Hand pallet truck for suburban farming

What kind of hydraulic cart can be used?

Today, it is very much the same as the expression "to use the shoe", and this means not exploitation of a weak-willed person. Just such a name was given to a hydraulic trolley, the rock is a derivative distortion of the name of the Finnish firm "Rocla" , the manufacturer of warehouse equipment. Today this firm already belongs to other owners, but its name still means a high class of equipment.

Even the handmade hydraulic truck produced this many years ago continues to work hard despite the inevitable wear and tear. Repair of hydraulic carts of this level is quite expensive, but it justifies itself. The middle class of such equipment - the most common, mainly from German manufacturers, is reliable, relatively simple to repair and can be purchased at a fairly low price.

And, finally, the third class is extremely cheap because it is produced in China, however, sadly, the domestic brands also belong to this class. On the reliability of Chinese trucks, and they do not have to say, they quickly fail, and it's only consolation that the equipment was bought at a bargain price. Domestic are more durable, but they are still far from German quality.

Difficulties of choice - trolley hydraulic platform or fork?

As you can see, the choice is small, but it is necessary to make it, unless, of course, you have the means to purchase both types of equipment. The differences are only structural, the principle of the same action, the lift is based on hydraulics. Accordingly, a hydraulic platform truck means the loading of a rather large quantity of goods, whether it is brick or boxes with fruit and vegetable contents, directly to the receiving platform, which is mounted on a scissor hydraulic lift with a frame in the base, capable of lifting( depending on the model) from 150 to 1000 kilogramsto the height( again, depending on which model) to 140 centimeters. A useful acquisition, is not it? True, quite expensive.

Platform carts can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also as a mobile desk in the workshop.

The trolley hydraulic fork has a simpler design, many of them could see in the repair shops, where this technique is sometimes used instead of the jacks and quite successfully, though, quickly wearing out. The split housing is mounted on two load wheels at the base, the ends of the "fork" are provided with rollers, single or paired, depending on the carrying capacity of the equipment. Such a hydraulic trolley with a whole scissor-type hydraulic lift, supported only by rollers and wheels, is easy to operate and maintain, and relatively cheap.

Hydraulic trolley, instruction for use

Regardless of whether you are building or repairing, harvesting in the garden or transporting fertilizers to the garden, you need to know the weight of the load. In construction, this is important for planning the volume of forthcoming work with one or another number of solutions and dry mixtures, the harvest, of course, needs accounting, and fertilizers should not be much or much.

For such purposes, the hydraulic trolley with weights can best suit, and when choosing we recommend paying attention to the middle class of equipment. Too expensive equipment will justify itself for a very long time, and cheap equipment can easily fail, completely not paying for the costs of it .

When you have such a hydraulic trolley, the instruction will tell you the basic control parameters, but nothing complicated in this. The main difficulties can arise only with the adjustment of whether the weight will be indicated with or without a container. But using the documentation, you can adjust everything yourself, since the console usually consists of just a few buttons and a display, to minimize the vulnerable areas.

Protective housing reliably protects electronics, but still try to protect it from bumps. However, if you use the cart correctly, namely - accurately bring it under the load, it is true to determine the position of the center of gravity and activate hydraulics without jerks, the weight of the display always indicates the exact, and the load will move without incident.

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