Stone fence with own hands

"My house is my fortress!".But in order to fully implement a literate saying, one should seriously think about fencing - reliable, safe and aesthetically beautiful. How to choose the building material and the technology of erecting the structure itself is the first thing that needs to be solved by putting maximum creative savvy and skills.


  1. Construction technology
  2. Foundation stone fence
  3. Stone fence with own hands
  4. Stone fence photo
  5. Construction stone fence

It's important to remember "everything new is a well-forgotten old one."Hundreds of centuries ago our ancestors knew exactly how to build a carefree and at the same time durable fence. It is fragments of stone fences that have survived to our time, demonstrating their excellent stable characteristics. And all because the stone is a material of natural origin, the reliability of which has been checked by time. But back to the main thing. How to build a stone fence with your own hands?

Construction technology

Technology of erection of stone fencing provides:

  • marking the fence;
  • laying foundation;
  • erection of the fence.

The foundation of the stone fence

Before starting the fence construction, the first thing to do is markup, which includes creating a preliminary plan-drawing with the designation of the length and height of the fence, not forgetting the gate and the gates, and then proceeding to dig trenches under the foundation. It should be taken into account that natural stone is strong enough and heavy building material, therefore, the foundation must be designed for the appropriate load in order to ensure the strength and reliability of the structure.

As shown in the photo, to construct a stone fence with your own hands, it is sufficient to stick to 35-40 cm of the width of the trench and 70 cm of depth. When constructing a fence with a height of more than 2 meters, it is recommended to increase the depth of the trench by 10 cm with each meter of the fence. To avoid the appearance of cracks in the foundation, the bottom of the trench should be spilled with rubble or sand 3-5 cm thick and lay the frame of the reinforcement. After setting the formwork, proceed to filling the solution.

IMPORTANT!The finished foundation must be completely seized, so the masonry made of stone must be started a week later.

Stone fence with own hands

After about 10 days, it is necessary to start the construction of the formwork for the support posts, after which it is installed on the foundation with fixation to the grillage and the next stage is laying.

To build a stone fence with your own hands, you should use a cement mortar with sand in a ratio of 1: 3.For the purpose of aesthetic decoration, you can use a brown pigment: 10 pails of cement mortar is used 4 tablespoons of pigment.

Masonry is carried out by placing the stones flat side outward, tightly fitting each other and adjusting the shape with a hammer. The voids during the masonry are filled with sand-cement mortar. It should be noted that this mixture does not fall on the surface of the stone itself, and if this happens, wait until it dries completely and remove it with a special metal brush. In no case should water be used, as it can, together with the solution, get inside the stone and change the color of the natural color of the stone block.

Based on the fact that the rate of erection of stone fence specialists is about 35 days per 100 meters, you need to call yourself to help a few assistants, so that the masonry was not subject to congealing. In the event of termination of the masonry, for any compulsory reasons, it is necessary to spray it with water before commencing work.

Technology of laying a stone fence with your own hands can be seen on video, once again visually emphasize the main aspects of the construction process.

Having finished all the work on erection of the fencing and stripping of the stone, it is possible to proceed with the external design of the fence and the jointing with a narrow spatula.

Important advice! Experts do not recommend covering the finished stone fence with varnish or other dyes, since after 3-6 years it will lose its natural appearance.

Photo of stone fence

Video of construction of a stone fence

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