Helpful Hints

What and how to cut polystyrene at home - tips and tools
What and how to cut polystyrene at home - tips and tools
Feb 11, 2018

When repairing, especially associated with re-planning or warming, often used material such as polystyrene foam. Its popularity is due to ...

Why water pipes are buzzing - reasons and ways to solve the problem
Why water pipes are buzzing - reasons and ways to solve the problem
Feb 11, 2018

Buzzing in water pipes is familiar to many tenants of apartment buildings. It seems that nobody in our apartment did anything, did not open ...

Instructions for choosing a toilet bowl, brands, features and average prices
Instructions for choosing a toilet bowl, brands, features and average prices
Feb 11, 2018

Rows of toilet bowls in the sanitary ware shop only at first glance look the same. Models differ in the type of installation, the method of conne...

Correct calculation of cable cross-section by load - principle and table
Correct calculation of cable cross-section by load - principle and table
Feb 11, 2018

How to calculate the cross-section of the cable by the load, every self-respecting man must know. And this knowledge is needed for practic...