Lawn grass that destroys weeds, and her agricultural techniques

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Lawn grass that destroys weeds, and her agricultural techniques

Lawn grass sown on a plot


  • 1 Lawn grass, which kills weeds
  • 2 How to choose a lawn grass
  • 3 How to plant lawn grass
  • 4 When to plant lawn grass
  • 5 How to plant lawn grass (video)

Lawn grass, which kills weeds

Weeds are the strongest plants, the ability to survive in any, even the most extreme conditions. Just get rid of them, not the power of anyone. However, there are methods of using that, you can greatly simplify the struggle. One such method - growing grass, which kills weeds. Completely get rid of them will not work, but with proper care, you can reduce their number to a minimum.

Flat grassy carpet weed

Flat grassy carpet weed

Lawn grass is a mixture of perennial herbaceous plants, forming a continuous ground cover. Lawns are for different purposes: sports, ornamental and shade-tolerant. For all of them chosen your herbs, possessing the necessary qualities. For sports turf - resistance to trampling, for decorative - beauty, for shade-- resistance to lack of light.

There are several types of lawn grasses, which destroy weeds better than others:

  • pobegonosnaya bentgrass. This grass requires constant watering, and afraid of the heat. At the same time it perfectly kills weeds. She has good decorative properties;


By itself, sowing grass weeds will not solve the problem, so you need to take to achieve the goal set of additional measures:

  1. High-quality pre-sowing treatment of soil digging and herbicides kill most weeds.
  2. Fertilizing in the autumn and spring. Spring - nitrogen in the autumn - potash and phosphate.
  3. Periodic mowing the lawn. Weeds do not like constant pruning and eventually die.
Mowing grass

Mowing grass

Useful advice! Particular attention is lawn grass, which destroy weeds identified for the first year after planting. They need to be weeded from weeds, cut, carefully watered and fed. In the future, their root system will be strengthened, and this care will not need grass. Gradually replace lawn weeds.

If you decide to sow the lawn and came for the seeds in the store, you will be surprised at the number of different kinds of mixtures. How to choose a lawn grass to get maximum effect? When to plant lawn grass? The answer to these questions you need to get before the trip to the store.

Lawn grass on a suburban site

Lawn grass on a suburban site

How to choose a lawn grass

There are not so many kinds of herbs suitable for the formation of lawns. In contrast to the wild grasses, turf softer, good bush and form a dense turf that does not allow to break the weeds. All grass mixtures consist of bluegrass, fescue and ryegrass. It is based on a mixture, which is sometimes added other herbs.

lawn properties depend on the ratio of the percentage of seeds. If dominated by Kentucky bluegrass, the lawn will be a dark color. A large number of ryegrass gives a good turf, allowing the sow it in the trampled lawn areas.

Before choosing a lawn grass, you need to carefully read the description, which is on the packaging of any mixture. Thus it is necessary to consider not only the decorative component, but also the requirements to the soil, climatic conditions, terrain, area lighting, and lawn purpose.

Lawn grass seeds

Lawn grass seeds

Information on the packaging of the grass mixture should contain the following information:

  1. Species composition of cereals.
  2. Year in which seeds were produced.
  3. Sowing rate, i.e. the amount of mixture per 1 m2.
  4. Country and address of the manufacturer.

Even knowing how to choose a lawn grass, it is necessary to check the packaging itself. It should be no holes or tears. Seeds themselves should have international and national certificates of product quality and to have a complete adaptation to the climate of the region in which you reside.

Packaging seeds

Packaging seeds

Once the choice is made, it is necessary to wait for the sowing time and start to form a lawn. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with how to plant lawn grass. Here, too, has its own nuances and wisdom.

Useful advice!When buying seeds not ready grass mixtures, and separately, it is necessary to take into account all the properties of certain herbs. When mixing two or three cereals, the seeds must be chosen with the same shade and growth rate.

Different types of grass

Different types of grass

How to plant lawn grass

Before planting lawn grass, it is necessary to prepare the land for planting. To do this his mark and clean weeds from the roots. It is better to do it a couple of times with an interval of 2 weeks. After that, the marked section is aligned so that it is horizontal. If you want to split the territory into flowerbeds with straight boundaries, then apply the string with pegs, on which marking is carried out and the line.

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Then produce processing herbicides. When buying them should pay attention to the weeds against which they are intended. Spring sprouting weeds are much more amenable to treatment than the autumn, as the latter are able to drop the seeds, which germinate in the spring anyway. The treated patches of grass herbicides quickly turn yellow and die. After that, it is necessary to collect all the snatch and small shrubs, if they occur. Processing is performed with a 2-week interval.

weeding weeds on a prepared site

weeding weeds on a prepared site

Useful advice!For the final disposal of weeds plot is recommended to lay a geotextile cloth. This measure will not only kill the remaining roots of weeds, but not allow them to germinate seeds.

The second phase of work includes the preparation of the soil itself. To do this:

  • determine the chemical composition of the soil. To know its moisture content and structural features. In acidic soil is brought chalk or lime. Heavy clay soil must be diluted with humus or vermicompost;
  • make fertilizer recommendations for a package of grass mixture. Keep in mind that in the spring to apply nitrogen compounds that stimulate the growth of plants, and in the autumn of potassium and phosphorus, which allows you to safely spend the winter;
  • fertilized soil proryhlit, align and make it moderately moist;
  • then take the heavy, up to 100 kg, roller and thoroughly compacted them the whole plot. Upon detection of flaws, they additionally align and laminate this place;
  • after the need to wait a week for the shrinkage of the soil and remove weeds that could still occur during this time.
Ground compaction is performed before and after planting the seeds

Ground compaction is performed before and after planting the seeds

Time of the second stage - 1 week. Only then can you begin to plant lawn grass. Concerned as well to do - it will go on.

Firstly, it is necessary to divide the entire area mentally into several equal parts. All seeds are divided in equal amounts for each part. In this case, the flow rate will be uniform.

Second, the soil watered with a hose with a shower head that did not appear uneven. This should be done only when it is dry.

Thirdly, the seeds dispersed on the site in calm weather crosswise. This will provide a uniform fit.

Sowing grass

Sowing grass

Fourth, loosen the soil with a rake and ukatyvayut same heavy roller, the seeds were buried.

Fifth, the entire area is moderately watered with a hose with a nozzle, being careful not to damage the surface of the soil.

Useful advice! Do not skimp on the seeds. Bare patches on the lawn very quickly overgrown with weeds and everything will be repeated again.

Irrigation of lawns

Irrigation of lawns

Another important question - when to plant lawn grass, which destroys the weeds? The answer to it requires a detailed description of the principles of plant growth. However it is possible to identify some general rules.

When to plant lawn grass

Sowing any lawn produce during the growing season, ie from May to September. The best time is the spring or fall. The main thing that shoots have appeared until the first frost. A complete cycle from sowing to germination strengthening is 4 - 6 weeks. From this, and we must proceed to catch up to the frost.

Mowing using lawnmowers

Mowing using lawnmowers

Knowing when to plant lawn grass and the basic techniques of farming techniques, you can create on your beautiful lawn area, which will be a long time to please the eye and save from overgrowing with weeds.

How to plant lawn grass (video)

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