Barbecue with your own hands

Country holiday on Sundays in is associated most often with with the preparation of delicious meat, fish and vegetable dishes on with hot coals. Of course, it is always possible to quickly organize a small brazier, even simply digging a groove in the ground and inventing some cross-bars for the net or skewers. But, you will agree, it is still much better and tastier, with less consumption of fuel, the products will be prepared, if special constructions are used - barbecue, grill or barbecue.

Barbecue with your own hands

Barbecue with their own hands

Owners of countryside areas in general , probably a sin not to have at their disposal such devices, stationary or portable. In the shops there is a wide selection of such devices welded from metal. However, if the landlord has at least initial skills in construction or in the processing and welding of metal, probably, he will not be presented with for , but it's a big problem to build a barbecue with his own hands, to one degree or another of complexity.

What is hidden under the word "barbecue"?

What is hidden under the word "barbecue"?

  • 2 The simplest brazier-barbecue for ten minutes
  • 3 Metal brazier-barbecue from the handy materials
    • 3.1 Video: an interesting model of a barbecue grill with a smokehouse
  • 4 Stationary barbecue made of bricks
    • 4.1 Choosing the best place for a barbecue complex
    • 4.2 The foundation for a brick oven-barbecue
    • 4.3 A simple option without a chimney
    • 4.4 A more difficult task - a barbecue with a pipe
    • 4.5 Video: an instruction for erecting a barbecue complex made of bricks
  • First of all, You need to understand that we need to get, if the goal is to create a barbecue.

    The etymology of this name is not entirely unambiguous - there are several versions of its origin. The most likely seems to be the option linking its to the with the ancient Greek , and then with the Latin word "barbarus" , which meant an alien stranger alien to culture. In our language, the word was gradually transformed into a "barbarian".

    Возможно, слово "барбекю" пошло от "варварского" приготовления пищи в очагах и на кострах

    Perhaps the word "barbecue" came from "barbarous" cooking in the fires and on the fires of

    Perhaps the way of cooking these very semi-wild nomadic tribes - the barbarians - on open fires or in stone caves, and has laid the established name. But, you will agree that this "barbarous" way of to all us is very and very like it! Have you decided to build a barbecue oven?

    We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the latest article on our portal - how to make a brazier.

    But before you go to the article about barbecue, be sure to read how to lay a brick - here.

    In addition, an excellent solution is a tandoor! For building tandyr by yourself, read also on our portal.

    But at once the question arises - there are many recipes for cooking dishes on the grill, grilling or cooking technology barbecue. What is the difference, in what is that subtlety that distinguishes one from the other?

    On a large account, the difference is small, but still it is.

    • The usual brazier, as a rule, represents any metal or brick container for coals( a box, a box and , .), On top of which the skewers are laid or grate is laid on which the products are laid out. The height of the installation is not regulated at all - the supply is always the upper edge of the brazier itself. From above, the prepared products are freely blown by air, for which no obstacles are created. In the drawer holes are made for blowing air, necessary for burning wood and subsequent smoldering of coals. No additional pull in the brazier is created in principle - only the heat transmitted by direct heat radiation, which immediately dissipates above the level of skewers or lattice .
    Самый простой в "семействе" - обычный мангал

    The simplest in the "family" - the usual brazier

    This, apparently, is the simplest of the listed devices. The preparation of meat on the requires the of a certain skill, since the heat comes only from the bottom, and it is important not to overexpose, do not overdry the side of the products, reversed to the fire.

    • The grill also involves cooking on charcoal, but the principle here is different - the closed volume of the is important, in which the process takes place. Meat products can also be strung on skewers or laid on the mesh over the on the by taking glowing embers, but then the grill is necessarily covered with a lid.
    The grill assumes the presence of a lid, that is, a space closed for cooking on all sides

    Grill supposes the presence of a lid, that is, a closed area on all sides for the preparation of

    products. Hot air in the closed volume of is distributed more evenly, and the frying process occurs simultaneously from all sides of .Of course, combustion channels require air intake and smoke outlets, so grills are often supplemented by a small pipe.

    • But the brazier-barbecue takes some intermediate position between the usual barbecue and grill, and is the closest to the "cave", "barbarous" conditions of cooking meat. It resembles a hearth with one open face.
    For barbecue is necessary or closed from three sides of the hearth. ..

    A barbecue is necessary or closed on three sides of the fireplace. ..

    Another option - when around the grate barbecue is surely there is a side wall, which does not gives immediately the heat to disperse on the sides of the slightest breeze.

    ... or the grill is surrounded by a wall-side that delays the heat at a certain height from the fried foods

    . .. or the grill is surrounded by a side wall that detains the heat at a certain height from the fry products

    The walls of this side or fireplace are also heated and involved in the cooking process. It turns out a kind of heat cushion that envelops the products against and edges of the , and in the case of the focal type of the barbecue, the is still and to some extent from above. It is clear that in such conditions the meat is cooked faster, and there is much less risk than drying it on the brazier or even burning one of the sides. As a rule, one or another possibility of adjusting the height of the grate over the coals is thought out at all barbecues.

    Artificial craving for barbecue is not created - the slower the hot air moves, the better. The type fires in the barbecue of , of course, the smoke pipe can not be dispensed with, but the pipe should not be high - usually no more than one and a half meters from the level of the brazier to the upper head.

    To be honest, all these three culinary devices are so "related" to each other that very often one is easily and easily transformed into another one. For example, the grate installed or suspended below the level of the grill wall immediately converts it into a barbecue. And if you close the lid on the barbecue or cover the hearth door, then, accordingly, you can cook on the grill technology .

    Barbecue, barbecue and grill are very often easily transformed from one type to another

    BBQ, barbecue and grill very often easily transformed from one type to another

    Perhaps the reader will be objected to such a gradation of cooking appliances on open fire and coals, as a variety of opinions on the Internet for this account expressed a lot. Nevertheless, , further in the article will be considered those options for manufacturing or building a brazier-barbecue that fit the criteria described above.

    The variants will be considered in sequence from simple to complex , from temporary to portable braziers, and further to fixed complexes.

    Gazebo with own hands Is the barbecue almost ready? A gazebo yet?

    Find out more information about the construction of the gazebo with your own hands.

    But before building a gazebo, be sure to read the information on the construction of the foundation for a gazebo - here.

    The simplest brazier-barbecue for ten minutes

    This option is available literally to all , even to people, completely non-possessing building skills. By itself, the way of erecting such a brazier-barbecue in many ways resembles a child's play in cubes.

    For work you will need:

    - About a hundred bricks( item 1).Their number may be smaller - it all depends on the height of the future "structure".

    - Metal sheet( item 2) and grille ( item 3).The size of these elements should be approximately equal. In fact, their length and width predetermine the size of the brazier.

    The scheme of a simple brazier-barbecue, which can be laid out literally in a few minutes

    The scheme of a simple brazier-barbecue, which can be laid out in just a few minutes

    The masonry will be carried out "on dry", that is, no mortar will be needed.

    • For construction, it is necessary to prepare a flat and solid pad, so that it is fireproof. For example, it is possible to spread the brazier on a compact compact compacted from dry grass.
    • On the finished site is laid out a circle of laid flat bricks, with the leaving of lumens between them about 50 mm for free passage of air from below. Just compare the diameter of the laid circle with the dimensions of the sheet and the - grating, these metal elements must completely its to overlap the resulting "well".On the of the reduced scheme in the laying of one row, 12 bricks are involved.
    • Similarly, the is neatly stacked in four rows, each with a displacement so that the masonry was " in the " bandage.
    • A metal sheet is placed on top of the fifth row. The thickness of it should be at least 2 ÷ 3 mm, since it is on the that will be lit, fire wood and smolder coals.
    • The next two rows of bricks create a peculiar hearth. The principle of masonry here remains the same as the bottom, but there is one feature - the front side does not report one brick from below and, respectively, two in the second row( position 4).This opening will become a heating window, through which the loading and ignition of firewood will be carried out, tilling the coals.
    • The next step on the brick "well" is laid metal lattice , which will be placed fried products.
    • On top lattice is stacked still two rows of bricks. At the same time, there should not be any lumens between them - a solid edge must be formed around the brazier, so that the "barbecue principle" is realized. It is also permissible to leave a small opening in the front part, for the convenience of manipulating the blade or forceps during the inverting of the fried products.

    Such a brazier can leave the on the site on the summer period, but if there is concern that the bricks and metal parts can simply be "dragged" in the absence of the of the owners, then the is not at all difficult to disassemble its in order to close the materials in the utilityindoors. If it is necessary to build a barbecue again, do not compile t t ore and not will take a lot of time.

    1 The usual standard metal barrel is in good condition. It is important that before it is not stored in it easily flammable products( for example, gasoline).
    The barrel immediately makes an external marking - two parallel lines between the bottom and the lid. The area to be cut should be about ⅓ surface. The figure shows a marking made with two bands of electrical tape( blue arrows).
    Pay attention to the location of the filler neck of the barrel - almost at the level of the far line of marking, with a slight shift back( red arrow).This is important, since the throat will then be used for the chimney.
    2 Cross cutting lines are projected about 50 mm from the cap and bottom flange joints, and must go strictly parallel to them. Then, with the help of the "Bulgarian", the planned window is cut out.
    It is very important to cut as accurately and accurately as possible because the cut out fragment will be used as a lid, and the gaps when closing it should remain minimal.
    3 Further work will be easier if you immediately build a stand for a future barbecue.
    There can be a lot of options here, but for an example you can give a simple design that does not require welded joints. The diagram is shown in the figure.
    Pipe cuts Ø 40 mm - 4 pieces in length 750 ÷ 800 mm( this height will provide the most comfortable use of the braziers), and 2 pieces the length equal to the length of the barrel laid on the horizontal surface with the addition of 150 mm more to the nodes of the upper fastening.
    The legs are connected to the crossbeams with bolts, for which holes are drilled in the pipes( indicated by the arrow)
    4 Now it's time to make jumpers that will give the stiffness of the stand construction. And cheaper, and it will be easier to make them wooden, or more precisely - their plywood thickness of at least 10 mm.
    For this, two strips with a length of 700 mm are cut and two strips are cut to 900 mm, with a total width of 150 mm. In two of them, holes Ø 42 ÷ 45 mm, equidistant from the center and distance between the planned centers of the holes of 500 mm, are selected by a drill-bit.
    The other two holes are the same, but the distance between their centers is increased to 750 mm. This will give a slight slope of the legs inwards, which will increase the strength of the structure.
    The first pair of plywood blanks is put on the legs of the pipes of both metal halves of the frame( blue arrow).For greater rigidity, the webs are connected together by means of self-tapping screws, also manufactured by their plywood strips( red arrow).
    By the way, this jumper can be made wide - then it will also serve as a rather convenient back-up shelf.
    5 Now - how to fix this wooden spacer jumper at the correct height? The easiest way is to fix the usual clamps on each of the legs - they will not allow the plywood parts to sink down. It is important to place this assembly no closer than 400 mm from the top rails, so that the wooden parts do not get burnt from the heat when using a barbecue.
    This fixation with clamps allows you to quickly disassemble the entire structure by simply loosening the nuts and removing the parts from the legs.
    In the same way, the lower jumpers are also installed, where the holes are slightly wider. The height of their location is 100-150 mm from the ground level. It is not required to connect them with a cross member.
    6th Everything, the barbecue stand is ready. You can install the barrel on top and continue working. The cylinder barrel reliably stood between the metal bars( blue arrow), and the ends rested against the connecting nodes( red arrow), which eliminates its movement in any direction. Under the weight of the barrel, the entire structure of the stand, located under a slight slope, will finally wedge inward and will remain stationary.
    8 We continue work on the barrel itself.
    The main tools are a drill, screwdriver, wrenches, as all connections will be threaded. Use aluminum rivets is undesirable, because the thermal stability of this metal is low.
    First of all, the brackets are installed on which the mantel grid will be laid out. These are common steel corners bolted just below the level of the cutout on one side - and horizontally to them - with the opposite.
    Placement of corners - depending on the size and stiffness of the existing grating, so that it is securely installed with an emphasis on at least four corners, and if necessary - with additional corners to avoid sagging.
    I Most often use a collapsible lattice of two halves - it is easier to install in the cavity of the barrel. The figure shows this option. Arrows indicate the installed brackets.
    7th It's time to tackle the hinged lid.
    On the back, high part of the opening, the screws are fastened with conventional steel window hinges( not folding).
    6e227c76d40c945994dfe59531cb13fb The second half of the loops are screwed to the previously cut fragment from the barrel.
    It is necessary to accurately measure the position of the hinges so that the resulting lid will exactly rise to the size of the window and close it as close as possible in the lower position.
    12 Now on the turn the chimney( red arrows).The plug in the drain neck is removed, and instead of it, a threaded coupling of the appropriate diameter is that a protruding threaded connection( pos.1) is obtained.
    A 90 ° elbow( key 2) is wound on it, to which then a low pipe can be connected, placing it in such a way that the exhaust smoke does not become a hindrance to the person engaged in preparing food.
    At the bottom of the barrel end, it is additionally fashionable to make an adjustable ash pit( blue arrows).To do this, drill several holes Ø 10 ÷ 12 mm( item 3), and above on the bolt-axis is a flap, which can regulate the flow of air into the furnace.
    This is especially important when cooking in grill mode, because with the lid closed, burning without oxygen can simply stop.
    eleven Remained the last "strokes".
    The chimney is installed( blue arrow).
    It is mandatory to have a handle, for which the lid of the frypot will be opened - a barbecue. It is desirable to make it from a material that does not heat up very much. Variants can be different, for example, such as shown in the picture( orange arrow).
    If there is a desire, then after preliminary cleaning, cover the top of the barrel with a special heat-resistant paint.
    The master who made the barbecue, about which the story went, further strengthened the thermometer( red arrow) on the surface of the lid, allowing you to monitor the temperature regime during cooking in the "grill" mode.
    In fact, the assembly of the barbecue is finished.
    Image Description

    Metal brazier-barbecue from the

    hand tools If the owner of the house has good skills in metal processing and welding, a portable barbecue model can be a very good option. Task more more simplified in the event that there are old unnecessary metal drums or gas cylinders.

    In principle, you can even do without welding - it is about this option and will go speech. The pictures in the left column of the table can be examined in more detail by increasing them with a mouse click.

    Similar or in certain degrees modified, at the will and fantasy of the master, barbecue can be made and their old gas cylinders.( With , care should be taken with the first cut of the tank, as there may be an explosive residual gas concentration inside. The container is recommended to be washed several times with water, and the first should also be carried out in the filled with water).

    Only on the creativity and skill of the master depends on how functional his design will become

    Only from the creativity and skill of the master depends on how functional his design becomes

    . The creative approach of the gives the an opportunity to significantly expand the functionality of the manufactured structure. For example, it is easy to provide an additional "option" for a smoke bottle by installing an additional chamber at the smoke outlet from the main brazier. Another option is to install a separate combustion chamber at the bottom, which will be used in the smoking mode. And to maintain the desired temperature and smoke concentration required for smoking, an adjustable valve is installed on the chimney. A good example of such a barbecue grill model with the ability to switch to smoking mode is in the attached video.

    Video: an interesting BBQ grill model with

    copter. If the design turns out heavy , then its can be equipped, for example, with uniaxial wheeled stroke. This will allow you to easily move its on the territory of the site or clean it in a barn or garage for a period of unclaimedness.

    Stationary barbecues made of bricks

    Those owners of country houses that like solidity and thoroughness, for sure will prefer something more monumental, stationary, built for years from brick. Well, in this matter there is nothing impossible for the self-construction of the barbecue grill or even a whole complex or otherwise - the barbecue area.

    Example of a stationary barbecue area under the shadow of a gazebo

    Example of a stationary barbecue area under the canopy of the gazebo

    Choosing the best place for a barbecue complex

    First of all, you need to decide on a place. At the same time takes into account a number of rules:

    • Very often a brick barbecue is installed by the near the with an existing rest area - a terrace or a gazebo. It is quite possible that and the unification of these buildings under one roof, of course, with taking into account the fire safety requirements.
    • It is not necessary to have the kit close to the house or even to attach it to the house - this is also dictated by the elementary safety rules. It is strictly forbidden to place near to garages or auxiliary rooms, where there may be a stock of fuel.
    • For reasons of hygiene and comfort, the barbecue oven should not be planned in the immediate vicinity of the from huts or cesspools, of their own or neighbor's.
    • If possible, it is worth giving preference to a place located on the leeward side of a residential building( with considering the prevalence of winds in a given locality).
    • Avoid the neighborhood of tall bushes and trees, the crowns of which may turn out to be over the barbecue. This, firstly, is unsafe, and secondly - from high temperatures, plants can wither and die.
    • If the construction of a barbecue is planned in a previously built gazebo, the furnace should be positioned so that the chimney does not fit the roofing rafters - it should be approximately centered between them.
    Passage of the barbecue pipe through the roof of the gazebo

    Passing a tube of a barbecue oven through the roof of a gazebo

    • A good host will make sure to lay the tracks to the barbecue area so that it can easily be approached, for example, after a rain. From the same considerations, it is advisable to pave the pad near the furnace itself.
    • It will be very convenient if you hold water to the BBQ area, at least is a temporary summer highway. Also, never is not superfluous will conduct power line - this will enable to organize lighting and connection of necessary household appliances. Of course, both plumbing and electricity are optional elements, only at will and the possibility of hosts.
    • And, finally, the barbecue should be arranged and trimmed so that this structure fits seamlessly into the overall concept of site design.

    After the place is selected, proceed to construction. And it always begins with a foundation device.

    Fundament nt for and brick oven BBQ

    Any brick stationary structure always has a considerable mass, and means , it requires reliable basis. In the case of building a garden stove-barbecue, you can use both tape and slab, monolithic foundation, but the second is still preferable. A pad around, anyway, is recommended to pave, and the base plate will already be the basis for, for example, laying ceramic tiles. In addition, a monolithic foundation, even with a shallow depth, will be a stable base for the structure to be erected.

    • Under the foundation, the excavation of the by is calculated so that the resulting plate is at least 100 mm wider in either side than the planned perimeter of the brickwork. From the front side, the projection can be made and more, so that a small area is formed. The depth of excavation can be of the order of 400 mm - this will be quite enough.
    • The bottom of the excavation is covered with a sand cushion of 100 mm, which must be sealed with a manual rammer. On top of the , , also with sealing, the same layer of gravel or gravel is covered. As a result, the underground part of the foundation will be about 250 mm thick.
    • A wooden formwork is installed along the perimeter of the excavation. It should extend over the surface of the soil by approximately 100 mm - this will form the plinth of the slab. It is desirable to straighten the formwork horizontally - then the upper edge of the boards will be a beacon for leveling the solution.
    • A reinforcement mesh with cells 100 × 100 mm is laid. Its is better to be installed on the pads, so that it falls roughly to the middle of the casting plate.
    • A cement-sand mortar is prepared( 1 : 3), which is poured into the formwork before the complete of its filling. The top is leveled by the rule.
    Filled foundation plate

    Filled foundation plate

    Now remains to wait for the plate to solidify and to recruit the required strength. We recommend the first 3 - for 4 days to regularly moisturize the surface and protect from its from drying and cracking, covering the with film. Formwork can be removed a week , well, and proceed to further construction work gelatinous earlier than in 3 weeks - concrete by this time should collect about 70% of the strength needed to withstand the increasing load on the brick walls.

    On the finished foundation you can build the chosen oven-barbecue. Do not consider too complex complexes. For a beginner builder, one of the fairly simple models, which, nevertheless , will have quite good functionality.

    Simple version without chimney pipes

    The simplest version of a stationary barbecue fryer

    The simplest version of a fixed brazier-barbecue

    Such a stationary brazier-barbecue should be able to be folded by any person who has the initial skills of a mason. There is nothing complicated - it does not even require an order. It will be enough of the reduced scheme, which can be taken as a basis, and if desired, to change the part of the dimensions of the building or its separate elements.

    The scheme should help to easily add up the simplest version of a barbecue

    The scheme should help to easily add the simplest version of the barbecue

    • The width and depth of the structure will be determined by the dimensions of the existing metal sheet for the frypot( item 10).It is advisable that to it was executed with the sides, according to the type of baking sheet, so that the coals do not wake up .The must also have the same size and grille ( item 9) - they can be and several pieces, for making different products simultaneously on several levels.
    • The erection starts from the foundation( position 1).The diagram shows the already asphalt-paved plate, but it is clear that the facing is done after the construction of the entire barbecue oven.
    • Construction starts with laying out 5 U-shaped rows of bricks( post 2).The remaining space( item 3) can be used to store any kitchen utensils or stock of firewood.
    • The masonry always starts from the corners of the wall( key 6), so that in these places the whole brick is laid .The bricks themselves( item 7) can be used any burned - the open location of the furnace does not imply critical temperatures for them. The rows are laid out " in the dressing ", with a displacement of ½ bricks.
    • The thickness of the joints formed between the bricks( key 5) is about 10 mm. As a solution, you can apply a heat-resistant masonry mix, which is purchased in the store. However, the design makes it possible to dispense with the usual masonry cement-sand mortar with the addition of clay. Another one option - one part cement and hydrated lime and three parts sand.
    • After laying the first five rows of , the sixth series on both sides of the lie with transverse arrangement of bricks( item 4).Thus, shelves are created on which the pan-brazier will lie.
    • The above laying continues with the usual straight rows, to the required height( the diagram shows seven rows).On the inner side of the walls, at several levels, the brackets( key 8) are attached, which will become the locks for the laying of the gratings.

    The design can be changed a bit. For example, in the photo above it is shown that several levels of placement of the pallet - brazier and gratings of the are provided, respectively, by several rows of transverse brick laying. In addition, transverse bricks projecting from the outside can become a support for side tables, very convenient for preparing and cutting food directly at the barbecue. For this, it is easy to lay another one brick wall with one or even both sides.

    One or both sides can be attached to the cutting tables

    With one or both sides, it is possible to attach the cutting tables

    . Such a simple barbecue grill does not presuppose a directed smoke extraction. True, if such a structure is supposed to be placed in a gazebo, then it is possible to hang the dome-shaped on top of a hood, according to the type of cooker hood, and from it already draw a conclusion outside.

    More difficult task - barbecue with pipe

    The task can be somewhat complicated - to fold the barbecue with the completely closed with three sides and a chimney. It is clear that the labor and total costs here will be much higher, but the construction itself looks much more solid and can become an ornament of the site.

    There is much to say here with words, probably, it is not necessary - much more information will bring a detailed order of the masonry. Remains only to make some notes to it:

    General view in two projections and diagram of the first nine rows

    General view in two projections and diagram of the first nine rows of

    • Experienced ovens always recommend, especially to beginners, to precede the laying on the solution "dry", that is, each row of bricks is first laid out without a mortar. This helps to accurately determine the configuration of the series and adjust those bricks that require cutting.
    • As in the design already - a closed hearth, then its layout( internal lining) involves the use of fireclay fireproof bricks. On the diagram it is shown by a lighter shade.
    • In the basement part you can use a usual masonry mortar. Starting from the level of overlapping under the fireplace and above, where there will be an area of ​​elevated temperatures, a heat-resistant masonry is used.
    • Masonry starts with the first completely solid row. Of course, the is maintained by the with a constant horizontality check using the building level.
    • Over the fifth row, metal corners are laid - jumpers that will hold the masonry at the beginning of the sixth , and then the seventh continuous series. Two compartments, which will be located under the fire, can be used to warm up or keep the ready-made dishes hot.
    Continuation of the scheme - the order from the tenth row to the very top of the pipe

    Continuation of the scheme - the order from the tenth row and to the very top of the

    • pipe. Over the eleventh row, the jumper strips are again stacked, and on top of them there are two continuous rows that will become the bottom of the focal chamber.
    • From the 14th to the 21st the row is a hearth, the walls of which from the inside are immediately faced with fireclay bricks. If it is supposed that the fire will be diluted not on the removable metal pallet, but directly on the surface of the hearth, then its base, too, should be faced with fireclay bricks.
    • After laying 21 rows, a jumper is installed, along which the front overlap of the hearth will be placed.
    • Further masonry goes strictly according to the scheme, with gradual narrowing towards the center - this is how the pyramidal part of the chimney pipe is formed.
    • Step lifting pipes can subsequently be lined with a casing of thin sheet metal - so that rainwater or snow does not accumulate on the ledges and does not stagnate. The sprinkler metal cap completes the pipe assembly.
    • On the side walls of the hearth, metal brackets can be mounted on several levels to position the grilles of the barbecue.

    As you can see, in this case there is nothing critically complicated either: the main thing is the sequence, extreme accuracy and exact calculation of when laying each row, with the necessary control of the horizontal and vertical walls.

    Again, this structure can be basic, around which it will be easy to attach the cutting tables.

    If you want, opportunities and proper skill you can build a more complex multifunctional complex barbecue

    If you want, you can build a more complex multifunctional barbecue complex

    if you want, and you need to do it well. And for those who want to build a more complex complex with a wide range of functions, with a wide range of functions, with a cooker, oven or cooker for cooking, detailed video instruction. This helps the t to quickly evaluate its and building capabilities, so that the accept as the right solution for choosing an acceptable model.

    Video: the instruction for erecting a barbecue complex of bricks

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