An aspiring electrician should definitely know the basic tricks and guidelines for electrical work. Very often non-standard situations arise in whi...
There are two kinds of currents in electricity - direct and alternating. Devices also require one or the other type of current to supply power. The...
To convert voltage in electrical engineering, transformers or autotransformers are used. Due to the similarity of the names of these two devices, t...
In DC circuits, power is not divided into different components, such as active and reactive, therefore, a simple expression P = U * I is used. But ...
Among the terms in electrical engineering, there are concepts such as anode and cathode. This applies to power supplies, electroplating, chemistry ...
Often, when designing an electronic circuit, it becomes necessary to obtain a point with a certain signal level. For example, create a reference po...
Everyone knows that a dielectric is a material that prevents electric current from passing through. There are a huge number of such materials and s...
We looked at passive components of electronic circuits such as resistors and capacitors. But besides them, electricians and radio amateurs have to ...
When switching electrical devices or overvoltages in the circuit between live parts, an electric arc may appear. It can be used for useful technolo...
Oct 28, 2021
Since you have decided to become a self-taught electrician, then surely after a short period of time you will want to make some useful electrical a...