How to remove rust from a car, bicycle, metal

How to remove rust from the car

Rust converter

If the corrosion just started to appear, and you caught yourself in time - for you there is a simple solution to this problem. Rust is a chemical compound, with which it is easy to fight at the initial stage with the help of a so-called rust converter. It neutralizes the connection, and further corrosion does not increase, which gives you the right to live in peace and not to worry. On the Internet, there are a lot of positive reviews about the "magic cans", which gives us full right to argue that such a simple method of struggle has a place to exist.

Metal brush

If you have started your metal steed and the rust has appeared a year or even several years ago, it has swellings, and you absolutely understand that no miracle will help - we pick up a drill and a nozzle with a metal brush.

To begin with, it is necessary to clean the surface of dirt and dust. Remove all blisters with a drill with a nozzle. Further, we recommend that you use a rust converter for greater effect. After it, we take sandpaper with a grain size of 80-100 and work until the time until there is no corrosion at all, otherwise - you leave a chance for further development of corrosion. After you have won - it is necessary to degrease the surface. We would not advise using acetone-containing liquids, as they corrode paint on the body of the car.

How to remove rust from a car, bicycle, metal

How to remove rust from a car, bicycle, metal

Anti-corrosion treatment

One of the most common, but not the best options. There are many variations of "anti-rust" sold in stores, and one of them is epoxy primer. This method of getting rid of corrosion - there are 2 weighty minuses: high toxicity and high labor costs( about 12-16 hours), but there are also advantages: this type of treatment is an excellent basis for further paint and varnish work.

How to remove rust from the bike

Throughout our country, sports lovers every summer sit on bicycles. For the summer, the bike is the best friend and companion in the fight against excess weight and bad mood. But what to do if an iron friend has rust? Fight! It is very important not to start and not postpone for tomorrow, for a week and for the next year. The problem of rust at an early stage can be solved even by a girl without additional male help.

As with the car, a rust converter comes to our rescue. Do not forget to clean the surface and then degrease. If the problem is not at the first stage of corrosion - you, as well as motorists, should turn to a metal brush and sandpaper. It is important to pay special attention to the fact that after any treatment - corrosion should not remain at all.

How to remove rust from a car, bicycle, metal

How to remove rust from a car, bicycle, metal

How to remove rust from metal

We have already talked about a few simple ways to combat corrosion yourself. It is worth mentioning one more. If you are an engineer or in the depths of your heart you want to become an engineer, try it. This way not only 100% will save you from corrosion, but also teach a lot of new and cognitive.

So, we need:

  • small piece of zinc
  • long wire
  • soldering acid
  • rag
  • bulb at 12V.
How to remove rust from a car, bicycle, metal

How to remove rust from car, bicycle, metal

Stages of work:

  1. We put cotton wool on a piece of zinc, wrap it all with a clean rag.
  2. Take the screw, and screw it into a piece of zinc.
  3. To the self-tapping wire, and in series, through a 12V bulb, connect to the battery.
  4. We put on gloves. Wet zinc in abundant soldering acid.
  5. We treat the corrosive surface with a moistened zinc tampon, until a gray deposit is obtained. We disconnect everything from the battery, wash off the residues of acid and metal from the processing site.

After the procedure, no rust will ever appear on the treatment site, even if it is not covered with paint. Such miracles are from the engineers.

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