Early varieties of apple trees: a selection with a description and characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, photos of apples

When apples are crazy, varieties with different ripening periods are necessarily grown on the garden plot: the most abundant and prolific mid-season cultivars are they are waiting for blanks and pies, the later varieties are a paradise for gourmets, so they are fragrant, sweet and juicy, and are stored almost to spring. The first ones in a hurry are always to taste the ripening apples - with sourness, not everyone still has aroma and spicy varietal notes, sometimes without a ruddy side, but even such we love the early summer varieties only because it’s ours, dear.


  • How to choose an early apple variety
  • The best early matrices for different regions of Russia: names and descriptions of varieties, photos of apples
    • Video: an overview of some early ripe apple varieties (Chinese Golden, Melba, Summer striped)
    • Summer striped
    • Early morning
    • Grushovka Moscow - a sweet old variety
      • Video: apple tree Grushovka Moscow
    • Early Bolonyaeva
    • White filling
      • Video: apple tree White filling
    • Early Red (Early Red)
    • Scarlet early
    • Earlier Uktus (Uktus early)
    • Papier
      • Video: Apple tree Papirovka
    • Geneva Airlie (Early Geneva)
      • Video: Geneva Apple Earley (Early Geneva)
    • Helena
      • Video: apple variety Elena
    • Miraculous
      • Video: the grade of the apple tree Wonderful
    • Chinese early gold
    • Candy
      • Video: apple variety Candy
    • Golden summer
    • Mantet
    • Table: Varietal features of the above summer apple trees

How to choose an early apple variety

In the gardens of compatriots, the apple tree is a favorite and dominant fruit culture. And if you decide to plant an apple tree, first of all you should pay attention to the specifics of cultivars: growing trees with different ripening periods, you can get a crop from June to September. Summer apple varieties ripen no earlier than the 2nd-3rd decades of June - in regions with a mild climate (Krasnodar Territory, Caucasus Region, Crimea), in the middle lane by summer You can enjoy early ripening already in early July, although such varieties as White Bulk and Summer Striped are ripped off already in June - albeit with sourness, but juicy. In Siberia and the Urals, summer apples ripen by the end of July, at best from 10-15.

Harvest apples

Competent culture is the key to a generous harvest and longevity of a tree

We must pay tribute to the climatic features of the territory in which the apple orchard will grow. In our Black Earth region this summer 2019, the White filling could be torn off already in the 2nd decade of June - sour, but without a sore point. And these apples are especially good, usually by the end of June - in early July. In St. Petersburg, relatives of the White Bulk ripen in late July, less often before. Thus, the separation of summer varieties by maturity can be called conditional.

Before planting an apple tree on your site, you should take into account some more varietal characteristics of the culture. What else to look for before planting an apple tree?

  • Pollination method: partially self-fertile varieties need additional pollination to increase productivity, self-fertile differ in excellent returns even when grown in monoculture, self-infertile varieties are necessarily cultivated together with by others.
  • Fruit-bearing period - there are early-growing apple trees, the first crop of which is received on the 3rd – 4th year, ordinary (with later fruiting) fruiting is tied only on the 6th – 7th year.
  • Zoned apple trees guarantee better survival of the seedling, and subsequently stable productivity, resistance to weather and climatic conditions.
  • High cultivars drive out a powerful crown, while oppressing neighboring crops - this is important to remember when planting an apple tree together other types of fruit trees and ornamental shrubs; but at the same time, high and medium-sized varieties differ productivity.
  • Low-growing and columnar apple trees are preferable to grow in regions with harsh climates - less likely to freeze.
  • The taste of the fruit also plays a significant role in the selection of seedlings: technical varieties rarely differ in outstanding aroma, may acidify; desserts are fragrant, juicy, sweet apples, provided that the tree is grown in compliance technology.
Red apples

If you want apples, then you immediately imagine the rosy, puffy fruits, but in fact, both green and yellow-fruited early summer cultivars are not inferior in taste and aroma to red-fruited

The best early matrices for different regions of Russia: names and descriptions of varieties, photos of apples

According to experts, early-summer apples are more frost-resistant, but not at all designed for long-term storage: summer early ripening, torn from a tree, can lie down for 2-3 weeks, and scavenger retains its taste and aroma only 5 days maximum. One of the important advantages of summer apple varieties is the ability to grow in almost any climate: early ripeners fully reveal their potential in the southern regions, these cultivars are loved in Central Russia, in areas with a short cool summer, summer varieties are perhaps the only opportunity to enjoy their own harvest apples.

Video: an overview of some early ripe apple varieties (Chinese Golden, Melba, Summer striped)

Summer striped

Starting a conversation about early-summer apples, I would definitely like to say a few words about the Summer Striped - this is the South Ural tall cultivar. For the unique taste and shape of the fruit, he annually receives the highest marks from the sortologists. The fruits of the summer striped elongated, with blurry rosy strokes, the flesh is refreshing, juicy, hard, weigh the fruits of 120-200 g.

Other features of the variety:

  • tree height 10-12 m;
  • It adapts well to different climatic conditions;
  • bears fruit annually;
  • moderately resistant to scab and fruit rot;
  • productivity from a tree to 35 kg.

Theoretically, from the strong and reliable, the early Summer Striped is praised. Unbreakable wood and apples are delicious, sometimes acidic, and are great for drying.

Andrey Vasiliev

http://dacha.wcb.ru/index.php? showtopic = 48372

Summer striped

Summer striped - early ripening with good yields

Early morning

Michurinsky early maturing Early morning appeared on the agricultural market not so long ago, official data on the variety are not yet available. Nevertheless, this apple tree is appreciated among gardeners for early maturity and early ripening.

Description of the apple tree:

  • fruits are round-conical, with a red blush, on the peel there is a waxy coating, weigh 120–160 g, the flesh is sour, fine-grained, aromatic;
  • dense peel allows you to transport fruits and store for a long time;
  • winter hardy;
  • drought tolerant.
Early morning

They say that the fruits of the apple tree Early morning does not crumble even when ripe

Grushovka Moscow - a sweet old variety

This cultivar became famous in Russia as far back as the 17th century, today it is grown everywhere - in the south, in Siberia, in the Central belt, and everywhere the tree gives a good harvest. Along with modern varieties, Grushovka may lose a little: poor winter hardiness, high sensitivity to fungal diseases, later fruiting - however, the variety is loved and appreciated. Grushovka fruits are massive - up to 220 g, sweet, can be stored for almost 3 weeks, are good in fresh form and in canned preparations.

Other features of the variety:

  • medium-sized - 5–7 m;
  • matures in late July - early August;
  • fruits are lemon yellow with carmine strokes, the flesh is light, juicy, with astringency, the skin is dense.
Grushovka Moscow

Despite the dense skin of the fruit, it is undesirable to transport Grushovka

It is curious how it is characterized by the American pomologist W. Hedrick (in the USSR, his Pomology came out in 1937), which describes 114 varieties in the United States. He has his own classification of varieties. He attributes the pear to the acid section, in the early section, to the red group. Excerpts from the description: “A standard summer variety for the most northern areas. The fruits are attractive in color and have a pleasant sour taste. Apples are small and much inferior to other summer varieties of fruit areas. Grushovka is the first Russian variety introduced in 1835. Gardeners Society in Massachusetts.... ..the pulp is very fragrant, the quality is mediocre or good.


https://forum.prihoz.ru/viewtopic.php? t = 7304 & start = 30

Video: apple tree Grushovka Moscow

Early Bolonyaeva

Far Eastern variety Previously, Bonyaeva, bred in the 70s of the last century, became famous for its precocity and fruit flavor: whitish apples with a striped blush are not large - only 45–80 g, but sweet, odorous, very juicy. The variety is good for processing - in jam, compote and dried fruits.

Varietal characteristics of the apple tree:

  • the crop is stored up to 15 days;
  • the tree is not afraid of sunburn;
  • frost resistant;
  • resistant to monilial burn and scab.
Early Bolonyaeva

Early Bolognaeva in the Amur Region matures on August 1–10

White filling

One cannot help but recall the White filling - an old variety, it was presented by folk selection, the apples remain greenish and sour until ripened. The fruits acquire sweetness when they have already fallen from the branches, it is important not to miss the moment - in ripened Naliva, the flesh quickly deteriorates, becomes loose and tasteless. Fruits weigh from 80 to 150 g - fragrant and juicy bulk apples are good in pies, go for juice and jam, it is not recommended to store them.

Grade Features:

  • frost resistant;
  • apples quickly crumble;
  • with a plentiful harvest, the tree needs reliable supports;
  • non-transportable;
  • often sick with scab.
White filling

The white filling has a delicate skin, dents and spots remain on the drop - it’s better to immediately take such a crop for processing or have

Two summer ones (White Bulk and Melba) and two winter ones (Velikan and Northern Sinap) grow. White Bulk, it is Papiroka. Soft, early apples, wonderfully dried - sweet, peel insensitive. And in jams.


http://dacha.wcb.ru/index.php? showtopic = 64994

Video: apple tree White filling

Early Red (Early Red)

The ultra-early variety Krasnoe early is appreciated for its resistance to low temperatures and drought, the cultivar impresses with stable fruiting. The main advantage of the apple tree is self-pollination, bright scarlet appetizing apples of Red Early, 180-200 g, according to the promises of the authors of the variety, will be on the table every summer.

Varietal characteristics of the apple tree:

  • medium-sized - 4–5 meters;
  • winter hardiness is average;
  • sometimes sick with cytosporosis, fruit rot, scab.
Early red

Productivity of Red Early from one tree is about 27–32 kg

Red early apples are beautiful, medium-sized, summer, but I’m not happy with the taste, although you can’t call it really bad either: sweet and sour, with a strong characteristic aroma. The tree is not high.


http://dacha.wcb.ru/index.php? showtopic = 14349 & st = 144

Scarlet early

The cultivar was obtained in the 60s of the last century and surpassed the maternal line - Papirovka in quality characteristics and winter hardiness. Scarlet early became famous for early maturity, resistance to low temperatures and decay. And the fruits of Scarlet will not leave anyone indifferent: bright red, shiny, with light fine-grained pulp, crispy and odorous, weigh up to 170 g.

Description of apple variety:

  • medium height;
  • moderately resistant to scab;
  • undemanding to the soil;
  • tolerates freezing well.
Scarlet early

Early scarlet - rosy, appetizing, bulk, ripens in early August

The first crop was removed from the Early Aloe variety. Unfortunately, last year the tree was severely affected by scab and dropped all the ovaries, and this year it was cured. Small-sized apples, beautiful, with a thick blush. It tastes sweet and sour, for my taste, sweets are not enough, but this year everything that can be soured. Fragrant. Alas, they are similar to Papiroka in terms of the quality of the flesh, an absolutely summer variety, and I love the more mild and juicy ones. For lovers of White filling and Papirovki variety is the best. A dozen apples were eaten with pleasure and came to the conclusion that we would mercilessly cut a tree, not letting it grow into a huge monster.



Earlier Uktus (Uktus early)

This local Sverdlovsk precocity, according to the sortologists, is intended to please gardeners of the Urals and Siberia. Uktus early ripens quickly even in conditions of unpredictable weather in the Siberian region - by the 1st – 2nd decade of July –– this is early for Siberia and the Urals. And the taste and productivity of Uktus will not allow farmers to abandon this variety even in favor of the latest cultivars - the return of one tree is about 50 kg. The stigogram fruits of the Uktus early apple tree are oblong-rounded, yellowish-orange with bright red blurry strokes, the flesh is white, juicy, with a slight acidity. This apple tree belongs to the winter-hardy and drought-resistant varieties.

Other varietal characteristics:

  • strong-growing tree - up to 6–10 m;
  • fruits are stored no more than 14-21 days;
  • prevention of scab and gray rot is required.
Uktus early

The fruits of Uktus early table and are good for processing


Lovers of early apples note that Papirovka fruits hang on a tree for a long time, remain juicy, firm, pleasant to taste. This variety is often compared with the White Bulk, but knowledgeable gardeners will not confuse them anymore: they say that apples have more juicy and stiff flesh, the skin is darker than that of Bulk, with a scar on the side, the shelf life is also longer - up to 2-3 weeks, and White filling is difficult keep.

Other features of the variety:

  • tall - up to 9 m;
  • the return of one tree is 28-30 kg;
  • struck by a scab.

The paprika for a really inexperienced eye will seem the same as the White pouring

The pulp of apples Papirovki is very delicate, at the same time dense, white in color and with a sweet and sour taste. Despite the bright acidity and weak aroma, the apples are very tasty, juicy and tender. On the other hand, it is very important to prevent over-ripening, since in this case the flesh will be a little powdery. Ripening occurs in late July. Due to the fact that the skin of apples of this variety is quite thin, they are stored for no more than three weeks. Even with small strokes, they are prone to darkening and the beginning of decay, as a result of which they are rarely grown for commercial purposes. The main use of Papirovka apples is fresh consumption and processing to produce juices. The disadvantages of the variety include the frequency of fruiting of the tree, as well as the tendency to reduce yield with age. Many gardeners consider the lack of bright colors to be a clear minus, which is generally debatable, since the delicate shade of these apples is also very attractive.


https://forum.vinograd.info/showthread.php? t = 11904

Video: Apple tree Papirovka

Geneva Airlie (Early Geneva)

This early summer cultivar first appeared on Belgorod land. Geneva Earley is rarely affected by scab and is considered a heat-resistant variety. The pictogram fruits of Geneva are painted in brownish-red shades, the flesh is yellowish, semi-oily, dense.

Geneva Airlie

Geneva Airlie - a suitable variety for the Black Earth and Volga regions

Varietal features of the apple tree:

  • medium height;
  • keep the crop no more than 2 weeks;
  • annual fruiting;
  • drought tolerant.

Video: Geneva Apple Earley (Early Geneva)


A cultivar from Belarusian breeders has won the hearts of compatriots for many years. Variety experts consider this apple tree to be the most winter-hardy and unpretentious of the earliest, and the weather almost never affects the return of the tree and the taste of the fruit. Helen's apples are pinkish, weighing up to 150 g, the pulp is light, quite juicy, with a pleasant fruity aroma.

Varietal characteristics of the apple tree:

  • undersized;
  • annual fruiting;
  • when overripe, the fruits become soft and tasteless;
  • the crop is stored for no more than 3 weeks;
  • resistant to powdery mildew.

The peculiarity of the Elena variety is that it does not need additional pollination for high returns

By grade Elena. The term of consumption is rather the end of July - the beginning of August, this is for climates. conditions of Belarus. Apples are already medium-sized, but when overloaded with crops (and they want to sit close to the branch), they also grow smaller in older trees. The same thing is with underfeeding, although, I think, for Ukrainian soils this is irrelevant. In my opinion, the variety has 2 difficulties: 1) in his youth he strives to form a narrow, raised, "broom" crown. It is necessary to form carefully. But at the same time it is formed easily. For example, branches bent from the weight of the fruits are fixed horizontally; 2) hard to catch the optimum time for picking fruits is easy to over-ripen on the tree, then juiciness is reduced and simplified taste. Filmed a little immature, they are stored in the cellar for 2-3 weeks and gain better taste than those ripened on a tree, oddly enough. This, of course, is subjective.


https://forum.vinograd.info/showthread.php? t = 9687

Video: apple variety Elena


The small apple tree of the Chudnaya variety is a dwarf cultivar of the Ural breeding (not higher than 2–2.5 m), practically does not require the formation of a crown, does not need special care, regularly bears fruit without top dressing. The crop ripens early - at the end of June, the maturity of the variety is high - the first crop is already in the 3rd year. The fruits of the Wonderful are yellowish, with a bright red blush, the flesh is light yellow, sweet, with a cinnamon aftertaste, apples gain about 140-200 g.

Variety specifics:

  • dwarf apple trees require top dressing 2 times a year - in spring and autumn, it is also necessary to ensure regular watering;
  • when stored in the refrigerator, the fruits of the Wonderful lie up to 2.5 months;
  • high resistance to scab, powdery mildew, fruit rot;
  • differs in high frost resistance.

Variety Chudnoe is able to produce crops without the participation of other pollinators

Wonderful (dwarf) - all covered with large green sweet (almost sour) apples. If they lie down, they become a little cottony. For such a tree, the fruits seem very large. This variety needs constant supports (at least for me) - as it did not try to form, the branches are long, thin - they fall apart, and even when apples - back up at least every branch there. When the wind crumbles. Not for storage, only for food. I liked the variety very much. Compared to the colony-shaped Currency (on which there were only 3 apples), it does not go, although they were planted simultaneously.

Posted by: Наталья


Video: the grade of the apple tree Wonderful

Chinese early gold

This is the brainchild of Michurin breeders - the result of the crossing of the White Bulk and Kitayka: the fruits are light green, in ripeness - golden, juicy, but small, drop-like, weigh no more than 50-60 g. The medium-sized Kitayka golden tree does not produce large crops, but is characterized by high early maturity (apples already exist in the 3rd year) and winter hardiness. Scab often negatively affects crop productivity. In addition, small amber apples crumble, store them no more than 5-7 days.

Grade Features:

  • suitable for whole-canning;
  • sometimes affected by moniliosis and gray rot;
  • resistant to drought.
Chinese early gold

The pulp of the fruits of Kitayka is golden yellowish, of good taste, sour

My relatives in a small village near Kursk grew near the courtyard Kitayka with yellow fruits. She did not impress the owner of the site, he said: a big piece of mouth is happy, and this is so, children's joy. In fact, small golden apples are placed in a little child’s hand and all the children in the district loved these apples - even immature, tart apples tore. But now, when I’m no longer a child, I think that the Chinese golden apple tree is worthy of attention, if not for unprecedented productivity, then for decorativeness for sure.


Fragrant sweet fruits of Candy are loved for an early harvest and excellent taste - if the Candy’s apple tree grows on the site, it means that there is always something to cook compote and jam, to prepare the filling for the pie, this is a great treat for guests. The fruits of the cultivar are of the correct round shape, slightly flattened, greenish, with a raspberry-orange blush, weigh 80–190 g, juicy, fragrant flesh. What is not less important:

  • medium-sized tree;
  • cold-resistant variety;
  • in wet summer it is often affected by scab;
  • apples can be stored in the fruit storage for up to 65 days;
  • at room temperature, the candy pulp softens, the cultivar is not subject to transportation over long distances.

Unlike other "variegated" varieties, Candy has an orange-golden blush

Apple-tree Candy is a new summer variety of VNIIS im. Michurin obtained from crossing Papiroki and Korobovki. The apple tree variety is early and productive. It has very sweet, like sweets, fruits. Even unripe, they are tastier than the ripened fruits of many known varieties. For children, this is the best summer apple variety. Fruits of medium size, weighing up to 70-100 g. They have a light yellow color with a red tint, ripen in late July - early August. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded crown. The flesh of the fruit is juicy, with a delicate sweet taste, with acidity. The variety has an average winter hardiness.


https://forum.vinograd.info/showthread.php? t = 11931

Video: apple variety Candy

Golden summer

August variety Golden summer, reminiscent of Antonovka, with truncated conical yellowish, even sometimes dark golden fruits, great for processing - they make juices, jam, mashed potatoes, preserves, apple mousses and pie fillings. The pulp is yellow, sugary on a break, fragrant, without sourness. The fruits of the Golden Summer weigh about 140–160 g.

Variety Description:

  • stored up to 3 weeks;
  • suitable for transportation over long distances;
  • resistant to scab, sometimes affected by gray rot.
Golden summer

Golden summer excellent fruiting in the south: here the yield of a cultivar can exceed 240 centners per hectare


This Canadian cultivar has several advantages over other summer varieties: long-term fruiting, the taste of red apples with a snow-white fragrant center will win the heart of any gourmet, you can store fruits in a cool room up to three weeks. But there are also drawbacks - the variety is not able to give a crop every year - fruiting is periodic, scab is the main enemy of the Mantet apple tree.

Other varietal characteristics of the variety:

  • tall (up to 7–10 m);
  • large fruits, with a pale pink blush, weigh up to 160-200 g;
  • frost resistance is average;
  • fruiting occurs only in the 7–8th year.

Mantet bright raspberry apples are good for fresh consumption and for processing

My mantet grows (Ryazan region) on chernozem. In 2006 and 2009, fruit buds froze. But abundant fruiting is not annual. Last year, it was bursting with apples, but this year - 2-3 dozen.



Table: Varietal features of the above summer apple trees

Name of apple variety Distribution Region Fruiting rate Pollination method Productivity, t / ha
Early morning Central Russia, Siberia, Ural early (for the 3rd year) partially self-fertile (pollinators Candy, Mantet, White filling) 120
Summer striped Ural region, Siberia, North-West Russia quick-growing (for 3-4 years) partially self-fertile (pollinators Papirovka, Melba) 100
Grushovka Moscow Central Russia, harsh regions, south late fruiting (on the 6-7th year) self-infertile (pollinators White filling, Candy, Antonovka) 160
Early Bolonyaeva Ural, Primorye, Far East early self-infertile (pollinated by varieties Reliable, Augustow Far East) 75
White filling Central Russia, Volga region quick-growing (for 4–5th year) partially self-fertile (pollinators Antonovka, Mekintosh, Candy) 300–420
Scarlet early middle strip of Russia, Volga region quick-growing (on the 2nd – 3rd year) self-infertile (pollinators Altai ruddy, July Chernenko, Papiroka) 170
Early Uktus (Early Uktus) Siberia, Ural, Leningrad Region quick-growing (for 4–5th year) partially self-fertile (early Ural pollinators, Papirovanie, Antonovka) 280
Papier Northwest, Volga region, Chernozemye quick-growing (for 3-4 years) partially self-fertile (pollinators White filling, Melba, Candy) 210
Red earlier (Red early) North-West, the middle strip of Russia early (for the 4th year) self-fertile 190–240
Geneva Airlie Chernozemye, Volga region quick-growing (for 3-4 years) partially self-fertile (pollinators Mantet, Candy, Antonovka) 180
Helena Siberia, Chernozemye, Ural quick-growing (on the 2nd – 3rd year) self-fertile 260
Miraculous Central Russia, Northwest, Siberia early (for the 3rd year) self-fertile 170–220
Chinese early gold middle lane, North-West, Volga-Vyatka region early (for the 4th year) partially self-fertile (pollinators Antonovka, White filling) 120
Candy Siberia, Northwest, middle lane high early maturity (2–3 year) partially self-fertile (pollinators Melba, Papiroka) 100
Golden summer Crimea, Krasnodar, Caucasus, Rostov Region, south of the Black Earth Region quick-growing (for 3-4 years) partially self-fertile (pollinators Antonovka, Mantet) 184
Mantet middle strip of Russia late fruiting for the 7-8th year partially self-fertile (pollinators White filling, Antonovka, Papiroka) 200–290

Early summer varieties of apple trees are represented by different cultivars - early-growing and common, partially self-fertile and requiring additional pollination. There are early ripeness with crimson fruits and green-faced, juicy, fragrant, hard and with fleshy pulp, sweet and with sourness - for every taste. But most importantly, productivity and immunity. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing apple varieties that are suitable for the climatic zone, then the productivity of the tree will be at its best and the garden culture will not be subdued to diseases. And knowledge of agricultural technology will accelerate "close" familiarity with your favorite varieties of apple trees, preserve them and achieve stable fruiting.

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