How to make a good bench in your country

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We make a dacha benches of the category "E4-bis"

We do not know how to do many things for the arrangement of country life, there is not enough time or money for big projects, but every man has to make a cozy bench on the country side. Let it be a little awkward, but it is the Home Garden Bench, and not the plastic chairs from the store, that eventually unites all family members. Tools in hand and begin. How to make a bench

Immediately confess that this classification of simple benches for cottages, of course, does not exist. These are just preliminary reflections on how this work of man-made art created for the whole world should be, and all the qualitative categories that come to mind in a strange way begin with the letter "E".You agree with them or not, we do not know, but they simply have to discuss them.

  • Ergonomics .Even the children know that a dacha benches should be comfortable. But to make it not just suitable for short-term relaxation between weeding the beds, but also a full-fledged resting place on long summer evenings is your first responsibility.
  • Ecology .It is possible to decorate the summer-house pergola with polychlor vinyl beds and in the thirty-degree heat to enjoy a bouquet of chemical exhausts. This is not our style. Marble and granite in our climate are ridiculous, there remains a tree, which we discuss below.
  • Economics .A dacha bench is not the kind of furniture that you should spend a lot of money on. Usually expensive design designs under Russian acid rain and in cold winters live much less than simple village shops.
  • Aesthetics .We deliberately put this criterion at the end of the list, although we consider it to be the main one. Penetrate the thought that you are doing something for two or three generations of the family. And it is already not a regular shop, but a promise to the future that can not be ugly, so in the dacha bench we embody our own ideas, laid down in us from childhood, about perfection.

Where does the shop start?

We have already defined the material - a tree and only a tree, without any inclusions of concrete or cast-iron supports, it remains to be determined with the design and details of the forthcoming work. We offer several basic options for erecting such structures that we encountered in the network. How to make a bench

The solid .The forest is close, the brother works on a trencher, all courtyard constructions are made for ages. You can make an exclusive composition of logs. The oak is felled next to it - it's wonderful, but the ordinary pine under high-quality impregnation also looks wonderful. To carry such a shop, judging by the photo, is probably difficult, but to sit on it, you see, it's a pleasure. How to make a bench

Crafted .Handicraftsmen in Russia have not yet transferred, and the wooden bench in the sheet pile version, if available, will be able to perform. Drawings are rather conditional, but people who are ready to make such a bench for their own dacha do not need them, just look at the photo. How to make a bench

Creative .For people who want to decorate their garden with a new bench, but do not have enough time to realize this dream in complicated carpenter's forms. In this case: materials that do not require additional processing, self-tapping screws, a minimum of tools and an unlimited flight of fantasy. It is on him that we will stop.

Bench to the dacha: do it quickly and with your own hands

Ready drawings can be found on the net or even from manufacturers of such products, but native stools are remembered much longer. Sit, paint, I assure you that it is very exciting. What is needed from the materials:

  • planed pine planks 2000х100х20 mm - 4 pcs;
  • bar 2000х40х40 - 3 pieces;
  • lamellae from any material for the back;
  • fasteners( self-tapping screws, better with zinc-plating) 80 and 60 mm - 40 pieces each;
  • protective impregnation( Biotech, Pinotex, etc.) of your choice.

All this material kit at modern prices will cost you 500-800 rubles.depending on the place of purchase.


  • skillful hands;hacksaw( electric jigsaw, end saw);
  • electric drill( screwdriver);
  • chisel, hammer, screwdriver.

If you have all this, consider that you have already mentally made your first bench for a summerhouse, a garden or just for family gatherings in nature.

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