Dukes (hybrids of cherries and cherries) are conquering an ever-increasing garden space. The agrarians especially liked the Miracle variety. Hybrid, possessing the best properties of its parents, not without reason received such a name. A variety with sweet large fruits - 1.5 times more than any medium sweet cherry - is worthy of admiration and surprise.
- Story
- Description of the variety Miracle
Landing Features
- Seat selection
- Landing time
- Selection of seedlings
- Landing
Care Secrets
- Watering and loosening
- Top dressing
- Winter preparations
- Pruning
Disease prevention
- Table: Cherry Disease
- Photo Gallery: Diseases That Can Affect Cherries
- Table: Pests
- Photo Gallery: Cherry Threatening Insects
- Video: processing cherries
- Pollinators
- Reviews
The history of the cultivation of dukes dates back several centuries. The name comes from the English hybrid of cherry with May Duck (May Duke), bred in the XVII century. The first domestic duke was received by I.V. Michurin in 1888, was characterized by frost resistance, but had a low yield.
The Miracle variety was obtained in 1980 by L. AND. Taranenko and A.I. Sychev at a gardening station in Donetsk by crossing Griot cherries and cherries Valery Chkalov.Cherry-cherry hybrids with the shape of a crown and the quality of fruits resemble cherries, with branching and leaf sizes similar to cherries, but in general they are closer to cherries.
The Miracle Cherry variety was obtained in 1980 and was praised by gardeners.
Description of the variety Miracle
The Miracle variety from cherry inherited frost resistance and can be grown in regions where temperatures in winter often drop below -20aboutWITH. However, with severe frosts, flower buds can be damaged, therefore, young plantings are still recommended to be covered. The sweet taste of the fruits went to the Miracle from cherries. This culture is also valued for its resistance to the most dangerous cherry diseases - moniliosis and coccomycosis.
The cherry-cherry hybrid Miracle inherited the best features of its parents
A tree of medium height with a rounded crown, moderately thickened. Straight shoots with a smooth bark of a dark brown shade, like a cherry. Dark green large leaves are also similar to cherry. A distinctive quality of cherries is the formation of flowering buds at a one-year growth, the first fruits are tied already in 2-3-year-old seedlings, at the time of full fruiting, the tree enters in the 4th year. But basically, the ovaries are formed on bouquet branches. Flowering duke begins when the weather is warm, in mid-May. Large flowers are collected in brushes of 5-8 pieces.
The tree has straight thick branches, without roughness, with a bark of dark brown color
Fruiting annual, ripen cherries in late June. The berries are large, flat-rounded, dark red, weighing up to 10 g, with a dense skin. The pulp is juicy, with a pronounced cherry aroma, sweet, with a light pleasant sourness, taste rating - 4.8–5 points. The variety is high-yielding, about 10 kg of fruits can be harvested from a tree.
Fruits contain vitamins A, B, C, folic acid, iron and other useful substances, so they are recommended to be used to strengthen the nervous system, vision, heart and blood vessels. Due to the presence of a large number of coumarins, cherry has a tonic effect on the human body, second only to red currants and pomegranate.
Miracle Cherry is distinguished by large fruits weighing up to 10 g
Landing Features
For many years, the cherry orchard will delight with an abundance of fruits, given all the factors necessary for the growth and development of culture.
Seat selection
Cherries should be placed in elevated places, most of the day illuminated by the sun. Uncooked lowlands are not suitable, where water stagnates after rains, areas with a similar level of groundwater occurrence - excess moisture is harmful to the tree. Planting plants should be near the fence, hedges, buildings where a warmer microclimate is created and cherries are protected from the wind.
Cherry loves the warmest and sunniest patches in the garden
Cherry prefers to grow on sandy soil, water and breathable. It develops poorly and bears fruit on sandy soil, heavy clay, with a high level of acidity. Acidic soils are alkalized by applying lime (500 g / 1 m2).
Trees should be planted at a distance of 5 m - they grow rapidly, requiring a large area of nutrition.
Landing time
In a temperate climate, the most suitable time for planting is early spring, before the start of the growing season, when a positive temperature is established. In the southern regions, you can plant a crop in the fall, all of September until mid-October - 2-3 weeks before frosts, seedlings will have time to take root. Container plants can be planted all season.
Selection of seedlings
You should not buy seedlings in natural markets: there is a risk of buying a diseased plant or the wrong variety. In specialized stores, a tag is attached to each plant indicating the age of the tree, variety, pollinator. The seedling should be selected grafted - the place of grafting can be determined by a slight thickening and curvature of the trunk 10 cm from the root neck.
Best 2-3-year-old plants take root. A healthy seedling should have a straight stem, at least 5 flexible shoots, strong roots with no signs of rot (at least 20 cm long).
It is advisable to purchase container plants that are planted with the land, therefore, their survival is better.
2-year-old seedlings with a closed root system take root less painfully
The best planting material is usually offered at the end of the season. It is too late to plant cherries, so they are dug up in the garden until spring: they are laid in trenches at an angle crowns to the south, covered with earth and covered with spruce branches to protect against freezing and damage rodents.
3 weeks before the landing (or even in the fall, if the landing is spring), dig holes 60x80 cm, with a distance between them 5 m. To the fertile layer of the earth add 10 kg of humus, 150 g of double superphosphate, 50 g of potassium sulfate or 400 g ashes. A bucket of sand is brought into the clay areas, the sandy soil is improved by humus and peat (bucket / 1 m2). Before planting, for 2 hours you should hold the roots of the seedling in a solution of growth stimulants - Kornevin, Heteroauxin.
Step-by-step process:
- Part of the fertile land is poured into the pit in the form of a knoll.
- A plant is lowered onto it, spreading the roots in different directions. A container seedling is placed in a landing pit along with an earthen lump.
- Set on the side of the pegs. They fill the tree, shaking it slightly, so that the earth fills all the spaces between the roots.
- The root neck is not buried - it should be 5 cm above the ground level.
When planting, the seedling is not buried, the root neck should be 5 cm above the soil level
- The seedling is loosely tied to the support so that the immature tree does not swing from the wind.
- Tamp the ground and form a circular hole, into which 2 buckets of water are brought.
- After absorbing moisture, the soil is mulched with straw. A layer of mulch with a thickness of 10 cm retains moisture near the roots, does not allow weeds to grow.
Mulch traps moisture in the soil and prevents weeds from growing
- After spring planting, the seedling is shortened by 1/3 to reduce the amount of moisture evaporated by the crown and not cause the plant to dry out. In the fall, pruning is not performed, but is transferred to the beginning of the next season.
Care Secrets
Cherry will annually delight the harvest with good care: maintaining soil clean, watering, timely pruning, winter warming and disease prevention.
Watering and loosening
The variety is drought tolerant, but trees, especially in hot weather, need to be watered regularly. Young plantings moisturize once every 7 days at a rate of 40 l / plant. For normal growth, 3 times watering is sufficient for normal growth (with each, water should moisten the soil to a depth of 80 cm): before flowering, during fruit formation and after harvesting. In the fall, water-loading irrigation is carried out to increase winter hardiness. Water is best served through the drip system or into the irrigation grooves (60 l / plant). In extreme heat, it is advisable to use sprinkling with sprinklers, in which not only the soil is moistened, but also the crown.
During the ripening period, watering is not carried out so that the fruits do not crack.
Young cherry should be watered once a week
After watering, the soil under the crown should be weeded and loosened to a shallow depth of 6-10 cm near the stem, so as not to damage the roots located in the surface layer. Then they put mulch - hay, sawdust.
On a note. The tansy planted around the perimeter of the crown will scare away the weevil, the feverfew will drive away the aphids, the celandine will help get rid of the ants.
Top dressing
Fertilizers should be applied dosed, an excess of trace elements, as well as a deficiency, weakens the plant, leads to a decrease in fruiting. Especially careful should be with nitrogen fertilizers, which are applied only in the spring: in the fall, such top dressing significantly reduces winter hardiness.
In the first two years, dukes practically do not need additional top dressing if planted on fertile soil. In the third year, cherries are fertilized with urea (60 g / 10 l) in spring, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (30 g / 10 l) in autumn.
Complex fertilizers contain all the trace elements necessary for cherry
For fruiting trees, a full 4-times nutrition is required per season:
- at the beginning of the season, ammonium nitrate (20 g / 1 m2);
- superphosphate (3 tbsp. l. / 10 l);
- after falling flowers - nitrophos (50 g / 10 l);
- after fruiting, fertilizing with potassium sulfate (100 g) and superphosphate (100 g / 10 l) is carried out.
Before frost, a humus is laid out on the near-stem circle. Every 4 years, the soil is deoxidized with lime (500 g / 1 m2).
Mineral fertilizers should be alternated with organic. In spring, during the period of active vegetation, plants are fed with a nitrogen compound - mullein (3 kg / 30 l), chicken droppings (2 kg / 30 l), during the period of fruit formation - with ash (300 g / 1 m2). Before the cold, under the crown, rotted manure is scattered - 10 kg for a young plant and 25 kg - for an adult.
To increase productivity and improve the taste of berries, it is recommended to spray the crown twice after flowering with Agricola-Fruit solution (50 g / 10 l) with an interval of 14 days.
Top dressing improves cherry yield
Winter preparations
Miracle cherry is frost-resistant, but flower buds can be damaged in severe winters with little snow and spring return frosts. To increase resistance to adverse weather conditions, cherry is sprayed with flowering Novosil and Epin-Ekstroy before flowering and before the onset of autumn cold weather.
In autumn, it is necessary to whiten the trunk and skeletal branches, insecticides can be added to the solution. Such whitewashing will protect the tree from parasites and sunburn, prevent cracking of the bark, which often occurs during sudden changes in winter temperatures.
Whitewashing a tree in autumn will protect it from sunburn and cracking of the bark
In areas with a warm climate, trees are not insulated, it is enough to mulch humus, which will protect the roots from freezing. In cooler regions, plants are covered with spanbond, needles. Insulate cherries at a temperature not exceeding 00C, upon the onset of heat, the shelter is removed so as not to cause the shoots to heat up.
Young plantings must be insulated with non-woven fabric for the winter
Fan irrigation (50–80 l / tree), spraying the crown with water can mitigate the damage from the May cold snap. Smoke will also help protect a flowering garden from frost. In the morning, piles of straw, dry manure, which produce a large amount of smoke, are set on fire. As a result, the air temperature around the trees is understood by several degrees.
Without trimming the crown of a cherry, the Miracle extends upward, acquiring a narrow pyramidal shape. Therefore, systematically in early spring should cut off the overgrown branches, creating a beautiful compact crown, which will be well ventilated and evenly heated by the sun.
There are pruning young and fruiting trees. In young plantings, shortening is predominantly carried out, which stimulates the growth of buds and shoots. The branches of fruit seedlings are cut after planting 1/3 of the length, which contributes to a stronger branching. At fruiting trees, thinning of interwoven branches is carried out, and long-term shoots and annual growths are shortened to stimulate the development of bouquet branches.
Shortening the branches stimulates the growth of buds and shoots
There are several types of trimming: shaping, regulating, anti-aging. Formative pruning is necessary for young plants. Most suitable for cherry sparse-tier type of crown. During spring planting, the trunk is shortened to 75 cm from the ground. The first tier is formed at the beginning of the next season from 3 branches, shortening them by a third. The trunk is cut at the level of the upper branches. After a year, a second row is formed from 4 branches at a distance of 70 cm from the first. Strong branches are cut in half, weak - by 2/3, shorten the trunk. Next spring, the last tier of 3 branches is formed. The trunk is again cut to the height of the upper branches.
When forming the crown should pay attention to the angle of departure of the branches. Branches growing at an acute angle often break, and deep wounds form, leading to diseases and even death of the tree. To form their growth in the horizontal direction, weights are tied to twigs or the ends of the shoots are tied to the trunk.
Cherry branches must be horizontal
In trees with an already formed crown, regulatory trimming is performed. Saggy branches, tops (shoots directed vertically) are removed, root shoots are completely cut off. After leaf fall, dry and broken branches are removed. All sections are treated with var, protecting the wood from decay.
A tree older than 7 years old needs a rejuvenating pruning: all old branches are cut, leaving only young shoots. This extends the life of the plant.
Disease prevention
The variety has immunity to many infections, it is practically not affected by coccomycosis and moniliosis, rarely damaged by a cherry fly, however preventative measures are necessary for longevity of planting and maintaining high productivity.
Table: Cherry Disease
Disease | Symptoms | Prevention | Treatment |
Gommosis (gum detection) | A light brown gummy substance, gum, appears on the branches and trunk of a tree. The disease can be caused by broken branches, temperature changes. |
To clean the affected areas, to disinfect them with 1% copper sulfate. |
Kleasterosporiosis | The first sign of the disease is leaf spotting. Over time, holes with a border of red color form on the spot. |
Gray rot | The disease progresses with increased humidity. On the branches there are gray formations, the fruits rot. |
Powdery mildew | In drought, a light coating appears on foliage and branches. Leaves fall, yield decreases. |
Photo Gallery: Diseases That Can Affect Cherries
- Gommosis weakens the tree and reduces the quality of the crop
- Kleasterosporiosis can be identified by holey leaves
- Damp weather contributes to the development of gray rot
- Powdery mildew disease is more active in hot, dry weather
Table: Pests
Pests | Manifestations | Prevention | Measures |
Aphid | Aphids populate leaves and stems, feeding on their juice. Young shoots dry up and die. |
Slimy sawfly | Caterpillars gnaw out ovaries, damaged fruits fall off. |
Treat before blooming with 10% Karbofos, after flowering with Endobacterin (100 g / 10 l). |
Flower beetle | Larvae gnaw out the bud, thereby weakening the flowering. Adults feed on foliage. |
Spray on a green cone with Fufanon (10 g / 10 l). |
Photo Gallery: Cherry Threatening Insects
- Voracious aphid colonies quickly destroy leaves and shoots
- Leaves damaged by a mucus sawfly look burnt
- The flower beetle gnaws buds, resulting in reduced productivity
Video: processing cherries
Miracle cherry is self-fertile, without additional pollinators, only 5% of the fruits are tied to it. Therefore, you should plant a duke surrounded by cherries or cherries - only in this case you can get an annual crop. The best pollinators are cherries, especially Iput, Tenderness, Donchanka, Yaroslavna. You can also plant nearby self-fertile cherries - Lyubskaya, Molodezhnaya, Bulatnikovskaya.
For better pollination during flowering, the cherries are sprayed with a solution of honey (1 tbsp. l. / 1 l of water) - its smell will attract bees and bumblebees. It is useful to plant melliferous plants nearby: bluebells, medunica, thyme. In cold rainy weather, the flowers are poorly pollinated by insects, so you should additionally spray the crown with the preparations Zavyaz, Bud.
Cherry Yput - the best pollinator for cherry Miracle
I read that Miracle Cherry is a fruitless variety, pollinators are just some of the cherries. Once I grew it and there were no problems with the crop. Only one cherry grew nearby, we call it a lot. Always both with a crop. Near the cherry was not even close.
I want to boast of a harvest from a miracle cherry. The variety of this cherry is early, that is, at the end of June you can harvest a good crop. The berries of this cherry have a juicy sour taste. For jam, I do not use it, for cooking compote too. I like to freeze this cherry for the winter and enjoy the fruits, remembering the summer. Fruits are dark red in color, which also has a wonderful dessert flavor. The seedlings of this tree are resistant to frost and drought, the more pleasing to their owners. The fruits of this variety are not eaten by worms, I literally discovered two or three pieces. Usage time - 5 years. Year of purchase: 2012. General impression: the name of this cherry corresponds to reality.
I'm growing Miracle Cherry. He sings before the average cherry. Very large - can not be distinguished from cherries, only with sourness inherent in cherries. Tall.
Wonder cherry planted a year ago. It grows, there were still no fruits, I tried it with a friend. I liked it very much. This is a duke - a hybrid of cherries with cherries, it is not sour. Ordinary children do not eat, although I love. And I think there will be miracle cherries.
The hybrid Miracle has been recognized by gardeners for its dessert taste of berries, its ability to not freeze in winter, and resistance to disease. These beautiful trees are also used as a decorative culture for decorating plots: the magnificent view of blooming cherry strewn with large fragrant flowers will not leave anyone indifferent.
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