Brick hollow ceramic and its analogs from burnt clay

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Brick hollow ceramic and other firing products

Many know only the two most common types of bricks - white and red. So, just the latter is made of clay by burning it, due to which it acquires a characteristic coloration. By the way, there are other colors of the ceramic building block, namely: black or dark brown. Color depends on the firing conditions of .So, red ceramic brick building is obtained with oxidative process, and when reducing it gets black and brown tones.

Today in the construction market, you can find dozens of types of building blocks, among which not least is brick hollow ceramic, in addition to which there is, logically, a version with a complete lack of voids, that is full-bodied.

For example, a house made of ceramic bricks acquires a low thermal conductivity due to the content in the building block of cavities, usually they are at least 13% and up to 49% of the total volume. The voids can be through and closed on one side, in shape, there are round, rectangular or oval cavities positioned in a horizontal or vertical position.

The size and weight of ceramic bricks - the variety of options for

Everyone would like to begin construction, finish it as quickly as possible. It is logical that the larger the size you use building blocks, the faster the walls grow, however, there is a downside to the coin - when it comes to the brick ceramic solid solid, with the increase in its dimensions, the weight is also becoming more palpable.

It should be noted that the mass depends on the density, the latter affects the thermal conductivity of the walls. For example, if you take a brick ceramic single solid, with dimensions of 250x120x65 mm and weigh from 3.3 to 3.6 kilograms, to ensure a sufficiently low level of thermal conductivity requires a fair thickness of the walls. The hollow weighs only 2.3-2.5 kilograms.

It is important to remember that the thermal conductivity of a brick rises in proportion to its density, and only the presence of cavities can provide a balance of these indicators.

Very often developers use solid brick, but the thickness of the masonry make one that is suitable for a hollow brick. This is a big mistake, in such houses a very high degree of heating costs. The size of the ceramic brick( it is also called the one-and-a-half brick) is 250x120x88 mm, which makes it possible to make walls in a row and a half.

In this case, if you use a hollow version, whose weight is 3-3.3 kilograms, which is a kilogram cheaper than a solid analog, even external thermal insulation can become a point of economy. You can use a double brick with dimensions of 250x120x138 millimeters, which is popularly known as a building stone. These are very large blocks, and they could very quickly speed up the construction process, but with them it is inconvenient to work because of the size and weight( 4.6-5 kilograms).

Brick front ceramic - finishing for ages

Brick house is not practical to insulate from the inside because of the possible occurrence of a dew point between the masonry and thermal insulation, which will necessarily lead to the emergence of dampness and, as a consequence, mold. A well method of warming is also not the best option, because in the interval of a double wall the heater eventually sags and ceases to fulfill the duties assigned to it.

Therefore, the thermal insulation is best laid from the outside with the subsequent finishing of the building, for which brick facade ceramic one-and-a-half is often used. Its thickness provides sufficient protection of the insulation from external factors, in particular - freezing and weathering.

The masonry of such lining is performed either on a common foundation, or the foundation for it is done, especially since the weight of a ceramic bricks, if hollow, is low enough. It is important to know that close to the thermal insulation of the brick building finish is not put, you need an air layer of at least 60 millimeters .Ideally, if the brickwork is thickened for the main brickwork, and the insulation is fixed with special anchors with the hats pushed into the joints, then the second end of such fasteners can be laid in the seam of the cladding.

It is necessary to leave in the bottom row of the breech when finishing with a brick, which is possible in two ways - by laying the hollow blocks on one side so that the cavities become horizontal channels between the air layer and the external environment, or by partially filling the vertical joints between the blocks. Disposal so that for every 20 square meters of the wall accounted for 75 centimeters of ventilation ducts.

Another series of air ducts is made in the cornice part of the masonry. To protect the thermal insulation from blowing and damp, which can penetrate from the outside, fiberglass is laid on the heat insulation plates.

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