30 most unusual lamps according to the version of "Sam Electrics"

We have already discussed with you how to choose a chandelier and the rest of the lighting fixtures for the home, listing the most important selection criteria. In this article I would like to demonstrate to the readers of the site photos of the most original chandeliers and lamps for each room: living room, hallway, bedroom, kitchen. Some unusual products can even be made by themselves, and some can be found in the catalog of popular online stores. So, let's turn to the most interesting designs of lighting devices.
  • Ceiling
  • Wall
  • Desk


If you are looking for a bedroom chandelier, then unusual options for the interior of the room are:

For the kitchen, chandeliers in the original version of kitchen themes, for example, are made from a tea setor cutlery, as in the photo below:

If you need an interesting ceiling lamp in the garage or at the dacha, we recommend to stop on the following two options:

By the way, the chandelier in the form of a hatpi is not difficult to do by one's own hands. Please note - it is better not to use halogen lamps for incandescent lighting. We recommend that you install LED lamps so as not to worry about the occurrence of a fire.

In order to make a creative living room, we recommend you hang this chandelier:

Lots of lamps in the room

And for lighting gazebo, if you often meet with guests, you can choose a model decorated with bright glass bottles, which, in our opinion, is an interesting option:


If you want to complement the interior with unusual bra, now you will show the most original versions. Continuing the idea with hats, you can make the same wall lamp that will allow you to organize a set of products:

Hats-lamps on the walls

If you are a fan of retro style, you can find unusual wall lamps from wood "antique", as in the photo below:

Such products are suitable forinstallation in the living room, hallway or even a garage, if there is a small seating area. As for the bedroom, it is possible to place beautiful nightlights on the wall, like this:

Creative nightlight

For a teenager's bedroom, or rather a children's room, an original version of the design will do:

Cats in the interior of the bedroom

A boy will be more suited to balls:

Sconce into the nursery

Well, if you are looking for an unusualthe design of the wall lamp in a modern style, we can advise such a model of the LED strip:

Sconce in high-tech style photo

In the bedroom, the east-style wall lamp will look beautiful:

Element of oriental style


Well, the last type of lighting -on the table. If you want to choose an original table lamp with an unusual design, we can advise such design options:

As you can see, there are models of the old design, and for the kitchen and even for the decoration of the hall for the New Year( several lampshades from the floor lamps arranged in the form of a Christmas tree).Most of the above ideas can be tried to make by hand, there would be a desire.

We also recommend viewing videos with at least the original versions of luminaires and chandeliers:

Homemade lighting
YouTube Trailer
Lamps with modern design
YouTube Trailer

We hope you liked our selection of photos of the most original chandeliers and lamps in the world. Also we advise you to see how to make a starry sky with your own hands!

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