How to properly align the land with your own hands - practical advice

As a rule, the need for site alignment arises when buying completely new, previously uninhabited land plots. Various social programs to some extent contribute to the growth of suburban construction.

Only here for those sites that are allocated for individual development, truck farming or other purposes, no administration will take land that is actively used as agricultural. Basically, this is wasteland, located outside the village.

Even if it's lucky, and the ground is relatively even, some segments of the territory will still have to be leveled - for the construction of a house, sports or children's playground, a decorative lawn or something else. There are several methods, the complexity of which and the scope of work entirely depend on the size of the site and its features( for example, the degree of slope).

Consider the most effective and affordable ways of leveling the land that are available for execution with your own hands.


With minor altitude differences

Here everything is quite simple. In order to make leveling more qualitative, you need to divide the planned territory into separate areas( rectangles or squares, as it is more convenient).For this, the site is marked with landmarks( wooden pegs, pieces of reinforcement), which are fixed in the ground at the "nodal" points. Between them stretch cords, which indicate individual segments.

The benchmark is the highest place on the marked plot. If an additional backfill is assumed( for example, a fertile layer), then the cord rises to 4 - 5 cm.

This "grid" can be located either in a horizontal plane or at an angle. The latter option, as a rule, is not often used. For example, in areas where it is planned to equip a decorative lawn, which has a certain bias.

The rest of the work consists of cutting off the hillocks and filling this area with excavations in other grid cells. In principle, it is only needed to visually make it easier to control the quality of alignment over the entire area. Therefore, the distances between the cords are chosen arbitrarily, depending on the initial state( unevenness) of the soil.

If it is intended to use this site for planting( arrangement of beds, flower beds, lawn), it is advisable to cut the top layer approximately 8 to 10 cm to completely remove the entire root system of the grass. After that, the soil of the purchased fertile soil is poured.

In some cases, the alignment is reduced to banal soil compacting. For example, for arranging tracks. The simplest roller is easy to make yourself using a metal barrel along the longitudinal axis of which a steel pipe is inserted. To give the rink necessary weight, a solution of cement( concrete) is poured inwards. But how to assemble such a device, no explanation is required.

With significant slopes of

Variant "№1

Here much depends on the steepness of such a slope and the further plans of the owner. For many, a big bias does not scare absolutely, even on the contrary. For example, a decorative lawn on the slope, which looks great against the backdrop of a beautiful house, looks rather original and attractive. In this case, the general procedure differs little from the one already indicated. The only difference is that the whole site will be tilted to one side.

The only thing that has to be taken into account is that not all representatives of the flora( from decorative ones) will be able to develop normally on such a site. Many of them are very demanding for its leveling, so the choice of vegetation will be somewhat limited.

Option number 2

terrace If the steepness of the slope is quite significant( more than 150), then it makes sense to arrange terraces. Their width and quantity are determined based on the overall design of the territory, as well as the purpose of the site.

Originally, horizontal lines( pegs + cord) are marked. The essence of the work is in cutting a layer of land on each designated tier to give it full "horizontal".Naturally, you should start from the bottom, gradually, stepwise, moving up the slope.

What to consider? The ends( side) of all the "steps" need to be strengthened, otherwise the ground will gradually begin to crumble. The simplest, most effective and cheapest way is to strengthen them with the help of gabions. What this is and how to do it, you can learn from this article.

By whatever method of alignment is carried out, after the completion of work, it is necessary to spill a lot with water. Grunt will take a few steps, and all the shortcomings will be visible. And pour a little bit of land in some places is not difficult.


Approximate cost of works

Leveling measures are usually carried out in a complex. Therefore, the prices of specialized organizations providing such services are quite high. By regions, they may differ, but on average they are:

  • departure of an employee for a territory survey and advice to the owner - from 2 600 to 4 100 rubles;
  • uprooting of stumps, removal of trees( bushes) and the like - from 500 rubles / piece;
  • leveling the surface using special equipment - from 35 rubles / m².

In addition to this - the acquisition of soil( if necessary underfill), transportation costs, loading / unloading. Perhaps, it is necessary to cut off part of it and take it out - this is an additional fee. Nuance is enough.


Useful advices for

For large areas intended for leveling, it is advisable to use the technique. But here's what? If you rent a bulldozer, the work will be done relatively quickly. But this machine will cut off part of the fertile layer, some will damage it. Therefore, to buy land in one way or another have to.

Therefore, determining the cost of such alignment, it is necessary to sum up all the costs - to use the technique + the price of chernozem with delivery to the site. In addition, we will have to deal with its spreading along the site and additional leveling of the surface.

As a rule, private land plots for building or gardening do not exceed several hundred. If it is a territory of more than 4 - 5, it is better to use a cultivator( with the appropriate attachments).With this unit, alignment is also relatively fast, but much more accurate. The cost of hire cultivator - an average of 1,400 rubles for 1 - 2 days. If the lease term is longer, the final price is slightly lower.


But in any case for private traders this option is preferable to hiring of heavy construction equipment. The peculiarity of the work is that it is advisable to make "penetrations" in perpendicular directions along the entire alignment area.

There are recommendations that the top fertile layer must first be carefully cut off and laid aside, then used as a padding. But how useful is this advice, because after laying turf weeds( and their root system will not go anywhere) will inevitably begin to germinate? In any case, no matter what happens in the area - flowerbeds, lawns or beds - the grass will have to fight. The question is whether the owners need extra efforts, and regular? It is more reasonable to do the padding with purchased black earth. Naturally, this will have to be spent, but in the future this solution will save you a lot of problems.

In final alignment, it is advisable to use a device that is easy to manufacture by yourself. In appearance - an ordinary wooden staircase. The only difference is that the steps slightly protrude beyond the sidewalls.

If several times( tied rope) drag through the territory( back and forth), then, like a large rake, it will finally smooth out all the irregularities. And it does not have to be cobbled together in the form of a rectangle. The configuration is chosen based on the maximum ease of operation.

For these purposes, a piece of rails, a channel, is also suitable. True, an assistant will need to carry such a pig on 2 ropes across the territory.

Do not immediately begin to equip the aligned area. As a rule, in any, even prepared for the backfilling soil, there will be some remains of weeds. It is better to wait for them to germinate, and finally to clear the soil. This is more expedient than dealing with them afterwards, after the site has already been planted with something.

Even before the commencement of work, it is necessary to consider how the drainage system will be arranged, since all excavation work is expedient to be performed immediately. For example, in parallel with the alignment, make and tab pipes.

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