We make free electricity - a simple homemade generator

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Many new electricians are interested in one very popular question - how to make electricity free and at the same time autonomous. Very often, for example, when traveling to nature, there is a catastrophic lack of an outlet for recharging the phone or turning on the lamp. In this case, a self-made thermoelectric module assembled on the basis of the Peltier element will help you. With the help of such a device, it is possible to generate a current of up to 5 Volts, which is quite enough to charge the device and connect the lamp. Next, we will tell you how to make a thermoelectric generator yourself, providing a simple master class in pictures and with a video example!
  • Briefly about the principle of the

assembly mastering. Briefly about the principle of the

operation. In order to understand what the parts are for when assembling a self-made thermoelectric generator, first let's talk about the device of the Peltier element and howit works. This module consists of series-connected thermocouples located between the ceramic plates, as shown in the picture below.

When a current flows through such a circuit, the so-called Peltier effect occurs - one side of the module heats up and the other side cools. Why do we need this? Everything is very simple, if you act in the reverse order: one side of the plate is heated, and the other is cooled, so you can generate electricity with a small voltage and current. We hope that at this stage everything is clear, so we turn to master classes that will clearly show what and how to make a thermoelectric generator with our own hands.

Master-class assembly

So, we found on the Internet a very detailed and at the same time simple instructions for assembling a self-made generator of electricity based on the furnace and the Peltier element. First you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Directly the Peltier element itself with parameters: maximum current 10 A, voltage 15 volts, dimensions 40 * 40 * 3.4 mm. Marking - TEC 1-12710.
  • Old power supply from the computer( only the case is needed from it).
  • Voltage stabilizer, with the following technical characteristics: input voltage 1-5 volts, output - 5 volts. In this assembly instruction for a thermoelectric generator, a module with a USB output is used, which will simplify the process of recharging a modern phone or tablet.
  • Radiator. You can take it from the processor right away with the cooler, as shown in the photo.
  • Thermal grease.

Source materials Radiator with cooler photo

Having prepared all the materials, you can proceed to the manufacture of the device yourself. So, in order for you to understand how to make a generator yourself, we provide a step-by-step master-class with pictures and detailed explanation:

  1. Disassemble the old power supply and leave only the case. It will be used as a place of fire ignition( the so-called furnace).
  2. To the flat surface of the radiator, glue the Peltier plate on the thermal paste. To glue it is necessary to mark to the radiator, it will be a cold side. If you confuse the polarity, you will need to change the polarity of the wires later in order for the thermoelectric generator to work correctly. First step of assembly
  3. Attach the power supply enclosure to the back of the module, as shown in the photo below.
  4. To the pins of the plate, solder the stabilizer with the USB output. By the way, you can make a soldering iron for your own hands. Next stage
  5. Gently place the 5-volt converter in the radiator and proceed to the tests of the homemade thermoelectric generator. The result of work Explanation

The thermoelectric generator works as follows: inside the furnace, fall asleep firewood, set them on fire and wait a few minutes until one side of the plate warms up. To recharge the phone, it is necessary that the difference between the temperatures of the different sides be about 100 ° C.If the cooling part( radiator) is heated, it must be cooled by all possible methods - gently watered, put a mug with ice on it, etc.

And here is a video that clearly shows how the self-made power generator on wood works:
Generation of electricity from the fire

YouTube Trailer
You can also install a fan on the cold side of the computer, as shown in the second version of the self-made thermoelectric generator with Peltier element: Homemade device with cooling system

In this case, the cooler will spend a small fraction of the power of the generator set, but in the end the system will have a higher efficiency. In addition to telephone charging, the Peltier module can be used as an electrical power source for LEDs, which is no less useful for using the generator. By the way, the second version of the homemade thermoelectric generator with a look and design is a bit like. The only upgrade, in addition to the cooling system, is the ability to regulate the height of the so-called burner. To do this, the author of the element uses the "body" of the CD-ROM( one of the photos clearly shows how you can make the design yourself).

If you make a thermoelectric generator yourself using this technique, you can have up to 8 Volts of voltage on the output, so to charge the phone, do not forget to connect the converter, which will leave only 5 V on the output.

Well, the last version of the home-made source of electricity for homecan be represented by such a scheme: the element - two aluminum "bricks", a copper pipe( water cooling) and a burner. As a result - an effective generator that allows you to make free electricity at home! Generator from improvised materials

The original idea - hot water as a heat source
YouTube Trailer
The second experiment with water
YouTube Trailer

Here we have provided three simple versions of a homemade device that can be assembled from improvised means. Now you know how to make a thermoelectric generator with your own hands, on which the principle of the Peltier element is based and for what it can be used!

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