Design Apartment

Interior by the sign of the zodiac
Interior by the sign of the zodiac
Feb 11, 2018

The whole environment influences the person as a whole, his mood, physical and emotional state. People tend to be where it is more comfortable an...

Leather floors( 20 photos)
Leather floors( 20 photos)
Mar 09, 2018

When it comes to nobleness and a high level of comfort, the use of low-quality materials in the design of the interior is lost by itself. Particu...

Ethno-style in the interior
Ethno-style in the interior
Mar 15, 2018

For many centuries people from all over the world have been amazed by the diversity of traditions, art and the richness of the culture of exot...

We organize a place for comfortable reading
We organize a place for comfortable reading
Mar 16, 2018

Despite the seemingly categorical statements of the ardent supporters and fans of the Internet, the books never died, and they were not replac...

Blue color in the interior: advantageous combinations( 21 photos)
Blue color in the interior: advantageous combinations( 21 photos)
Feb 09, 2018

Who among us does not like at least occasionally look at the sky blue sky or the vast waters of the sea surface? And, mind you, at such moments i...

Eclectic in the interior
Eclectic in the interior
Feb 10, 2018

The concept of eclecticism, or eclecticism, means mixing and combining dissimilar ideas, views, styles. It is applied in philosophy, and in art, ...

Bleached oak in the interior photo
Bleached oak in the interior photo
Feb 09, 2018

Having gained considerable popularity in a relatively short time, the bleached oak color quickly conquered the hearts of our compatriots, who wer...

Design of dining room
Design of dining room
Feb 09, 2018

Do not underestimate the dining rooms or the kitchens with the dining room. This is a very important place in the house where all family members ...

Laundry - Laundry
Laundry - Laundry
Feb 25, 2018

Washing is a very important and, moreover, an everyday activity. Washing clothes in a modern washing machine can even a child, it's very simple, ...

Black in the interior photo
Black in the interior photo
Mar 19, 2018

Black is the color of a puzzle, mystery, darkness. Black in the interior adds raisins, expands the space, makes it stylish. However, it is w...