Many years of growing hedges: evergreens and their description

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A good alternative to heavy concrete and metal fence has now become much more environmentally friendly hedges, which copes with all protections functions and thus serves as an ornament portion. Consider how your own can be made long-term growing hedges: evergreens what kind is best to use and how to properly care for them.

Well-groomed hedges will help make the site attractive and cozy


  • 1 Many years of growing hedges: evergreen shrubs and trees
  • 2 Hedges in the country with their own hands: what plants can be used
  • 3 Trees and shrubs for hedges: a photo and the name of fast-growing plants
    • 3.1 Barberry: planting and caring for shrubs
    • 3.2 Periwinkle: photo and washing instructions
    • 3.3 Euonymus: planting and care of the fence
    • 3.4 Privet: a hedge of this plant
    • 3.5 Hawthorn Hedge: buy seedlings or grow their own
    • 3.6 Spruce: a hedge of conifers
    • 3.7 Honeysuckle Perfoliate: photos and tips on growing
    • 3.8 Willow: a hedge of a weeping tree
    • 3.9 Campsis grandiflora: planting and care
    • 3.10 Cotoneaster brilliant: a photo of the hedge
    • 3.11 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana: green fence conifer
    • 3.12 Kupressotsiparis Leyland: evergreen hedge of trees
    • 3.13 Laurel: photos, advice and especially the cultivation
    • 3.14 Holly: photos, planting and caring for shrubs
    • 3.15 Balsam Fir: features of care
    • 3.16 Ivy Garden: photo hedges and growing nuances
    • 3.17 Boxwood planting and care of the hedges in the garden
    • 3.18 Thuja Brabant: photos, description and recommendations on the cultivation
    • 3.19 Thuja Smaragd: a hedge of this plant
  • 4 Many years of growing hedges: general tips
    • 4.1 What better to hedge

Many years of growing hedges: evergreen shrubs and trees

The main advantage of using green spaces instead of traditional fences can be called their appearance. Lush green is sure to be pleasing to the eye, and at the same time to protect your site from the dust of the road. Moreover, the shrubs will actively produce oxygen, which is also an important argument in favor of this choice.

Hedge portion protects against wind and dust

Hedge portion protects against wind and dust

Here are a few benefits of the hedge:

  • fence bushes copes with the privacy function, due to the high density is sufficient;
  • during the pollination of flowers hedges is to lure beneficial insects;
  • to create a full hedge of fast-growing plants you do not need to wait too long;
  • thorny shrubs for hedges can create impassable for man and animal fencing;
  • quite a large variety of existing perennial garden shrubs, flowering all summer. Photos and names contained in the directories allow you to pick the option that will decorate the site over the warm season.

It is important to understand that the care of such a fence is quite specific because of the fact that the plants require maintenance: mowing, fertilizing, and sometimes irrigation. However, given that the traditional fence also requires attention and periodically you will have to be painted and repaired, it can be said that the time and effort costs almost the same.

Hedge allows to hide the fence area, if it does not look aesthetically pleasing

Hedge allows to hide the fence area, if it does not look aesthetically pleasing

Hedges in the country with their own hands: what plants can be used

To create hedges use a variety of plants. Sometimes you can find options that use small trees. In many ways, the choice depends on your financial capabilities, as well as individual preferences. Consider the two main groups, which are divided all the plants used for this purpose.

Conifers. Due to its ability to stay green, these shrubs are very popular among those who want to make a hedge. It is important to note that for this purpose, suitable only ornamental varieties. It is also worth taking into account the particularities of each type of cultivation: Some conifers grow best in terms of opacity, and other species prefer sunny places.

Useful advice!It is not recommended to plant conifers, if your site is dominated by clay soil or ground water close to the surface. In addition, it is necessary to comply with a certain distance between the bushes: 25-55 cm.

Conifers planted as a hedge, prefer humid climate

Conifers planted as a hedge, prefer humid climate

Significantly greater variety of offers second group of plants - deciduous. Due to the high growth rate in the first year after planting, they will reach a sufficient height to fully play the role of the fence.

In the process of care for the fence of deciduous plants should consider the following factors:

  • green spaces of this type can develop very differently, so in the growth process should pay attention to their formation;
  • If you are using climbing plants, it is necessary to make sure that they do not suffer from your own and neighbors' beds;
  • fruiting varieties can be planted bushes or trees;
  • planting of shrubs with thorns and spines can provide you with additional protection against the penetration of strangers to the area.
Due to the large diversity of plants, hedges can be colorful and interesting plot element

Due to the large diversity of plants, hedges can be colorful and interesting plot element

When making a choice, it is necessary to take into account a number of existing factors, including climate, soil type and site relief. Also it is better to ask in advance, as the plants chosen by you to get along with each other.

Trees and shrubs for hedges: a photo and the name of fast-growing plants

In order to make the right choice, you must briefly acquainted with all existing variants. Enough to get a general idea about the requirements of a plant, and you can easily determine the most appropriate.

Mainly consider those options that are relevant in the suburbs. Fast-growing plants for hedges from this list it is able to exist in the local climate.

Plants for hedges should be selected according to the type of soil and climate where they will be planted

Plants for hedges should be selected according to the type of soil and climate where they will be planted

Barberry: planting and caring for shrubs

Planting shrubs barberry is preferable to hold the spring, it is accepted and autumn planting in rare cases. Hedge of barberry is extremely taxing and requires minimal maintenance. Not afraid of the wind and drafts. One thing is for barberry undesirable factor - increased soil acidity.

on the bushes of barberry Care instructions absolutely universal for all grades and types. In normal times, additional watering is not required, however, in the period of excessive heat or drought can moisturize the soil once a week. It is important to try to avoid getting water on the leaves.

Excessive rainfall is much more dangerous for the barberry bushes than drought. This is due to their ability to accumulate and stagnate water. For this reason, it is recommended on a regular basis to get rid of the growing of weeds and loosen the soil.

Begin pruning can be a year after planting shrubs, remove weak and dry branches. This procedure has both formative and health value, so its a must to spend.

Barberry - bright and unpretentious plant, so many people prefer to use it to form hedges

Barberry - bright and unpretentious plant, so many people prefer to use it to form hedges

Periwinkle: photo and washing instructions

Periwinkles attributed to the category of herbaceous plants with erect stems and creeping shrubs. They have a variety of different colors (usually blue, but there are also pink, purple, white blossoms) bloom in the spring.

Any difficulties do not cause the cultivation and care. Vinca landing in the open ground can be carried out at almost any time of the year: spring, late fall and even on cloudy summer days. The plant is not very sensitive to external factors and survives well as in full sun and in the shade.

Additional watering periwinkle is not required, if not to take into account periods of prolonged drought, which happens infrequently. The rest of the colors are quite capable to take care of themselves. Weeds for them and not an obstacle, so that weeding can be engaged exclusively on their own. It is important to cut the plants after a long flowering period, to help him and upgraded to form.

Periwinkle - a stable and reliable plants, used for decoration of borders and strengthening nekrutye bare slopes

Periwinkle - a stable and reliable plants, used for decoration of borders and strengthening nekrutye bare slopes

Euonymus: planting and care of the fence

Euonymus - is a genus of plants that includes both shrubs and trees. To create a hedge shrubs is used more often. Their main difference and advantage - an unusually beautiful colors of the leaves, which can combine the red, orange, yellow, white and purple hues.

Euonymus belongs to the category of fruit-bearing plants, but its fruits can not be eaten due to the presence of toxic substances. However, as the decoration of the autumn garden its fruits look just great.

Caring for shrubs provides for regular trimming and removal of dry damaged branches. Forming a fence, euonymus can create not only smooth edges, but also give him a variety of geometric shapes. Additional watering is not required, but the frost at a young age may be sensitive. Therefore, the newly planted bushes is better to take shelter in case of frost.

Gardeners appreciate euonymus for a wide variety of types and colors

Gardeners appreciate euonymus for a wide variety of types and colors

Privet: a hedge of this plant

Privet - one of the most popular fast-growing shrubs for hedges. This undemanding plant that is easy to get accustomed to the shaded areas. In addition, it is well to cope with drought. The only thing that could be an obstacle to the proper growth - excessive dry sandy soils or their high acidity.

Regarding the period, which is best suited for transplantation privet, opinions were divided. Some argue that it is best to do it in the spring, before the new cycle will begin and unfold the kidneys. Others believe that the transplant safer to do in the beginning or middle of autumn.

The main principle on which is based watering privet - rare but excessive entry of moisture into the ground. Except where the dry periods of summer, this plant is enough natural rainfall, so extra watering is not necessary.

Buy privet worth more because it is ideal for the development of technology topiary shrubs as easily be able to hide all the flaws and inaccuracies, quickly giving new shoots.

Privet, under favorable conditions, quickly gives the new shoots, so it is often necessary to cut

Privet, under favorable conditions, quickly gives the new shoots, so it is often necessary to cut

Useful advice!Once planted in the ground shrub take hold, it is necessary to trim the tip to make it more dense and not too grew up.

Hawthorn Hedge: buy seedlings or grow their own

On the possibility to create a hedge, using hawthorn bushes, not everyone knows. For this purpose, some of its varieties that are able to survive in a rather harsh climatic conditions, and have a fairly dense crown, giving in formation.

This plant prefers open sunny glades, because the deficit of natural light may be the reason that the bush will bloom. However, the hawthorn is quite frost. Its stems are covered with thorns, and after flowering, a period of fruiting, characterized by the appearance of orange or reddish fruits.

Related article:

Catalog of perennials for the garden: a photo with the names and descriptions of plants

Photos from the names of plants will help to orient in a huge variety of colors and make the right choices for your site.

The best time for planting shrubs Hawthorn - spring. During this period it is best to conduct all excavation work. But it is important to understand that hawthorn is not a fast-growing plants, and because the period for growing a full hedge up to 10 years.

Start pruning and shaping needed from the fourth year life of the plant, and then maintain its shape regularly. This can be done at any time of the year, depending on need. For this purpose, you can use an ordinary pruner.

Hawthorn - fast grower, so from dlinnyx novyx shoots can form beautiful hedges

Hawthorn - fast grower, so from dlinnyx novyx shoots can form beautiful hedges

Spruce: a hedge of conifers

Popularity hedges of fir due to several factors, most of which can be called the ability of this tree stay green. Unlike deciduous shrubs and trees that fall in autumn, spruce can hide your site from prying eyes at any time of the year.

Among other advantages of this solution include:

  • coniferous trees are very positive effect on the environment, contributing to the purification of air and neutralizing odors;
  • a fence is a reliable protection from both dust and the snow in the cold season;
  • Conifers are fairly resistant to various diseases;
  • haircut and firs formation should be carried out not too often. This is due to the relatively slow pace of growth.

Despite all these advantages, it is worth paying attention to, what they ate, like many other conifers prefer moist climate. They are not very well respond to increased dryness of the soil.

Gusto impaled eating can create natural hedges

Gusto impaled eating can create natural hedges

Honeysuckle Perfoliate: photos and tips on growing

Honeysuckle - a species of honeysuckle, which is a type of "creepers." Its height can be up to 6 m, and shoots the color can vary from green to red. The period of flowering of this plant - in late spring and early summer.

Note! The fruits of honeysuckle honeysuckle are toxic and their use in food insecure.

If you want to hedge of honeysuckle actively blooming, better to choose a sunny place open for her. For planting is best suited spring months. In order to plant vines can form a complete barrier, it is necessary to establish special support.

It is best suited for honeysuckle neutral acidic soil. Earth with a high content of clay or overly dry this plant does not like. In this note a rather high resistance to frost.

Care honeysuckle Perfoliate involves the removal of weeds, regular and abundant watering, and trimming and forming.

Honeysuckle planted in the sun, is an annual delight violent flowering

Honeysuckle planted in the sun, is an annual delight violent flowering

Willow: a hedge of a weeping tree

Natural willow fence - one of the easiest options that you can find. This is due to the unique ability of this tree - to take root even twigs. That is, to create a full hedge, you do not need to plant conventional seedlings with already formed root system. You just plug in moist soil willow twig and soon he will sprout.

After twigs germinate and take root, your main task will be to monitor the formation and, if necessary, to limit the growth of trees. Another property of these plants - an extremely high growth rate, on the one hand, allows create a complete fence as soon as possible, and on the other - it requires constant attention and monitoring.

Useful advice! In order to make a living fence more secure, it is quite possible to use a wire that is attached to the vertical supports of the fence. Thanks to the green it will be hidden, but will prevent the penetration of unwanted guests on site.

Green hedge of weeping willow does not require large financial costs

Green hedge of weeping willow does not require large financial costs

Campsis grandiflora: planting and care

The people Trumpet has several names, such as Tecoma or trubkotsvet. The plant belongs to the category tree perennial deciduous vines and in some cases may reach 15 m in length. In the process of growing the young shoots encircle the supporting pillars in a spiral and then oderevenev over time, retain their shape.

Pleases also a long period of flowering of this plant - from June to September. Almost all the summer you can enjoy the scarlet or bright orange inflorescences, consisting of individual flowers, which resemble small grammofonchiki.

Trumpet favorable to growth are considered abundant heat and sunlight. And although the plant can survive in almost any soil, the most favorable is considered a weak acid or neutral environment for him. In this case, the flowering will be more abundant.

Trumpet vines grow very quickly, so neglect pruning, you should not. Height fencing constantly need to control, cutting and guiding the vines. In addition, it is recommended to carry out the removal of old branches, to make way for new, more suitable for flowering.

Trumpet vines grow very quickly, so it is better not to sit down right in front of windows of the house

Trumpet vines grow very quickly, so it is better not to sit down right in front of windows of the house

Cotoneaster brilliant: a photo of the hedge

Most importantly, it is necessary to understand the gardeners who have decided to use hedge cotoneaster brilliant - this plant is not the same thing as an ordinary cotoneaster. And exactly this kind will not be able to provide you with edible berries. Looking through photos cotoneaster brilliant, you can see how nice it looks such a barrier.

By itself, cotoneaster is a bush, which is formed by the erect stems, closely spaced together. The maximum height, which is able to achieve this shrub - 2 meters, but have to buy cotoneaster brilliant in the form of seedlings. In this case, its crown is very dense and fluffy.

Cotoneaster brilliant exercise for the care you need regularly. This includes watering, hoeing soil and mandatory haircut bushes. Although it is worth noting that as the shrubs take root and grow, they require less and less attention. So, over time, can be dispensed with irrigation, except during periods of severe drought.

Sanitary pruning designed to remove all unnecessary and old branches, you can carry out at any time, regardless of the season. This should be done both to form and to rejuvenate shrubs. Summary forming trimming is preferably carried out in the spring, before the first buds appeared.

Cotoneaster brilliant known that survives equally well on different types of soil

Cotoneaster brilliant known that survives equally well on different types of soil

Useful advice!During the spring pruning is recommended to eliminate one-third of the increase to ensure the possibility of full plant growth, while maintaining the desired shape of the fence.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana: green fence conifer

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana can surely be called one of the most beautiful conifers, which are used to create hedges. If you are paying due attention to the choice of the landing site, in the future you will not have any difficulties with its cultivation.

The ideal location of this arrangement can be considered Chamaecyparis clearing disposed near constant water source. These plants are very fond of moisture and is constantly in need. In addition, it is very desirable that the landing place and was protected from strong winds.

During the summer, every tree requires daily watering rate of 8-10 liters. In addition, further water may be sprayed crown. Fertilize plants with mineral and organic fertilizers is necessary at least once a month.

Formative pruning is carried out in the spring, at the same time removing any dried twigs and implementing growth control. At the same time, you can make and fertilizer to support the plant.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana - one of the most beautiful conifers, which are used in landscape design

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana - one of the most beautiful conifers, which are used in landscape design

Kupressotsiparis Leyland: evergreen hedge of trees

Kupressotsiparis Leyland - evergreen trees representing the height of which can reach 20 m Crohn these trees thick and has a symmetrical shape with downward hanging shoots.. In the year that the plant can grow up to 1.5 m, so that it belongs to the fastest growing group.

Kupressotsiparis fairly quiet lives in the shade and has a few requirements to external conditions. If we talk about the most favorable environment for him, he prefers moderate moisture and soil rich in minerals. As for acidity, this indicator has special significance. In the dry season the young trees need periodic watering, and other times it is enough natural rainfall.

Useful advice! tree planting in open ground can only be performed after their root system is quite well developed. Up to this point they should be kept in special containers.

Kupressotsiparis Leyland prefers soil rich in minerals

Kupressotsiparis Leyland prefers soil rich in minerals

Laurel: photos, advice and especially the cultivation

In search of growing bushes for many living fence pay attention to such a plant, like laurel. Most of its species grows rather slowly, but the laurel officinalis is an exception, and therefore is used often enough gardeners.

We should also mention the beauty of the flowers of this plant. Long (12 cm) Inflorescence composed of many small flowers and ornamental hedges and impart an aesthetic appearance.

Laurel perfectly withstand any difficulties, including severe frosts. Suffice shade-but demanding the presence of moisture. If the soil is too dry for a long period, the plant ceases to bloom and bear fruit, it will be worse to grow.

Fast-growing hedges of laurel requires trimming and forming twice a year. The first time it needs to be done at the end of next summer after planting seedlings.

Lirovidnaya cherry summer covers a large, aromatic buds

Lirovidnaya cherry summer covers a large, aromatic buds

Holly: photos, planting and caring for shrubs

Holly - a bush that has dark green leaves with a glossy surface. Its prickly leaves that allows you to create practically impenetrable fence, the height of which can reach several meters. Plant undemanding and can fully grow and develop as in a sufficient amount of sunlight and in the penumbra.

Hedge of holly shrubs formed over 4-5 years, provided that the soil were planted sufficiently developed plants. In the process of landing is necessary to observe the distance between the bushes about 60 cm, to enable them to grow.

Landing can be carried out twice a year: in the fall (October-November) and spring (April). But cutting is preferably carried out in the middle of summer (the best in the end of July).

Holly or Holly, valued for its decorative shiny leathery leaves and bright attractive berries, which can be red, yellow or white

Holly or Holly, valued for its decorative shiny leathery leaves and bright attractive berries, which can be red, yellow or white

Balsam Fir: features of care

Balsam fir - the plant prefers to grow in the shaded areas. For it is good shade or partial shade. Also on its development will positively affect the proximity of the pond. This is due to the fact that the fir loves damp and rich in trace elements soil, well-drained. In this stagnant water in the soil will not allow for this plant.

For planting in open ground plants are used, the age of which is not less than 4 years. Landing spend the best in April, but it should pick up for this cloudy day. Preparations need to start in advance, digging a pit of suitable size for the two weeks prior to planting.

Despite the fact that the fir is quite resistant to frost, sudden changes in temperature can provoke frostbite stem of the tree. To avoid this, the period of strong frosts recommended cover the plant spruce branches. Of course, this is more for the young plants.

Before planting fir in open ground, it can be grown in pots near the house

Before planting fir in open ground, it can be grown in pots near the house

Useful advice!It is important to remember that the root system of fir rather superficial, so that the wind can damage the plant. During the landing is better to choose places where the trees are protected from the strong gusts.

Ivy Garden: photo hedges and growing nuances

Ivy Garden - one of the most unpretentious plant, which only can be found to create a hedge. His landing and cultivation will not deliver any trouble the hosts. The plant grows as beautifully in the shade and in the sun. However, it is not well tolerate high humidity and severe frosts, so it is desirable for the winter plant cover.

The choice of location for planting is carried out of the following criteria: the lack of drafts and strong winds, mostly hill. The first time the ivy grows quite slowly, adapting and getting used to new conditions. Therefore, planting is best done in early spring, so that during the summer months, the plant has been able to gain strength.

Frequent watering a garden Ivy does not require. Even in periods of drought, 1-2 times a week would be sufficient. Closer to the fall or during the emergence of natural precipitation should abandon it.

Ivy - creeping shrub clinging to their adventitious roots of the walls and tree trunks

Ivy - creeping shrub clinging to their adventitious roots of the walls and tree trunks

Useful advice!To maintain the health of the root system of the plant, right after the rainy recommended proryhlit soil to prevent the formation of dense areas, which will not allow moisture and oxygen to freely enter roots.

Boxwood planting and care of the hedges in the garden

Boxwood - incredibly beautiful shrub, which allows you to create unique hedges on garden plots. At the same time, this plant has requirements that allow to grow healthy and beautiful shrubs. For example, it considered the most suitable soil with moderate humidity and loam or sandy loam composition. Boxwood not respond well to increased soil acidity.

Adverse impact on the development of the root system has increased and the level of groundwater. As for the love of plants to direct sunlight, it is definitely possible to say that boxwood prefer shaded areas, while creating a hedge, meet this condition can be difficult.

Landing boxwood should be implemented in the spring. For this purpose it is necessary to prepare a trench whose depth is twice the size of the seedling root systems. In the process of planting, pay attention to the condition of the root system and the plant crown.

With the help of special tools can generate beautiful bush crown and adjust its height

With the help of special tools can generate beautiful bush crown and adjust its height

Thuja Brabant: photos, description and recommendations on the cultivation

Thuja Brabant - an ornamental plant, which can not be called whimsical, but at the same time, it requires compliance with a number of conditions and the content of the landing to keep the function. The first is to note that this Thuja does not tolerate shade. Deficiency of sunlight can lead to loss of the original bright-green plants.

At the same time, the intense heat of not less than disastrous. Ideal - partial shade, when the plant is part of the light of the day is exposed to sunlight, and in the rest of the time is hidden in the shadows. This can be achieved, landed fifth with the western or eastern side of some buildings in the area.

Given these feature shapes plants (broad Kroon and narrowing upwards) planting seedlings hedge must be done at a distance greater than 50 cm apart. So save space in this case will not work.

Dry drained land can not become a good basis for growing arborvitae, which by its decorative features can meet all the requirements, and most importantly, your expectations.

Placing fifth Brabant can grow fairly high fence

Placing fifth Brabant can grow fairly high fence

Thuja Smaragd: a hedge of this plant

Opting arborvitae hedge, it is worth considering as an option for one more species of this plant. Thuja Smaragd can reach a height of 3-5 meters. In this case, its girth will reach up to 2 m. Such serious dimensions of the adult plant is taken into account in the process planting of seedlings, leaving a sufficient gap between them, even if in the end you want to get a dense zelnuyu fence.

Tree grows rather slowly, and the annual increase no more than for him to 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width. Thuja can live for over 150 years. As for the conditions, trees quite unpretentious and can grow as full sun and in the shade.

What arborvitae hedge better - everyone decides for himself, based on their appearance, and conditions are available on the site. But one thing is for sure - and the hedge of arborvitae Brabant, and the fence of her fellow Smaragd will be a great decoration of your site throughout the year.

With the help of a hedge of conifers can be beautifully zoned the country and create shaded areas for relaxation

With the help of a hedge of conifers can be beautifully zoned the country and create shaded areas for relaxation

Many years of growing hedges: general tips

As can be seen from the above list, many plants are quite undemanding and require the owners attention only at the stage of selecting a suitable site and landing. In the future, only need periodic pruning, which allows to maintain the fence in the proper form.

Buy shrubs for hedges is also quite simple. Best for this purpose, suitable for garden centers or greenhouses that are engaged in the cultivation of seedlings of shrubs and trees.

What better to hedge

After reviewing the photos and names of fast-growing trees and shrubs for the garden, you will be able to assess which option you prefer. Making the choice is based on these criteria:

  • available for plant growth conditions: the type of soil, area light, climatic features, precipitation, etc .;
  • the amount of time and attention that you are willing to pay for the care of the fence. Various trees and shrubs for hedges require the owners of the various efforts. If you are not willing to devote a lot of time to this issue, it is better to prefer a simpler variant, which enables you to cost-cutting forming one or two times a year;
Beautiful green fence is formed within a few years if taking care of plants

Beautiful green fence is formed within a few years if taking care of plants

  • aesthetic component - no less important aspect of the selection. Much depends on how you see the fence of your site if you want an evergreen or deciduous, etc.

Selecting fast-growing plants for hedges large enough, so find a suitable option is not too difficult for you. The main thing - to consider as much as possible photos with the names of perennials, shrubs for the garden, which involves the formation of a haircut. And once you make a choice in favor of either option, find detailed instructions on how to make hedge their own hands with the help of a plant.

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