Calculating the amount of putty Vetonite on the walls online

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Before finishing the walls in the apartment, it is necessary to prepare, level the plaster and primed the surface. But before you start working, you need to know the amount of putty Vetonit, which will be needed for the entire room. Calculations on the amount of putty using the online calculator are quick and easy. To calculate, simply enter the data for the room and click calculate.

Online calculator for calculating the amount of putty Vetonit and Baiter will help not only to make calculations, but also save money on the purchase of surplus material.

Walls of
Than a plasterer? Vetonit Venetian plasterBAYTER
Room Length( m)
Room Width( m)
Wall Height( m)
Windows Area( m²)
Doors Size
Number of Windows
Number of Doors
Plaster Consumption: 0 kg


Than we plastered? Venetian plasterBAYTraversetonite
Room length( m)
Room Width( m)
Plaster Consumption: 0 kg

Calculation of puttying is carried out based on the calculation of the area of ​​the room, which will be putty with Baiter or Vetonit material.

For the calculation of the puttying area, we use the formula:

S = S1-S2-S3

  • S - the surface area to be puttyped;
  • S1 - the area of ​​all walls, including openings;
  • S2 - the area of ​​windows;
  • S3 - the area of ​​doors.

The consumption of 1 m2 of Vetonit or Bayter putty depends on the presence of unevenness of the wall and thickness, on average, it is 0.9-1.3 kg. The wall or ceiling must be plastered as smooth as possible so that there is no over-use of the material.

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Putty Vetonit

Must be primed with technology, and the primer should dry. The consumption also depends largely on the viscosity and plasticity. If the material is too thick, accordingly, the flow rate will be greater.

Using the online calculator for calculating the amount of Vetonit filler, you can quickly and easily find out the number of bags and calculate the required weight of the material. To find ways and technology of applying decorative coatings like puttying walls, you can quickly see the video here. At us it is possible to calculate the expense and the necessary quantity of bags of plaster by the calculator online.

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