The need to insulate the attic from the inside

The need to insulate the attic from the inside

You need to insulate the attic if you plan to use it as a living space.

Knowing how to properly insulate the attic from the inside, you will significantly save on attracting professional workers, and get the opportunity to expand living space by getting a new warm and comfortable room.

If before you were already engaged in warming works, then coping with the arrangement of the attic for winter living will not be a problem for you.

However, this process has its own peculiarities, so it's better to read the manual for work first, and also to watch video and photos with the stages of wall and ceiling insulation.

All this you will find in the article and, thus, can qualitatively conduct the insulation of the attic with your own hands.


  • What material should I choose for insulation?
  • How to insulate the roof and other elements?
  • How to insulate walls?

What material should I choose for insulation?

Insulation of the attic from the inside can be done in different ways using different materials, and to choose them, you need to take into account the pros and cons that each of them has.

It depends on the heater how warm the room will be, and also how much you have to spend on heating, because if the warm air leaves quickly, it will take much more energy to heat the room.


The better the insulation of the attic, depends on the thermal conductivity of the material: the lower it is, the more thin layer of insulation you will need.

Another important factor to consider is moisture resistance.

The worse the material will absorb water, the less likely that condensate will appear on the ceiling of the attic and become damp in the room.

From the constant dampness in the room can appear mold, fungus, and just break the microclimate.

As usually the attic is insulated for living, the insulation must also be safe for humans, environmentally friendly and fireproof.

The most economical way to insulate the room is to use mineral, eco or glass wool heaters.

They are divided into three types:

  • wool, which consists of fibrous material;
  • mats that are made from quilted cotton wool;
  • plate-wool - this material is fastened with a special impregnation and makes of it plates of various sizes.

At the moment, these materials have lost their relevance, becausethere were new, having more weighty pluses and better retaining the heat of the ceiling and walls in the rooms.

At the moment, the most popular is the insulation of the attic with polystyrene, or rather, one of its varieties - styrofoam.

With this material it's easy to work and it has significant advantages, for example, it serves both as a steam and heat insulator, which makes it possible to make warming faster and at lower cost.

Popularly warming the attic walls with mineral wool plates.

They also perform two functions: a vapor barrier layer is located inside the material, and a waterproofing layer on the outside.

Thermal insulation of mansards with polyurethane is a modern and effective way to maintain heat in a room.

It's good that you can create a monolithic coating from the insulation,the process of warming implies the application of funds to the space of pediments, partitions, ceilings and roof, and guarantees complete tightness.


The thermal conductivity of the material is minimal, so the heat will remain permanently in the room.

Insulation of the attic from the inside with polyurethane foam is recommended for those rooms where the roof is quite low and it is very important to keep the maximum of the living space,this material is thinner than the mineral wool or styrofoam and will not take the required area of ​​the attic.

In addition to the insulation material, you will also need tools and additional materials that are better to purchase in advance.

You also need to calculate how much insulation will be needed for the entire area of ​​the attic.

How to insulate the roof and other elements?

The scheme, how to properly insulate the attic, can be different and depends on the type of house.

Insulation of the roof of the attic is the most important stage, becauseit takes up most of the room.

As the roof is sloping, as a heater only those materials that will not change their size and shape over time will do.

If you chose basalt cotton wool for insulation, then it is better to get it in a tiled form, rather than a continuous canvas, becauselaying in this case it will be easier, and the plates during the installation can be easily connected with each other.

The scheme of laying and applying a heater depends on the type that you have chosen.

The insulation must be a continuous layer, so if there are gaps between the plates, they should be closed using a strip of material that should be slightly larger than the required space, becausewadding has the property of shrinking with time.

Details for closing gaps are driven into the space between the plate and the rafters with effort. Layout of this material is available on video and photos - look at them before you start.

Thermal insulation requires complex elements of the roof - skates, overhangs and valleys.

In a private house, where the shape of the roof changes, it is important to tightly connect parts of the insulation so that it does not depart and perform its function, keeping warm air.

Especially problematic place of the room is the joint of walls with a roof and window openings. In winter, these places are not frozen, the windows of the room are also insulated. A diagram of the insulation of the windows is shown in the photo below.

The material for the insulation of the roofs of the attic depends on their type.

For reinforced concrete structures and bulk or tiled floors polystyrene foam is the most suitable - it is durable, and also has good noise insulation, which is very important in this type of room.

Warming of the windows of the attic

For reinforced concrete floors with wooden floors on logs, insulation from the outside with cotton wool with basalt fiber is usually used.

At the same time in the corners of the attic you need to make ventilation holes, and to ensure that the overlap does not miss unnecessary sounds, soundproof pads are installed on the lags.

The warming of the pediments is another important step that can not be missed. The layout of the insulation depends on the type of construction of the house.

If it is erected by means of laminated masonry, the insulation must be laid inside the masonry. Outside the structure, there is a facing material, and on the inside - a supporting wall.

A vapor barrier layer for pediments can be needed in case the material for insulation is not moisture resistant.

If the house uses a ventilated facade, the gable is insulated with plates with basalt fiber. When laying between the material and the layer of the liner, there should be a space of 4-15 cm.

In order that cold air can not penetrate the outside of the pediments into the attic.

To protect the heater against moisture, a diaphragm must be placed on top of it to resist wind or rain.


If the facade is plaster, then for the insulation of the pediments use polystyrene foam, or slabs of stone wool. In case you use cotton wool, you will have to adjust it to fit the size of the pediments.

Whichever type of insulation you choose, it is better to first trace the stages of work on photos and videos and only then proceed to finish the attic.

If the insulation of the walls of the pediments is impossible, then it is necessary to make the insulation of the walls from the inside. We will talk about this below.

How to insulate walls?

Thermal insulation of walls in this room is not always produced, but only if you can not warm the gable and the roof of the house to the very bottom.

If the floor in the room was previously laid out by a heater, then you can repeat this procedure for walls.

The scheme of warming the walls of the attic in a wooden and other house will be similar: behind the pillars, where there will be a support of future walls, it is necessary to fill the wooden slats every 30-40 cm of space.

They will be laid on the layer of thermal insulation.

The material for insulation must first be cut to the desired size, and then put between supports.

In this case, the heater must come in with difficulty and be a bit more free space, becauseIn time, it will shrink.

On top of the thermal insulation layer should be covered with a material for vapor barrier insulation, just like it is done with the ceiling, and then sew it with slats so that it is stable and does not come off the walls.

The vapor barrier material must be very tight against the wall in order to fulfill its function, therefore it is necessary to glue the joints of the material with adhesive tape.

Thermal insulation design

For internal insulation of the walls of attics, polystyrene and mineral wool are most often used - both of these materials are good at their functions and help to keep the heat in the room.

And here it is not necessary to insulate the walls with foam plastic, although this material is not inferior to the mineral wool by the properties of heat retention, but it has significant disadvantages.

In addition to the fact that this material takes away a significant part of the space of the room, there is a risk that the rodents will be in it, and the insulation will very quickly become unusable.

If you still decided to conduct the warming of the walls with it, you need to know how to insulate the attic with polystyrene so that the material lasts longer.

To do this, stack the foam in two layers, select sheets of 50 mm, not 100 mm, and stack them so that the joints do not coincide, then it will last longer.

If you insulate the walls with mineral wool, then use cut material, not roll, becausemats stay in shape better and do not settle after a while.

As well as polystyrene, the mineral wool is laid in two layers.


Thermal insulation of the attic with polyurethane foam is easiest to do. This method is suitable for absolutely any type of wall material: wood, concrete, brick, etc.

Polyurethane foam will create an ideal waterproofing layer in the room, in addition to helping to warm the room.

Foam foams are applied in the spaces between the rafters and thus fill all the empty space. It can be used not only for walls, but for pediments and floors.

On top of a wall heater, a plasterboard is usually installed, which is mounted on a frame of bars.

The walls of plasterboard are covered with the final decorative finishing, and the work on bringing the attic to the residential form can be considered finished.

Sometimes for decorative finishing choose a lining - the wood looks better and presentable, especially in a wooden house, but this decoration will be somewhat more expensive.

Room in the attic

Video and photos will help you not only to insulate the attic yourself, but also to make it beautiful and cozy with the help of the final finish.

Photo of the stages of the work on the insulation of walls and roof, as well as video, how to work with this or that material, will help you understand how to insulate the attic, do the work correctly and get a cozy and warm room that will remain so even in the worst frosts.

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