How to "make" furniture yourself. Master Class

To date, many people want to see the decoration of their home unusual, different from the usual environment of average apartments. Everyone wants to see around him expensive curtains, handmade carpets, luxurious antique furniture. But of course this situation is not affordable for everyone - furniture items with signs of aging are very expensive and are often sold only at foreign auctions. But if you still really want to make your apartment special, the way out can be fashionable in recent years, artificially aged furniture, and with your own hands.


  • Tools and materials that can be used in the
  • How to make furniture yourself
  • Chemical aging method for furniture
  • Thermal method for aging furniture
  • Mechanical aging method for furniture
  • How to make furniture with a wax and a stencil - workshop

Tools and materials applicable inwork

Depending on the chosen method of aging furniture, the following materials and tools may be needed:

  • brush with metal bristles;

  • Bulgarian with a brush head;

  • sandpaper of different abrasiveness;

  • brush for sweeping dust and sawdust;

  • brush, roller;


  • soldering lamp or kerosene burner;

  • paint-antiseptic;

  • azure dark and white;

  • liquid ammonia;

  • Crackle lacquer;

  • stain;

  • shellac primer;

  • white spirit;

  • a rag, a sponge.

How to grow old furniture yourself

Artificially aged furniture also looks very nice and noble, but it is much easier, faster and cheaper to get it than a real antique one.

Of the existing methods of artificial aging of wooden surfaces, available for self-mastering, there are three main ways to distinguish:

  • Chemical. This method involves the use of various substances, such as ammonia, stain, krakelnye varnishes, etc.


  • Thermal. The effect of antiquity is achieved through the action of a hot soldering iron or an open flame.

  • Mechanical. The most common method of damage - scratches, cracks, etc., and their subsequent treatment with varnish, paint to enhance the effect.

When applying these methods, you get completely different looking old furniture. The photos of each of the variants are not comparable to each other, although all are considered manifestations of the same trend in the art of decoration.

Next, you can consider each of them in more detail, but before that you need to prepare the machined surfaces, i.e.remove from the hinges doors, fittings and decorative items, as well as a layer of old paint or varnish.

Chemical aging method for furniture

This method has several options, the difference between which is the use of different chemicals.

  • Waxing with ammonia. Before starting work, you should walk on the surface with sandpaper, so that a clearer structure of the tree appears. This is not necessary, but if there is a desire, then it is possible to strengthen the effect of antiquity in this way. Further on, the wooden surface is applied with ammonia. Influencing it, it causes a darkening and the appearance of a grayish shade, characteristic of old wooden objects. It should be noted that this method can be used only for hardwood due to the presence of tannins in them.


  • Paint and varnish varnish. The purpose of this method is to create the appearance of a shabby, shabby surface. The first step is to determine the main color of the processed object, and then choose a lighter color to achieve the effect of the faded paint. For this, the bright white paint and ivory-colored paint, melted milk, etc., are equally suitable. The basic color can be obtained by the method of white coloring.

  • The first tone is applied to the surface. After the paint has completely dried, it is dyed again, but already with a white color. After this, it is also necessary to wait for complete drying. Then the dried up paint is treated with a fine sandpaper, achieving these actions by forming shabby and emerging lower, darker layer.

  • In order to depict cracks, a special lacquer varnish is used. It is put on the base and after that, when they begin to cover the surface with a second layer of paint, it is covered with cracks, characteristic for antique furniture. These cracks will have the color of the base layer. If there is a desire to get a more interesting effect, then for the database you can take not one but several dyes.

  • Sticking with stain. The surface of the tree is smeared with water-based stain, setting the base color. After that, it starts to be washed off selectively with a wet sponge. The focus is on the middle part of the board, with edges, cracks, bends left dark.

In case if the required effect is not achieved in the above actions, after the complete drying, the surface should be ground. On the hollows and bends, you can additionally walk around with a brush moistened with stain. The next stage is applied another layer of stain, but on a different basis( if the first was on water, then the second one can be taken on alcohol, gasoline or naphtha).

Next, the treated part is completely dried for twelve hours. After this, the wood pores are filled with a shell soil using a brush or a piece of paralon. At the final stage, a special wax is rubbed into the treated surface and polished with a soft cloth.

Thermal method of aging furniture

  • Acting this method, the wooden surface of furniture is burned with a blowtorch until the textural pattern and knots appear. After this stage is completed, it is necessary to remove the deposit from the surface, and also to achieve a more relief structure with a metal brush. In order to make the picture of the tree as expressive as possible and manifest in all its glory, it is possible to patch the product in one layer. Further it is desirable to apply a final varnish coating.

This method requires utmost care and attention because, by operating a blowtorch, a wooden object is very easily irretrievably ruined.


  • In the thermal method, as an option, a kerosene burner can be used instead of a blowtorch. In this case, it is possible to damage the surface with a metal brush both after and before heat treatment.

In the process of work, in no case should you hold fire in one place longer, on others less. It is best to do this outdoors - in the courtyard or, as a last resort, on the balcony. Before you start singing processed furniture it is better to fill your hand with an unnecessary piece of wood.

Mechanical method of aging furniture

This method is the most common in the people and is most suitable for safe use at home. It has three ways to implement:

  • First method. It's very simple. The surface to be treated is stripped with a metal brush, and covered with white azure, wait until it dries. Azure is a translucent coating through which the natural structure of a tree is visible.

When the coating is completely dry, brush it again. The result of this treatment is a bleached wood surface, which has small scrapes and relief.

  • The second option. It is a little more complicated than the first: brush soft wood fibers, creating a non-uniform structure, and then paint to enhance the effect. First, they pass through the surface with sandpaper, then with a metal brush, which if desired can be replaced with a Bulgarian with a suitable nozzle, wood fibers are removed. After that it is necessary to clean the working plane of sawdust, so that they do not interfere and do not close the work. At the end of this procedure, the surface becomes contrasting and embossed. To strengthen and emphasize its beauty, it is necessary to produce a lacquer painting in two layers. Apply coating with a brush or roller. After waiting a couple of minutes after the application, remove the surplus sponge, observing the emerging relief. Once the product has acquired the desired appearance, it is necessary to stop and leave it to dry completely. After this, apply a varnish coating.


  • If you like aged furniture in the style of "Provence", an additional thin coating of white azure should be applied for the varnish coating. After drying it can be applied as a final layer of transparent azure. This version of aged furniture with its own hands looks very good, if the decor of the premises is dominated by light colors.

  • The third option is multilayer staining. Before it starts, the surface of the furniture must be damaged with all sorts of tools that leave different tracks: knock on it with a hammer, lead a saw, scratch with an awl, etc. Then the tree should be primed with a layer of transparent antiseptic, allow it to dry thoroughly and apply a continuous layer of antiseptic paint. After complete drying, you can again treat the product first large, and then fine sandpaper. On the first layer, the "trace of the centuries" should not show through strongly. Masters who decorate furniture say that the uneven coating of wood preservative, antiseptic "Pinnotex" gives an excellent result.

  • After sanding it is necessary to brush off the formed trash and open the tree with white azure. Through its layer will shine through the dark base coat. And uniform coloring in this case is inappropriate, tk.visibility of the old shabby surface is emphasized by the influx and clearings in the cover. After the drying of this layer, you must once again apply a metal brush, imitating the surface of the furniture structure of old wood. At this stage, the coloring begins to sharply contrast. But the tone of the old wood is always more muted. Smooth the sharp drop can be, using a white azure, diluted in half with white spirit.

How to make furniture with a wax and a stencil - the master class

This method of decorating furniture helps to solve all the familiar problem when any of the furnishings served for a while and lost its original appearance, but it remained strong and reliable in terms of quality. In this case, you can give him a second life with this technique of artificial aging, which in some ways is similar to the above methods, but something different from them.

Of additional tools and materials not described in the corresponding section, we will need:

  • black and white acrylic paints, it is desirable that the white was aerosol;

  • white paraffin candle;

  • rubber lace napkin;

  • parquet or furniture lacquer.


To achieve the best result, you must carefully and consistently follow all the instructions in the following instructions:

  • as a preparatory stage, the decorated piece of furniture must be sandpapered, first large, then shallow, in order to remove the remnants of the old paint or varnish;

  • we take a brush with artificial bristles and completely paint the work surface with two layers of black acrylic paint. The second layer is needed to align the first one;

  • further paraffin candles rub the edges, corners and other prominent pieces of furniture, which would most likely have been lost over time. This action is necessary in order that when the paint is subsequently applied it is possible to remove it at the places where it has fallen on paraffin;

  • now take a lace napkin that will play the role of a stencil and fix it on the piece of furniture where the picture will be appropriate: if it's a chair, then on the back or seat, if the locker or the nightstand is on the door or the roof, etc. After that, we paint the entire surface of the product with a can of white paint. It is advisable to do this on the street, but if there is no such possibility, then at least floor the floors with newspapers, film or cardboard, otherwise everything will be covered with paint spray;

  • when the paint is completely dry, use a sponge to clean those areas that you have wiped with paraffin before painting. You will see a dark paint appear through the top white layer. After that, you can remove the napkin;

  • in the end of work it is better to cover a surface with a parquet varnish to prolong a new covering a life.

In conclusion, I want to say that the old-fashioned furniture made of wood, the photo of which in different versions you see on this page, is what will bring a fresh stream into your life, allow you to rise above the routine and give you the opportunity to be proud of the unique atmosphere in the house and fruitstheir skillful hands.

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