Advice for professionals in choosing cooker hoods

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First of all, it should be said about the importance of buying this type of household appliances. The kitchen hood is designed not only to remove contaminated air and fat above the hob area, but also to illuminate the work area when cooking any dishes. Next, we'll talk about how to choose a hood for the kitchen in terms of capacity, performance and size in 2016!
  • Enclosure type
  • Power
  • Dimensions
  • Principle of operation
  • Control method
  • Backlight quality
  • Noise level
  • Material of construction
  • Manufacturers
  • Additional parameters
  • Popular models

Enclosure type

First of all it is necessary to decide what type of enclosure you will usein his kitchen. To date, popular manufacturers have in their product line the following types of household hoods:

  1. Suspended. The traditional option, which is most often used at home. The case is attached under the cabinet above the hob, as shown in the photo. The advantage of choosing this option is low cost and easy installation. Disadvantage - poor performance, becausedevices operate in air recirculation mode( this will be discussed below).For small kitchens, choosing this option will be the most appropriate solution if there are budget constraints.
    Hanging housing
  2. Dome. A more beautiful version of the shell, which can also be called a fireplace. The hood in the form of an umbrella is fixed in the wall, moreover it is not difficult to carry out the installation itself. Of the main advantages should be allocated a wide price range, the ability to complement the design of the room and high performance of technology. Can be both oblique and horizontal. Dome model
  3. Built-in. Fastened inside the kitchen set, which allows you to hide the hood from unnecessary eyes. Do not want to spoil the interior of the room - this option will be the most suitable. The built-in case is not too different at a price, so it competes successfully with alternative options. Built-in option
  4. Dominoes. The modern type of hull, which is in demand both from 2015, and already in 2016.The idea is that the hood is fixed in the countertop( it is in it, as can be seen from the photo) and leaves when working with a gas or electric stove. Very convenient, but for choosing such a modern solution you will pay more than 2 times. In addition, the productivity will not allow processing the area of ​​the large kitchen. Domino system
  5. Islet. Well, the last option, which is most reasonable to choose in the kitchen-living room - a ceiling hood above the kitchen island. Such devices have a high power, but because of this and increased size. Often the islet is used in design directions to visually distinguish between the dining and working area in the kitchen, combined with the living room( studio).Island

We recommend that you immediately watch a video on the advice of specialists in choosing a kitchen exhaust system:

Review of existing models of
YouTube Trailer

Power of

It can not be said that the cooker hood is selected in terms of power, becausethis parameter is measured in Watts. It is much more correct to say that the choice is made by productivity, which is measured in m3 / hour. Indeed, if it is already necessary to remove the polluted air from the room, then it is more appropriate to choose the technique based on its maximum air discharge characteristics, and not on how much it will consume( although this is also important).Table of recommended capacities

So, the formula for calculating the performance is fairly simple. It is necessary to multiply the area of ​​the kitchen by the height and by the coefficient "12".The last figure represents the sanitary norm, which indicates that the technique should draw at least 12 m3 of air per hour. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the so-called power reserve and add 20% to the finished value. So that you will understand how to choose the hood for your kitchen by yourself, let's give an example of calculation.

So, for example, you need to choose a powerful device for the kitchen, an area of ​​12 m2( 4m * 3m).In this case, the formula will look like:

V = 12 * 3 * 12 * 1,2 = 518.4 m3 / h


  • 12 -quantum of the room;
  • 3 - ceiling height;
  • 12 - the coefficient of sanitary standards;
  • 1,2 - a correction factor that takes into account the margin of productivity.

To be once again to protect yourself from the weak power of equipment, we recommend choosing a hood at least 550 m3 / h!


Here things are a bit simpler. In order to choose the size of the hood in the kitchen, it is necessary to know the exact width of the gas or electric plate, above which the equipment will be suspended. An important requirement - the width of the exhaust panel should be slightly larger than the plates, so that all dirty air does not bypass the fan.

Optimum size of equipment

To date, there is a wide range of devices ranging in width from 45 to 90 centimeters, so it will not be difficult to choose a suitable hood size. For household conditions, the most popular cases are widths of 50, 60 and 90 cm.

We draw your attention to the fact that the height of the panel is fixed to 70 cm above the gas stove and 80 cm above the electric stove, therefore, before choosing the hull size, analyze, Whether the air is outside the working area of ​​the fan!

How it works

When choosing a hood for the kitchen, pay attention to how it works - in recirculation mode( with a cleaner, without a duct) or with the extraction of exhaust air into the ventilation.

How does the exhaust system work in the house? The first option is better to choose for private houses and in the event that you do not wish to mount the air vent on your own, becausemost likely you do not have ventilation. Lack of freezing devices in lower productivity, becausethey simply purify the air and feed it back to the room, creating circulation. For apartments the model with a vent to ventilation which is present in the majority of panel houses, even in хрущевках is more suitable, though here it is possible to carry out a choice of technics without ventilation.

Here you should also say a few words about the filters. We advise you to choose such a variant of the cleaning system, in which aluminum mesh is installed. They are easier to clean and do a good job of catching fat in the kitchen. Synthetic and carbon filters qualitatively clean, but at the same time are disposable.

Control method

No less important criterion for choosing a good hood for the kitchen is the type of control. You can adjust the parameters using the sensor system, buttons or a pseudo sensor.

Touch Control Would you like to choose an inexpensive but good model of equipment? Stay on the last two options. With money, you can overpay a little and buy a device with a touch control, which is more convenient and popular today.

Backlight quality

When we considered the lighting options for the kitchen, it was said that the lighting of the working area is best done with the help of bulbs on the hood panel. When choosing a technique, pay attention to the fact that the backlight was of high quality and for this purpose halogen or LED lamps were used. These light sources give the most qualitative light flux, which is especially important when preparing food.

Noise level

Be sure to consult before buying and review in the technical data sheet how quiet is the chosen option. In order to understand how to choose a hood for noise level, we recommend viewing the following noise values:

  • 60 dB - the volume of a normal conversation at a distance of 1 meter from the interlocutor;
  • 90 dB - scream;
  • 100 dB - noise of the lawnmower.

Do you want to buy a quiet exhaust system for the kitchen? Then you need to pick up a characteristic of not more than 45 dB, which will allow you to cook comfortably and enjoy dinner without outside noise.

Material of manufacture

On how seriously you approach the choice of hood for the material of the housing, will depend on weekly care for it. The easiest way to wash from grease and dirt enamel surface. In addition, the enamel is inexpensive, reliable and durable. More expensive material is stainless steel. Its advantage is in a beautiful appearance, which is especially important if you want to choose a case for the design of the room. Combination of glass and stainless steel

Well, the last, the most expensive production option is tempered toned glass. Its appearance is the most attractive, however, the cost leaves much to be desired. In addition, care for the glass is very laborious - to remove fatty stains on the glass will have to try.


To make the purchase last long and at the same time you did without unnecessary overpayments, we recommend to seriously approach the choice of the manufacturer of equipment. Do not know which company cooker hoods to choose? We would like to draw your attention to the rating of the best quality brands that have taken the leading positions in the world market:

  • Bosch
  • Siemens
  • Kuppersberg
  • Best
  • Zanussi
  • Elica
  • Gorenje
  • Samsung( Samsung)
  • Hansa
  • Kronasteel( Kronastil)

These top-10 companies have become famous for good quality, however, before buying, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with thematic forums with feedback on the chosen model. Even the sales leaders can release not very successful models that will deliver more problems than comfort!

Additional options

Well, the last thing I would like to talk about is how to choose the right hood in the kitchen for additional functions. We recommend that you take into account the advice of professionals who will save your money and at the same time will choose the most suitable model for the price and quality:

  • If the thickness of the purse is allowed, rasshdiretsya on the model with a modern function - automatic switching speeds. A special sensor on the body will react to the appearance of soot, and include a suitable fan speed based on the density of the air. Really a very convenient addition to the modern hood of 2016.
  • The new technology can have such a function as creating an airflow that redirects the airflow from the front panel straight to the fan. In this case, evaporation can not spread beyond the working area of ​​the exhaust fan.
  • Do not forget about safety, a too dirty filter can adversely affect the performance of machinery, and the fat can ignite and cause a fire. That is why it is better to choose a safe model with an emergency indication and a protective shutdown in the event of a threat.
  • "Residual stroke" leaves the fan on in the slowed-down mode for 10-20 minutes after shutting off the hood. This function allows you to more efficiently clean the air of vapors.
  • Interval inclusion ensures freshness in the kitchen due to the fact that the fan will turn on several times( or one) per hour.

That's all the additional parameters that modern kitchen hoods can have. If there is extra money, we recommend that you select a model with such additions. At the same time, if you do not need them, you do not need to overpay for useless expensive functions.

Popular models

Also we bring to your attention own rating of hoods for the kitchen. If you are at a loss to choose a device, you can see the list of the best models for price and quality in 2016:

Candy CCE 16 X. In its price category( 8-9 thousand rubles), one of the best for many reasons. First, a neat design that fits both modern kitchens and classic. Secondly, easy to operate and maintain. Thirdly, it copes with removing odors perfectly. In general, only positive feedback about the use of Candy CCE 16 X.
Candy CCE 16 X

Gorenje DT 6 SYB .The well-known firm Gorenie has produced an inexpensive but reliable hood, which we also want to draw your attention to. If you need a fireplace model with a width of 60 cm and at the same time you are counting on the amount of up to 17 thousand rubles, we recommend that you choose this option. The case has a stylish design, besides electronic control. Very quiet and productive model.
Gorenje DT 6 SYB

LEX Mini 500 black .Another stylish hood for the kitchen. At its budget price, it has three modes and a high-quality backlight plate. According to buyers, LEX Mini 500 black works very quietly and copes with the removal of smells. Disadvantages, given the low cost of technology, no.
LEX Mini 500 black

Shindo Prime sensor 60 W / WG 3ET .More expensive, but still relevant to budget models( 20 thousand rubles).Really good build quality, touch control and also LED lighting. Also you can add to the pluses a stylish design and high performance. If you want to choose a modern hood for the kitchen, pay attention to this model.
Shindo Prime sensor 60 W WG 3ET

Hansa OKC 6726 IH .Closes our top-5 technician from Hans. In short we can say about this model that it is quiet, convenient to use, powerful and also beautiful. Its price fully justifies and, no less importantly, has no significant shortcomings.
Hansa OKC 6726 IH

This review of tips and tricks in the selection of this home appliances come to an end. We hope that now you know how to choose a hood for the kitchen in terms of capacity, capacity and size, t..k.all the pros and cons of various models we have provided to you!

Also read:

  • Rating of floor heating manufacturers
  • How to pay less for electricity
  • How to repair the hood by yourself

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