting. For example, Epin or Zircon. If you purchased planting material in a suspicious place, it is better to treat the tubers against infections. To do this, it is recommended to place them for half an hour in warm water (about 45 degrees) or in a 0.1% solution of boric acid.
Potato Growing Methods
There are many methods for planting potatoes. There are common and quite rare. Almost everyone has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, a new way is better to try in a small area. Over time, you will find the most suitable.
In a barrel
You will need an old barrel with a bad bottom or without it at all. A 20-30 cm drainage layer will need to be laid in a good barrel. After pouring 30 cm of fertile soil. If the soil is heavy, then 1/3 of the sand can be added. Lay potato tubers on the soil and cover them with a 20-cm layer of soil mixture. When the potato sprouts, it will need to be covered with soil before filling the barrel.
Barrel potato growing suitable for cold climates
The advantages of this method:
- the place is used sparingly;
- protects from pests;
- no weeds;
- early harvest ripens.
But this method also has disadvantages:
- there is a risk of waterlogging, which will lead to rot of tubers;
- quite time consuming;
- not suitable for regions with hot climates.
In drawers
A popular way for those with small gardens. Growing is similar to the previous method. First you need to put together a bottom from the boards and nail stakes 1-1.5 m high on the sides. You can do without a bottom and just drive the bars into the ground.
Next, you need to nail up several boards for the walls. You need to focus on the volume: two layers of earth 20-30 cm each should fit. Between them lay tubers.
Growing potatoes in crates is suitable for owners of small plots
As the tops grow, it will be necessary to pin the boards and cover it with earth. If you plant potatoes in mid-May, then by mid-July, the sprinkling of land should be stopped. The time of flowering will come.
In mid-September - early October, cut the tops and give about a week to ripen potatoes. Next, it remains to disassemble the boxes on the boards and collect potatoes.
This method will allow you to grow by 1 m2 a whole bag of potatoes.
In a bucket
The method is similar to landing in a barrel, but with some difference:
- holes must be made in the bottom of the bucket;
- only one tuber needs to be planted;
- such a mobile bed can be put in a greenhouse to accelerate ripening.
On ridges and ridges
Ridge planting is used in farms, because this is exactly what the technique is for. Planting is carried out by a potato planter; Manual labor is minimized.
Combs planted in industrial potato cultivation
When landing between the rows make a distance of at least 60 cm, and between the holes about 30 cm. With the growth of the tops of its spud, forming a comb. This method has proven itself in wet soils.
A feature of the method is the ability to prepare the soil in the fall. In the spring, without re-digging, you can begin to land.
Some plant potatoes in the ridges. It is believed that this increases productivity. The tubers are staggered. They are covered with soil and make sides, forming a bed. They spud 2-3 times a season. The first time you need to bury the tops completely when it grows by 5 cm. The second - after growing tops by 15 cm, and the last - before flowering.
Video: Potato Crest Formation
Under the film
Ideal for regions with dry summers. For planting you will need a black film. It is necessary to mark the area of the garden, cover with a film and dig in the edges so that it does not blow off.
Growing potatoes under the film is well suited for the South of Russia
It is necessary to get rid of sharp objects on the site. Even thick grass can damage the film.
Further, in the places of planting potatoes on the film, cuts are made crosswise, about 30 cm long. Between the bushes you need to observe a distance of at least 20 cm, between rows about 40 cm. Make a hole and plant potatoes in it.
This method has several advantages:
- dry crust does not form on the surface of the soil;
- quite easy to implement;
- help get rid of weeds;
- Ideal for areas with frequent droughts.
But he also has several drawbacks:
- cash investments are required;
- the film is easy to damage;
- poor soil ventilation;
- difficult to organize watering.
At home
Growing new potatoes year-round is not a myth. If you know the characteristics of the plant, then you can grow potatoes directly on the balcony. The main thing is to prevent the tubers from germinating and make them share.
To do this, you will need a box about 30 cm high.
- Pour 5 cm into the bottom of the compost bin.
- Lay tubers on top of it. The distance between them is better to leave no more than 5 cm.
- To fill up with the earth.
- You can make 1–2 more layers this way.
The optimum temperature is 25-30 degrees. Watering is not very plentiful once every 1-2 weeks so that the potatoes do not rot. After 4–5 months, white potatoes will be visible on the surface. With a lack of air and high temperature, sprouts will not appear and young tubers will form. It is better for this method to take potatoes larger than the average size.
All not
A method that is becoming increasingly popular. No wonder, after all, efforts must be made at least. With this method, you can not dig and not loosen the soil. Even an unspoiled area with perennial grass will do. But in the fall it will be much easier to dig. It is in this way that potatoes can be cultivated on heavy soils.
Growing potatoes in hay is easy even on heavy soils.
Tubers need to be laid on the ground or small grooves or holes made. Spread a layer of hay or straw on top. As the tops grow, it is covered with hay from above. Grass cuttings or weeds after weeding are suitable for this. In autumn, all that remains is to get clean tubers.
But the method also has disadvantages:
- it requires a lot of dry grass or straw;
- moisture is retained worse in hay, therefore, it will be necessary to water more often;
- there is a high probability that the mouse will start.
Video: Harvesting under Hay
From the eyes
Many potato growers agree that when planted with eyes, the crop is much larger. Indeed, from each eye shoots grow. When there are a lot of them, then they compete with each other and only one actively grows, but this does not happen when landing with individual eyes. Especially often varietal potatoes are bred in this way.
For planting fit healthy tubers of medium or large size. Prepare them a month before the proposed landing. Sprouts of about 1 cm should appear on them. Before planting, the tubers are cut into pieces. When dividing, it is worth remembering that the eye should be present on each lobule. You can place slices in rows more often than whole potatoes. Be sure to pour compost on the bottom of the groove.
Planting potatoes with eyes significantly increases yield
In early spring, you can plant your eyes in peat pots or a shallow drawer at home. When the time comes for planting, you will have seedlings with leaves and small young nodules. In this way, you can grow potatoes very early.
Care is no different from other planting methods. The main thing is not to miss the time of hilling and to carry out watering in sufficient quantities.
On hydroponics
The method of soilless cultivation is gaining more and more popularity. Its peculiarity is that plants are planted in a special substrate, which most often resembles coconut fiber. The nutrient material is diluted in water, which is watered and sprayed with the plant. This method compares favorably with the absence of a risk of disease. And with the right approach, you can harvest all year round.
To plant potatoes, you will need boxes with a depth of 30 cm and with sides 23 cm. Vermiculite is used as a substrate. Potatoes are laid on a 7-centimeter layer. As the tops grow, they add it to the edge of the box. The nutrient mixture is similar in composition to mixtures for other crops, but is enriched in phosphorus and poorer in nitrogen.
Among gardeners, the method is not popular, as it requires a lot of money to purchase a hydroponic installation.
Early potato cultivation
If you grow early potatoes, you can not only enjoy a fresh vegetable earlier than others, but also sell it. Landing technology differs from the late only in timing. But for the best result, you must follow the rules:
- use early varieties for planting;
- Choose healthy, medium-sized tubers
- be sure to germinate planting material;
- fertilize the soil.
The main role is played by the landing date. For early potatoes, the beginning of April is suitable. In open ground, the soil may not be ready. It is better to use peat pots for planting seedlings. You can cover the planting area with agrofibre or film, so that frost does not destroy the young shoots.
Plant care
For a rich harvest requires competent care. After planting, you need to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds so that healthy and strong seedlings appear. In addition, watering is required. After the emergence of seedlings, it will be necessary to hone the potatoes, feed them and process them from pests and diseases.
Proper potato care is the key to a good harvest
Before applying fertilizers, it is necessary to analyze the quality of the soil, because excess fertilizing can adversely affect the crop. The main fertilizer for potatoes is a solution of chicken manure and slurry. If necessary, you can make solutions of mineral fertilizers.
Watering potatoes
You need to start watering potatoes after the formation of buds. Before this, you need to make sure that the soil is sufficiently dry. Overmoistening can lead to rotting of tubers. Watering is done in the evening. One bush needs at least 2 liters of water. After watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil.
How to get rid of weeds
Gardeners always have to deal with such difficulties as weeds. You can use herbicides, but not everyone wants to poison their garden with chemistry. A manual way to get rid of them completely will not work, but you can reduce their number by preventive measures:
- Dig the garden in autumn and spring, choosing the roots. It is better to use the pitchfork, as the shovel cuts the roots, and they grow even more.
- In autumn, cover the area with film. Remove and dig in the spring. There will be much less weeds.
- Weeding on time. If the seeds ripen on the weeds, then next year there will be even more.
- Do not stack grass with seeds in a compost pit. Woodlice, for example, must be dried.
- Do not use fresh manure.
Potato weeding is carried out twice a season during hilling. The first time - when the sprouts grow to 4 cm, and the second - when they reach 20 cm.
It is better to use for hilling potatoes not a hat, but a plane cutter or a hoe
Significantly reduce the number of weeds can be, if you use covering material. For example, cardboard or black agrofibre.
Pest and Disease Treatment
The main potato pest is the Colorado potato beetle. You can use a folk remedy and treat the site during planting with ash. If folk remedies do not help, the site is sprayed with special drugs.
If you plant marigold or beans around the perimeter of the plot, you can scare off the Colorado beetles
Another pest of potatoes is the wireworm. You can fight it in a popular way. Along the perimeter of the site, you need to make several small pits with a depth of about 50 cm. Put chopped beets or carrots at the bottom. Top with metal or wood shields. Two days later, open a kind of trap and throw out the collected larvae.
Potato varieties
According to the starch content, potato varieties are divided into technical, universal, fodder and table. For food use varieties of the latter group. They are divided into 4 types:
- type A has a dense pulp and does not boil;
- type B has a dense, powdery pulp, poorly digested;
- type C has a soft flesh, is well digested;
- type D is completely digested.
Varieties may vary in color of tubers. They are white, red, purple, yellow and pink.
By the duration of ripening varieties are:
- Extra conservation - the first crop can be harvested after planting after 35 days;
- early - ripen on the 50th day;
- medium early - the average ripening period is 65–80 days;
- mid-season - reach full maturity after 90 days;
- medium late - up to 110 days;
- later - ripen for more than 110 days.
Video: Choosing the Best Potato Variety
Features of growing potatoes in the regions
For different regions, you need to choose the appropriate planting method and variety.
In Siberia
Because of the short summer, it is problematic for Siberians to grow a good potato crop. Prepare for planting tubers begin in late March. To do this, they are laid out in boxes for germination. You can plant from mid to late May. To achieve a better result, fresh manure can be added in the fall. This is not recommended in the spring.
The most common landing methods are in rows and in the comb. During the first hilling, seedlings are completely covered with soil due to the risk of frost.
Early varieties begin to be harvested from mid-August, later in September-October. When the tops begin to darken, you can mow it and leave the potatoes to ripen for another 5-7 days. For storage choose smooth tubers without damage.
It is better to choose early varieties for breeding in Siberia so that they have time to ripen:
- Adretta is the choice of many gardeners in Siberia. Early ripe variety with excellent taste. It is stored well under appropriate conditions;
- Agatha is an early variety. Tubers are light yellow oval-oblong. Potato tastes good, starchy, slightly digested;
- Prior is an early ripe variety. Oval tubers are yellow. It has good taste and excellent keeping quality. Moderately resistant to late blight, viral diseases and scab;
- Jelly is a mid-season table variety. Oblong yellow tubers.
Video: two potato crops in Siberia per season
In Belarus
Belarus is considered the birthplace of potatoes. Here she is valued and called the "second bread." Since the country is divided into three climatic zones, the landing methods are selected based on this. The most popular varieties that have proven themselves to be good crops and disease resistance:
- Dolphin;
- Lapis lazuli;
- Uladar
- Vesnyanka;
- Scarb.
Prepared potatoes are planted when the soil warms up to 10 degrees. If the temperature is lower during planting, shoots will appear later.
Variety Dolphin bred by the Belarusian Research Institute of Potato
In arid regions, it is best to choose a smooth landing or beds. At the same time, you need to deepen the tubers to a depth of about 9 cm and spud the potatoes once. At other times, the soil is loosened. If the moisture is sufficient, then you can plant in the combs.
Belarusian scientists are actively engaged in the development of new varieties of potatoes, which are valued and grow well both in Russia and Ukraine.
Video: how to grow potatoes in Belarus
In outskirts of Moscow
A climate favorable for planting prepared tubers is established in early May. The people have a sign that it is time to plant potatoes when leaves the size of a penny bloom on a birch.
Based on the composition of the soil, a suitable method is chosen. On chernozem, smooth, ridge and row methods are popular. The distance between the rows is about 30-40 cm. If the planting is too spacious, hollows, that is, voids, can form in the potato. For loamy soils, it is better to choose a method of planting in straw. At the same time, tubers need not be deepened into the ground.
After the last hilling, before flowering, you can put hay or sawdust around the bushes.
Varieties should be selected mid-early, which will ripen in 70–90 days, for example:
- Tuleevsky;
- Son;
- Anniversary of Zhukov;
- Cast iron.
In the Urals
The weather in the Urals is unpredictable, even in June frosts can happen. For potatoes, it is necessary to prepare a place for planting in the fall. For this, the earth should not be dug up, but covered with straw or mowed grass. In the process of decomposition, heat will be generated, which will allow to plant potatoes at the end of May. The tubers are covered with straw from above and planted as the tops grow.
It is better not to rush and plant potatoes in the period from June 10 to 20. If it gets into the heated soil, it will quickly grow. A plus late landing will be the absence of Colorado beetles.
Varieties for this region should be selected early and mid-early, which will reach maturity in 2-3 months, for example:
- Governor
- Bullfinch;
- White Spring;
- Bezhitsky;
- Effect.
Video: growing potatoes in the Southern Urals
In the Donbass
Due to the hot and arid climate of the region, suitable planting methods are chosen, for example, planting under a film. Deep plowing is preferred, 30–32 cm in depth, and a planting scheme of 50 to 50 cm. The width of the beds is at least 70 cm.
The drought-resistant early variety of Alena can be grown in different regions, as it adapts to soil and climate.
It is necessary to plant potatoes as early as possible so that it has time to “capture” spring water before the onset of drought. Ultra-early varieties are used. According to Donbass agronomists, Bellarosa is ideal. Also suitable varieties:
- Alyona;
- Lark;
- Impala
- Olympus;
- Gull.
Harvest early potatoes begin in mid-June.
In the Nizhny Novgorod region
Since the climate in the region is cold, you need to prepare potatoes for planting in three weeks. It needs to be scattered on boxes and put in a warm place for germination. To get an early harvest, you can plant several bushes with seedlings.
The methods and timing of planting are similar to the Urals and Siberia, because there are no large differences in climate.
For planting, it makes sense to choose early varieties, such as:
- Alyona;
- Lapis lazuli;
- Luck;
- Garnet.
Later varieties may not have time to ripen in a short growing season.
Video: growing potatoes in the North-West of Russia in difficult climatic conditions
Reviews gardeners
We also planted under the straw. The potato, however, was sprinkled with earth, but quite a bit as if dusting it. The harvest was not bad, but did not like that there were many slugs.  There were also a lot of eaten potatoes. As a result of all experiments, it was decided that it was better to plant twice a season. The pluses are that we are moving away from heat and colorado. And the temperature is favorable for potatoes. And the potato planted in August is stored better.
So, in early May, my daughter and I planted 5 potatoes at the bottom of the barrel, as is written. The land was very good - humus. The barrel was regularly watered. Perhaps the sprouts sometimes managed to outgrow a height of 2-3 cm. Spud the same humus. They waited, waited, and today they asked dad to shake out our expectation. Out of 5 potatoes, 26 grew. They were evenly distributed over the entire height of the barrel to the very top. But 26 potatoes is not a bag!!! This is not even a bucket! This saucepan is small, we need more for dinner. In general, we are in a light sadness. In easy, because this is not the goal of life! Another interesting fact is that on the underground stems there were about 20 beginnings of new stolons. So, if we lived in the south, and not in the middle lane, then the harvest could be larger - half a bucket. The conclusion is this. We must try again. Experience may be unreliable due to various circumstances.
You see, the method of planting is of course important, but it does not guarantee a good crop in itself. There are still needed: a good varietal planting material, the correct composition of the land, proper watering and many other factors.
There are traditional and unusual ways of planting potatoes. You need to choose the right one, taking into account the particular climate of the region. But a good crop will be harvested only if you make an effort and competently take care of the plantings.
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