You decided to get fish, but this requires an aquarium. Go to the store and buy a container - it's expensive. It is much cheaper to make an aquarium with your own hands. Especially because you yourself will make such an aquarium that will suit you both in size and design.
stiffeners Where do we begin, how to make an aquarium correctly? This question is asked by many novice aquarists. Before you go to a pet store and buy fish, as well as everything you need for an aquarium, you need to clearly understand what kind of shape your mini pond will be.
Aquariums are of the following forms:
- rectangular;
- round;
- is oval;
- square;
- corner.
Rectangular containers are considered standard, and panoramic aquariums are considered unusual.
The round aquarium looks especially, it will be in harmony with any interior, but it's impossible to do it yourself at home. To give a rounded glass, you need special equipment.
Angular or panoramic tanks can be made independently, and without special skills in working with glass. But still, if you have never done this and want to make a quality fish tank, then it's better to start with a rectangular shape. It is easier to manufacture, and then easier to maintain.
Advice from professionals
Fans of aquatic exotics are advised to assemble a rectangular structure in such ways:
- When the walls( glass) rest on the bottom itself.
- When the walls are located directly around the day.
Both the first and second versions are considered equally strong if the technology is observed when assembling the structure. But, there are some digressions. So, if you decide to make an aquarium for 50 or more liters, then it needs to be collected according to the second method.
The optimum capacity is 90 by 50 by 50 centimeters. This size will allow to contain the majority of varieties of fish, provided that they will be matched to the size and compatibility.
Popularity is gained by models of aquariums that do not have screeds and cords, but it will be more difficult to build such a structure.
Professionals recommend placing the overflow column in the left rear corner, and its openings at the same level.
It will also be more convenient if the upper edge of the column is located slightly lower than the edges of the walls of the container - only 50 millimeters. This slight discrepancy will keep the water level slightly lower( approximately 35 millimeters) of the glass edge when a return pump is put into operation.
Glass and Plexiglas serve as a material for aquariums. From plexiglas experts do not advise to build aquariums, because over time it grows turbid.
The choice of glass
Perhaps one of the crucial moments in the creation of the aquarium is the choice of glass. It is necessary to choose a certain grade, labeled from M one to M eight. And M one will be considered the highest grade. If you want your aquarium to last a long time, choose a glass not lower than the third mark. To create a container at home, a display glass can be used, which can be purchased at any glass workshop or in a building supermarket.
When choosing a glass, pay attention to such moments: it should not have any cracks, scratches, or any inclusions.
Once the glass is selected, you need to determine the thickness. To select the thickness of the glass, there are special tables. When you came to the store, you already decided on the dimensions of the aquarium. Calculate the size of the container will help the following formula: the length is multiplied by the width and height. Thus, the volume is obtained. This table will help you to know the volume of your future aquarium.
How to work with glass
If you have little material for building a home aquarium, consider the size of the glass that will serve as the bottom( it will be pressurized more) when assembling.
Also if the front wall of the tank( face) has a large length and height, then it is necessary to use glass "ten" - a width of 10 millimeters. Thus, experts recommend that when preparing a tank for a house with a volume of about 200 liters, with a size of 100 by 400 by 500 millimeters, it is recommended to work with glass that is not less than eight millimeters thick.
To cut glass, you need these tools:
- ruler;
- marker or marker;
- glass cutter;
- nippers on glass;
- soft cloth;
- fabric gloves.
Before starting work, the surface must be wiped off from stains and possible contaminants, wait until the glass becomes dry.
When cutting the glass, you must adhere to the dimensions, "allowances" do not need.
When working with glass, it is necessary to reduce the size of the width and the length equal to the length of the double thickness of the glass, and also plus four millimeters to the allowances for the glue.
To make it more convenient to cut glass, you need to purchase a roller glass cutter. It is easier for them to work, as it gently slides on the glass, without "jumping".Observe the utmost care!
Nuances of work:
- when cutting, consider the thickness of the glass;
- the lid for the tank is also made of glass, which is glued along the perimeter by a self-adhesive tape;
- when working with a glass cutter it is necessary to work with pressure, so that the glass breaks well and does not crumble;
- if you do not press the glass cutter against the glass, then it will crack and cut it will be problematic;
- it is desirable to practice in advance on small scraps, so as not to spoil the fragile material.
After you have carried out a glass cutter on the surface, you immediately need to break the glass, without waiting until it "cools".To do this, the glass is placed on the table so that the fault line falls on the edge of the surface and breaks with confidence. Do not forget to put on gloves or wrap the brush with a cloth.
Tip: if you purchase glass in a specialized store, you can be offered a material cutting service, which is often included in the purchase price. So do not give up the services of professionals.
We proceed to gluing
After the cutting of the glass is made, its edges need to be processed. Remember that the trimmed edges can not be sanded, since then they will not be able to be fastened together. To join the joints, a special silicone adhesive is used, which is harmless to the life of fish and other aquarium inhabitants.
To make the glue fall not exactly, it is necessary to work with a "gun", which will make a thin and even glue seam.
How to glue an aquarium
Before working with glue, each wall of the tank must be treated with gasoline or turpentine, wipe with a soft cloth( not synthetic).Work on the table, and under the bottom of the future tank lay the old wallpaper or several layers of the newspaper. Do not forget that when working, when the process of gluing the glue has begun, the structure can not be moved, so choose a convenient place where the aquarium will not interfere with anyone until it dries completely.
- Apply glue( or sealant) in a thin, even layer.
- Apply a sealant to the front wall along the line on which it will be attached to the bottom.
- The thickness of the sealant must not exceed the thickness of the glass.
- Make sure that the adhesive layer is flat, without missing, as this is fraught with leakage.
- After the glue is applied, you can install the front of the aquarium on the bottom. Try to work without pressure, so that the liquid does not "come out" on either side.
- If the glue has come out from under the glass, do not rush it immediately.
- Take care that the first sheet of glass( front) does not remain without support, and only then proceed to gluing the next wall.
- When gluing the side panels of the aquarium, apply glue first to the ends of the side walls. Keep in mind that small aquariums are also difficult to glue together, as well as more.
About stiffeners
Ribs that give stiffness to the structure are necessary for strength. To proceed to this stage of work, it is necessary to wait a day or a little more until the glue does not dry out well. During drying, you can not move and knock on the structure.
Stiffeners are thin strips of glass, which additionally serve to strengthen the walls of the aquarium. In the presence of ribs, even with a large volume of water, the reservoir will not undergo transformation.
The standard size of the strips is no more than five centimeters, and the length is calculated on the basis of their formula "three fourth of the length of the faceplate."
Specialists recommend gluing strips perpendicular to the side walls and the face of the tank, and exclusively on the side of the front and rear walls.
To attach the strips, you need to lay the future aquarium on its side. Strip glue with glue and attach in order each. Leave to dry completely for 24 hours.
After the reservoir has dried well, the excess adhesive is removed with a thin sharp knife or blade from the outside.
Everything, the work on the construction of the aquarium is completed. It remains to wait about five days until it finally dries up and only then begin to fill the reservoir with water. In this simple matter also has its own nuances. Try to fill the water gradually, gently pouring it a little. After filling the reservoir to the brim, leave it for a day. If during this period there was no leakage, then it can be exploited.
Often beginning aquarists are wondering what to buy for an aquarium? This question can be answered in detail at the pet store, but be prepared for the list to consist of ten or more items.
On these photos you can see the types of aquariums: