What is a plaster trowel?
Professional builders and people who are keen on repair know how important it is to choose the right equipment. It is the quality tools that make it possible to apply materials as accurately as possible and to achieve excellent results in general.
Trowel is manufactured taking into account the size limitations - from 5 to 10 centimeters. It is this option that makes it possible to lay the cement-sand mortars with which the plasterers work. Comfortable handles, separated from the main working surface, allow you to finish, not smacking hands of the master.
Types of trowels
All trowels are divided into groups depending on their purpose, for today in building stores you can find more than seven types of tools, among which you need to choose the one that is suitable for carrying out a particular type of work.
For example, bricklayer trowel allows you to mix cement mortar and apply it to the surface without streaks and unevenness. The already known
trowelling plaster is used for finishing works, when the material is used on a cement-sand base.trowel trowel differs in size, it can reach 12-18 centimeters. To work with the layout of the brick and using concrete, triangular tool options are selected. Trowel option is needed to give a smooth surface, remove excess composition.
Tiles use a variant with a "drop" shape, which allows quick and high quality application of the mortar for laying tiles on the surface. Special trowel trowel is made for applying various solutions, compounds on the surface, it is similar to a conventional spatula, the special handle of which allows to distribute the composition without fear of getting dirty.
What operations can be performed with a trowel?
Properly selected tools really help to do the work as qualitatively and easily as a convenient form of handles and bases allows you to take just as much composition as you need for work. A professional trowel-trowel will come to the rescue when it will be necessary to quickly mix the filler and rid the composition of the lumps, and the tool is also actively used for working with gypsum boards.
Convenient form of the tool allows you to instantly eliminate the recesses in the joints, so the structure remains reliably protected from moisture and destruction. It is by the form of the instrument that you often have to choose the right option.
Sealing the seams is most convenient for a small object with a corner nose, which will allow you to perform high-quality work even in a small space. As a rule, all tools are made of stainless steel, resistant to the effects of building compounds. Proper care allows you to save spatulas for many years.
Triangular trowel finisher - a handy tool that is incredibly easy to use, it is enough to grab a little building material, apply it to the surface and accurately distribute it, using the angle of the tool for working in small spaces. The principle of work with the entire group of spatulas is to capture a part of the building material, its application to the surface and the distribution by the flat side.