How to find a wire in the wall - modern and grandfather search methods

In order to find the wire under the plaster( or wallpaper) does not necessarily call the master, sometimes it is enough to make a little effort and all the hidden wiring will be known to you. Next we will look at the best devices for detecting hidden wiring in the wall, as well as several methods that will solve the problem without using special devices!
  • Basic search reasons for
  • Devices to help!
  • Incorporating logic
  • Dedic methods

The main reasons for searching

There are many reasons for yourself to look for hidden electrical wiring in a concrete wall. Использование прибора "Дятел"

The most common problem occurs in such cases:

  • Reshaping an apartment. For example, you decided to cut a doorway in another place, but do not know exactly where the current-carrying veins pass.
  • Open circuit. One of the most painful reasons, becausein this case, you will need not only to find electrical wiring in the wall, but also the place of termination of the zero or phase wire.
  • Need to drill a baffle. Suddenly, you have to connect the wall sconce or hang the TV on the wall.
  • Interest in existing communications. If you just bought a new home and have no idea what cable and how it goes on the walls and ceiling, where the junction box is installed, etc.

In these cases, you can call a wizard that will give you an accurate view of the power line, or you can try to independently search for the wiring in the wall. Do you prefer the second option? Then look further, how to determine the location of the wire under the tile, plasterboard and other types of finishes.

Devices to the rescue!

So, if you just need to find electrical wiring in the apartment, then it's enough to make a metal detector yourself. Simple homemade is made from improvised means and will allow to detect the conductor under tension up to 10 cm under decorative trim. On the Internet, you can find a lot of schemes on which you can make a simple detector, one of them we have given you in the article you referred to.

Homemade metal detector from cardboard

Example with a homemade metal detector
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If the issue of money is not particularly important for you, then it is better to choose a special device for detecting hidden wiring in the wall, which will not only accurately determine where the cable is located, but also the exact fault location, if there is a burnt out orpunched section. The best in the ratio of price and quality is a device called "Woodpecker" or an E-121 signaling device. With the help of this detector, you can not only track the exact location of the wiring in the wall, but also find the place of breakage of the electrical conductor. Depth of work is 7 cm, which is quite enough for amateur use and detection of tattered veins, even under gipsokartonnoy wall.

Правильная эксплуатация детектора "Дятел"

Device "Woodpecker" in case
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One more, no less suitable device for detecting hidden wiring in the wall - signaling device "MS".Chinese testers have their own characteristics and work features, so they need to be crocheted. The problem is that the products respond equally to metal parts( for example, a nail) and to an active conductor. To properly operate the tester you need to learn to distinguish the signals from each other. That's why professional electricians bypass them, although for home use the option is quite good. Another important lack of devices - if the cable is protected by a foil shield, it will not be able to detect it. Such signaling devices have a lot of negative reviews on the Internet, only for the reason that they are difficult to use, otherwise it is a good option for determining electrical wiring. Using the MS-158 Tester

How to use the probe?
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The following devices are also used to detect hidden wiring in the wall: POSP-1, GVT-92, Bosch DMF 10 zoom, GVD-504A, VP-440.All of them have proved to be good for searching for a rupture of the conductor, as well as for detecting electrical wiring under the plaster. Bosch device search

Video instruction manual for
detector YouTube Trailer

I would like to pay special attention to thermal imagers. These devices allow you to track not only where the broken core is, but also to find the leakage current, short circuit and the quality of the electrical wiring in the panel house. Of course, their cost is prohibitively high, but there is a service of calling the master, for which you will give about 2500 rubles. In this case, you will be given a full report on what the existing power line in the rooms represents and whether there is a burnt-out conductor somewhere.

Using the Imager

In addition, you can find out where to place the wire in the wall with the help of an indicator screwdriver. This method is suitable only if the veins are under stress not deep in the concrete.

Turning on the logic of

Any electrician knows that the wiring is done strictly in a vertical and horizontal position. In other words, the conductors run parallel and perpendicular to the floor.

Wiring in the apartment Based on this, you can note the following observations for yourself:

  • Over the outlets and switches, the line passes strictly upwards, it is strictly forbidden to drive a nail here.
  • Usually the line is pulled at a distance of 15 cm from the ceiling( or floor), here too, it is not necessary to conduct various kinds of work.
  • Based on all installed electrical points, you can visualize the picture and draw the wire in the wall.

We draw your attention to the fact that such visual representations are extremely unsafe option. All your sketches on paper will have to be confirmed at least by a metal detector made by oneself, but it is better to use special instruments and indicators.

The old-fashioned methods of

Of course, earlier to detect the wiring in the wall they did without appliances, while safely they found the whole line of electricity under the wallpaper, tiles and plaster. How did our grandfathers and great-grandfathers do this?

We bring to your attention the three most simple options that will allow you to find the wiring yourself:

  1. If there is a major overhaul planned. Tear off the wallpaper and inspect the wall in Khrushchev( or in the house).Usually stitches for hidden wiring slightly stand out from other parts of the surface, and even the touch of the putty will be more rough. Visual selection of the strobis against the background of the walls
  2. Take an ordinary radio receiver, adjust it at 100 kHz and adjust it to the required area. In the place where the current passes, the receiver will begin to make more noise. Radio
  3. An alternative to the radio receiver is the use of a microphone on the radio. We turn on the microphone and gently guide it along the surface. There was a noise or a crack - you managed to find the approximate location of the route. Normal microphone

We draw your attention to the fact that the methods where the microphone and the receiver are used have a rather high error of 15 cm. That is why, based on the signals of these devices, it is better to hedge and retreat a little more so as not to get an electric shock!

Lifshack with indicator screwdriver

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That's the whole instruction for using devices to detect hidden electrical wiring in the wall. We hope that now you know exactly how to find the wire and power cable under the plaster in the house without someone's help.
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