The best varieties of cherries, including self-fertile for Central Russia

Not every gardener in central Russia grows sweet cherries on the plot - many people think that this crop is more whimsical and thermophilic in comparison with cherries. In fact, modern varieties allow you to choose a suitable cultivar for almost any climate of our homeland, trees are different heights, with excellent yields, without excessive requirements for care, but with excellent large berries - white, yellow, red. Without unnecessary efforts, but with the observance of agricultural technology, you can get a good harvest of selected berries in 3-4 years after planting. Do not believe it - see for yourself!


  • How the cultivation of cherries in the middle lane will differ from the cultivation of cherries
  • Choosing the most delicious sweet cherry variety: descriptions and reviews
    • Video: cherries Odrinka, Iput, Revna in the suburbs
    • Tyutchevka - does not need comments
    • Fatezh: for taste, winter hardiness and productivity - “five”
    • Chermashnaya - yellow sweet cherry with melting flesh
    • Iput - an old proven cultivar with a powerful crown
    • Sweetheart - a self-fertile and frost-resistant hybrid of Canadians
    • Revna - the sweetest sweet cherry, partially self-pollinated
    • Bryanochka: sweet cherry for the North-West and Moscow Region
    • Sheepskin - a short species, when the spool is small, but expensive
    • Red Hill - for dessert and compote
    • In memory of Astakhov - a universal variety with large berries
    • Video: a selection of the best varieties of cherries for the middle band (Veda, Krasnaya Gorka, Revna, Bryanochka, In memory of Astakhov and others)
    • Table: Other varieties of cherries successfully cultivated by middle-gardeners
      • Photo gallery of sweet cherry varieties presented in the table

How the cultivation of cherries in the middle lane will differ from the cultivation of cherries

Cherry, plum, apple tree are not uncommon for domestic summer residents. But not everyone wants to get in touch with cherries: some people think that this culture is “with character,” while others find it difficult to find the right variety. In fact, the State Register offers a choice of almost a hundred different cultivars of this culture, among which there are about three dozen varieties designed specifically for the climate of central Russia.

The middle strip of Russia or the European (Central) part includes the Moscow, Leningrad, Novgorod, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Kirov region, Chernozem regions, Mari El, Chuvashia, Mordovia. The Central European part of Russia is characterized by a temperate continental climate.

Sweet cherry is a close relative of bird cherry (genus Plum) - the parent of most varieties of cherries and its species. Sweet cherry is self-infertile, characterized by rapid growth of shoots and crown, especially in the first years of life, feels best in a temperate climate, in regions with severe winters it can freeze. Cherry trees reach a height of 3-5 m, with the correct formation of the crown and regular care (this applies to adult representatives of this stone fruit culture) they can give up to 35-40 kg of fruit. In addition, cherries are an excellent honey plant, wood is used for the manufacture of carpentry.


Cherry and cherry - representatives of one genus Plum

Cherry is a thermophilic tree; its frost resistance is lower than that of cherries. Cherry is planted where there are no drafts, but there is plenty of sun. This culture does not like acidic soil and grows poorly where groundwater is too close. Typically, fruiting occurs in the 4–5th year from the moment the seedling is planted in a permanent place, lasts until the age of 15–17 years.

From Byzantium, the berry came to Ancient Russia (Kiev). From the XII century appeared in Moscow. It is believed that the first gardens in the suburbs were planted by Yuri Dolgoruky. And the widespread spread of delicious culture, Russia owes the monks. For centuries, monasteries were centers of gardening.

Cherry differs from cherries primarily in fruits - large, fleshy drupes of cherries are weaker, but less aromatic than cherries. Cherry berries can be with bright yellow, whitish, scarlet, carmine peel, in some cultivars round berries, in others oval, there are even slightly flattened, with a scar on the side, heart-shaped, in diameter up to 2.5-3 cm, the taste is sweetish, without specific flavor. How else to distinguish cherries from cherries:

  • sweet cherry is a powerful, tall tree, cherry can be bush, with smaller and thin shoots;
  • unlike cherries, cherries have a high straight stamb and a light crown;
  • cherry leaves are oval, long, with strong serrations, hanging.

Cherry is a many-sided berry, but the taste is always worthy

Choosing the most delicious sweet cherry variety: descriptions and reviews

Cherry assortment is quite diverse: most varieties are self-infertile, but domestic farmers cultivate and partially self-fertile varieties of modern selection (not requiring additional pollination), tall trees and dwarf. There are early-growing cultivars - fruiting occurs already in the 3-4th year, varieties with low early maturity are ready to yield crops only in the 5-6th year. Variety experts advise picking more winter-hardy varieties, especially for middle-zone regions located closer to the North-West.

It is believed that yellow fruit cherries are more fresh, but sweet, and red - with sourness and a specific aroma.

Video: cherries Odrinka, Iput, Revna in the suburbs

Tyutchevka - does not need comments

This is an old variety of cherries. For more than 40 years, Tyutchevka has been valued for productivity and delicious berries. The cultivar is almost self-infertile, it is best to plant Iput, Jealous or Ovstuzenka nearby for additional pollination. The winter hardiness of Tyutchevka is average, and fruiting occurs only in the 5–6th year. The berries of this cherry are carmine, widely round, with dark subcutaneous impregnations - juicy, fragrant, sweet, weigh up to 6-8 g.

My Tyutchevka grows and bears fruit. But in my conditions it begins to ripen on the twentieth of July, just the rains begin. The third year she has fruiting and never once has she completely matured 100%, from the rains she bursts, wasps, flies fly. She, of course, is still tasty, sweet and everyone likes.

Valery Gor. t = 253 & start = 2145


Resistance of Tyutchevka to moniliosis is high, to coccomycosis and klyasterosporiosis average

Fatezh: for taste, winter hardiness and productivity - “five”

High winter hardiness and incredible yield indicators from one adult Fatezh tree will make you love this variety of cherries forever. Expert evaluation of Fatezh berries is average, in comparison with other representatives of this culture, berries this cherry is small - 4 g each, red, fleshy cartilaginous, with acidity, universal in consumption. But the return of the tree in adulthood can exceed 40 kg. The average productivity of Fatezh reaches 139 kg / ha. Coccomycosis and moniliosis rarely affect the shoots of this cherry, fruit rot Fatezhu is also not afraid. In addition, the variety is quick-growing - berries appear already in the 4th – 5th year; pollinators are required for effective fruiting (for example, Iput, Revna).


The Fatezh variety does not have the largest berries, but stable returns and tolerance to weather incidents are more important

Chermashnaya - yellow sweet cherry with melting flesh

The yellow-fruit variety Chermashnaya pleases domestic farmers with good crops - up to 150 kg / ha for almost 10 years. In addition, this is one of the sweetest varieties of cherries with golden drupes: the berries of this cherry round, light yellow, sweet, with an almost imperceptible acidity, weigh a little over 4 g, suitable for food allergy sufferers. Most often, Chermashnoy harvest is used for fresh consumption. The cultivar is winter-hardy, bears fruit already in the 4th year, but is absolutely self-fertile - it is pollinated by the varieties Iput, Revna, Tyutchevka. Chermashnaya rarely gets sick: the main enemy is fruit rot, often occurs in wet rainy summers.


The fruits of Chermashny are one-dimensional, slightly flattened, the bone is easily separated from the pulp

Iput - an old proven cultivar with a powerful crown

The early ripe vigorous variety Iput is suitable for cultivation in the temperate continental climate of Central Russia. Cherry yield ranges from 100–140 kg / ha, diseases practically do not appear on this cultivar, winter hardiness reaches -36 ° С. Itut is self-sterile, the productivity in the monoculture will be very low, therefore, additional pollination by Tyutchevka, Revny, Bryanochka is required. The berries are bright burgundy, egg-shaped, rather large - up to 9-10 g. Thanks to the dense pulp, the berries can be stored for up to 2 weeks and transported over long distances.

Dear friends, cherries can and should be tried to grow. The main thing is to see what varieties are included in the State Register for your region or what is worth testing. In the Leningrad region, it is recommended to grow about six varieties. But the area is rather big. From successful cultivation and good fruiting, I know Iput and Revna at the moment, they are planted together, because the cherries are self-fertile, and these varieties are inter-pollinated. But even a perfectly growing, non-freezing and fruiting cherry has a big minus - it grows high, thin tree (thin, this means that it’s problematic to lean against a staircase to it), which means it needs formation. It happened with my friends in Len. areas: excellent crops (without formation), gorgeous berry, but all goes to the birds.



The first ovaries on Iputa appear no earlier than the 4th – 5th year

Sweetheart - a self-fertile and frost-resistant hybrid of Canadians

Canadian Sweetheart is a benchmark for productivity and impeccable taste. Moreover, this cultivar is rarely sick and is not prone to freezing, and most importantly, Sweetheart is a self-made cherry. The berries are dark red, heart-shaped, with a red center, very sweet, weigh from 6 to 11 g. Fruiting can be expected already in the 2nd-3rd year after planting a seedling. The yield of an adult tree reaches 150 c / ha.


Sweetheart - a high-yielding, frost-resistant sweet cherry variety

In 2019, it was Sweethart who was offered to us in the nursery - we did not know where to stop, and the choice of sweet cherry for Central Russia is simply huge. Although literally 20 years ago the offer was limited to 3-5 grades, all are self-infertile and weakly winter-resistant. The young Sweetheart tree has grown by more than 0.5 m over the summer. Now we will check for resistance to frost, and if we are lucky, we will try the Sweetheart harvest next year.

Revna - the sweetest sweet cherry, partially self-pollinated

Partially self-fertile Revna variety, highly resistant to coccomycosis, grows no more than 4 m - an excellent option for a small garden where it is not possible to plant many trees. With additional pollination (Ovtsuzhenka, Raditsa are suitable), the cultivar will please with unprecedented yields - up to 100 kg / ha already in the 5th year, the maximum yield of the tree - up to 137 kg / ha. In Revna, the berries are round, broad-sided, dark scarlet, the middle is also dark, juicy, sweet, weight 4.7 g. According to reviews, the cultivar winters faultlessly in the Black Earth and Volga region, it is practically not affected by diseases.

Well, for today - “Revna” cherries is a fine variety for the north (and in Belgorod I think it will be no worse). The taste of berries - like honey, is no worse than any Hungarian and Spanish that we sell. The size of the berries is also normal, not small. The minus of the variety (for whom it may be a plus) is extremely uneven maturation. The first berries began to ripen already about 2 weeks ago. And part of the berries is still immature.



Jealous is highly resistant to fungal diseases.

Bryanochka: sweet cherry for the North-West and Moscow Region

A relatively young variety of Bryanochka is acclimatized in Chernozemye, in the south of the Moscow Region, in the Bryansk and Leningrad regions, the Volga-Vyatka region and Nizhny Novgorod. They say that the flower buds of a tree practically do not freeze in the mid-climate, coccomycosis and moniliosis are rare. With regular watering and fertilizing, Bryanochka is able to give up to 98–110 kg / ha. Self-infertility is a characteristic feature of most varieties of sweet cherries, just like this cultivar, Bryanochka is well pollinated by Tyutchevka and Iput. The tree begins to bear fruit from the 4th – 5th year of growth.


Bryanochka’s berries are round, some slightly pointed, burgundy, weigh 4.8–5.5 g

Sheepskin - a short species, when the spool is small, but expensive

The middle early variety Ovstuzhenka belongs to stunted cultivars, bears fruit already in the 4th year, but is tied only with additional pollination - Tyutchevka, Raditsa, Bryanskaya Rosy will do. Berries Sheepdogs are medium-sized - up to 4 g, ovoid, dark red, juicy, with a pleasant acidity, do not crack and tolerate transportation well. The maximum yield of the cultivar is more than 200 centners per hectare; on average, per hectare of Ovstuzhenka women receive 100–105 centners. This cherry has a good immunity, it is well adapted for wintering in central Russia.

I have 3 cherries growing in the Moscow Region: Olenka and Ovstuzhenka (overwintered 3 winters) and Fatezh (overwintered the first winter). Blossom regularly and beautifully, a little earlier than cherries. Last year, a few fruits were planted on Ovstuzhenka, I think there would be more if not a frost before -3 on the night of May 3rd. This year there were no frosts on flowering, so I hope for a harvest. When planting, I covered all the cherries with coconut tree trunks, this is mulch in the summer and insulation in the winter, in my opinion. I don’t insulate anything for the winter.



Sheepskin - a variety developed by M.V. Kanshina

Red Hill - for dessert and compote

This cultivar is absent in the State Register, but is famous for its excellent productivity and good immunity to many diseases of fruit crops. The red hill is partially self-fertile (it is additionally pollinated by the varieties Iput, Tyutchevka, Bryanochka), and the fast-fruited one comes into fruiting for the 4th year. The berries are golden-ruddy, with a pleasant acidity, the skin is dense, but easily eaten. Harvest of Red Hill can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3–3.5 weeks, but it is difficult to transport berries - the pulp is juicy, quickly deteriorates in heat.

Red hill

The Red Hill tree grows no more than 3.5–4 m, it is a medium-sized variety of sweet cherry

In memory of Astakhov - a universal variety with large berries

This is a medium late dessert variety, it is often grown for sale. Ordinary amateur gardeners also appreciated the memory of Astakhov's memory and there is a reason: the cultivar berries are large - 6–9 g each, blunt-hearted, one-dimensional, very juicy, with a cartilaginous middle. The yield of this cherry is about 80 centner / ha, sometimes reaching 100 centner per hectare. The variety is mainly self-infertile (pollinators Tyutchevka, Revna, Iput), the first berries appear on the 4th – 5th year.

In memory of Astakhov

Sweet cherry in memory of Astakhov is famous for its good immunity and annual yield

Video: a selection of the best varieties of cherries for the middle band (Veda, Krasnaya Gorka, Revna, Bryanochka, In memory of Astakhov and others)

Table: Other varieties of cherries successfully cultivated by middle-gardeners

Grade name Productivity, t / ha Fruit Description Other cultivar features
Valery Chkalov 80 Heart-shaped, violet-red, weight 6–8 g
  • Early;
  • self-infertile (pollinators Iput, Tyutchevka);
  • fruiting on the 5-6th year;
  • winter hardiness is above average.
Veda 77 Broad-hearted, dark red, weight 5.1 g
  • Late
  • partially self-fertile;
  • fast-growing (for the 4th year);
  • drought tolerant.
Krasa Zhukova 115 Heart-shaped, dark red, with acidity, weight 4.3 g
  • Ultrafine;
  • partially self-fertile;
  • resistant to disease.
Lena 87 Large (weight 6 g), black-red, sweetish
  • Late
  • winter hardy;
  • fungal diseases rarely affected;
  • self-infertile (pollinators Tyutchevka, Ovstuzhenka);
  • early.
Odrinka 110 Round, red, very sweet, weight 6.8 g
  • Medium late;
  • winter hardy;
  • rarely gets sick;
  • self-infertile (pollinators Ovstuzhenka, Rechitsa);
  • fruiting on the 5-6th year.
Raditsa 62 Oval, red pink, sweet, weight 4.4 g
  • Early;
  • winter hardy;
  • for a plentiful harvest, additional pollination is necessary (pollinators Iput, Tyutchevka);
  • fast-growing (4–5th year);
  • resistant to coccomycosis.
Sinyavskaya 109 Round, red, weight 6.1 g
  • Medium early;
  • early;
  • to diseases is tolerant;
  • partially self-fertile;
  • universal consumption.
Teremoshka 41 Dark red, round, weight 5 g
  • Mid-season;
  • self-infertile (pollinators Bryansk, Ovstuzhenka);
  • winter hardy;
  • fast-growing (for the 4th year);
  • moderately resistant to fungal diseases.
Bryansk pink 103 Round, pink, sweet, weight 4–5 g
  • Late
  • winter hardy;
  • early;
  • does not crack;
  • self-infertile (pollinators of Revna, Tyutchevka);
  • highly resistant to moniliosis and coccomycosis.
Ariadne 54 Flat round, bright red, with a pleasant taste, weight 4.6 g
  • Early;
  • winter hardy;
  • partially self-fertile;
  • early - on the 3rd year;
  • transportable.
Sadko 104 Dark cherry, large (6.1 g), sweet
  • Precocious;
  • winter hardiness is average;
  • quick-growing (for 3-4 years);
  • self-infertile (pollinators Krasa Zhukova, Tyutchevka, Revna);
  • resistant to clastosporiosis.
Rechitsa 146 Round, maroon, sweet, weight 4.9 g
  • Mid-season;
  • fast-growing (for 4–5th year);
  • self-infertile (pollinators Iput, Odrinka);
  • disease resistant.

Photo gallery of sweet cherry varieties presented in the table

Despite the fact that Odrinka ripens quite late, her fruits are sweet, full of taste, with pleasant honey notes
If there is Rechitsa in the garden, you don’t have to worry about treating guests
Bryansk pink
For more than two decades, Bryanskaya pink has pleased gardeners with its rich harvests.
Sadko is relatively resistant to fungal diseases.
Teremoshka is not demanding about leaving and is not afraid of heat
Krasa Zhukova
Krasa Zhukova perfectly adapts to any climatic conditions
Radissa is suitable for conservation and fresh consumption.

It seems to some that the cherry is fresh, but few, with rare exceptions, do not seek to enjoy the cherry in June - July. This is one of the first summer berries, healthy and tasty: they get excellent juice from cherries, it is irreplaceable in multifruit compotes, gourmets will definitely appreciate cherry jam without stones. And to grow this culture is not at all difficult - zoned varieties of cherries will bear fruit annually and will not require much attention to themselves. Watering, periodic top dressing and disease prevention are standard care, as is the case for most garden crops. It remains to choose the appropriate variety. Go for it!

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