Modern devices help to make apartment repairs as quickly, simply and safely. The indicator is a screwdriver with a conductive nozzle and a special bulb that lights up whenever the device detects a phase wire or a contact that is energized.
Simple tool variants can not detect a zero wire, however, more advanced screwdrivers also show this option. Modern developments make it possible to produce inexpensive tools that significantly simplify the work on wiring and the detection of unclosed systems. Quality indicators-screwdrivers can also find zero-phase and hidden wiring.
Features of the indicator screwdriver
Beginning the repair, builders are required to check the condition of the wiring, because the faults in it can lead to the formation of a short circuit and a fire. In new homes that are just beginning to be inhabited by people, they also conduct troubleshooting, because not always builders perform their work qualitatively.
The indicators that help to find zero wires are devices, thanks to which it is possible to quickly and qualitatively carry out the installation of electrical wires, sockets and equipment necessary for a normal life in an apartment or a production room.
Every day people use lamps, household appliances, various equipment, working from the network. The correct approach to testing the system and its integrity is the best option, which ensures the reliability and safety of the premises.
Modern screwdriver-indicator also allows you to find broken wires, pinpoint the location of the break, as well as the polarity of the batteries. A quality tool is needed both in professional activities and at home, practice shows that quite often a person can conduct a troubleshooting by himself, significantly reducing the time for its elimination.
The principle of the
screwdriver Each electrical appliance consumes the energy supplied by the phase conductor, which is 220V. After the device receives the necessary energy, the current "returns" to the common switch by zero wire. The latter is live only if the device is plugged in and working.
The same principle applies to lamps and in general all devices included in the outlet. In each apartment there is a phase wire that is live and neutral - zero. In the process of repair or installation of electrical wiring in any case, you can not touch the phase, to determine it will help a special screwdriver.
The side of the device for which the person is held is completely isolated and remains safe. If the current passes through the element under test, the indicator lights up on the screwdriver. Thus, you can instantly determine the safety of the wire and start repair or installation work.
If the switch or appliance connected to the mains does not work, you can use a screwdriver to determine if the current is suitable at all. Thus, a simple tool allows you to conduct many useful works in your own apartment and make sure of its safety.