Jigsaw hand - what is this magic wand master?

General data

Jigsaw is a tool designed for curved wood cutting. There are two types of jigsaw: manual and electric. The first is often used by amateurs, and the second - by professionals. The manual jigsaw consists of a steel frame with a large lumen in the form of the letter "C", two clips on the pins, which are designed to clamp the blade and the handle of changing the tension of the blade.

The clamps on the pins rotate, which makes it possible to saw in any desired direction. Due to this, it is possible to saw the workpiece on very complex lines, which can not be done by another kind of saw. The sawing blade has a small mechanical strength, in connection with this it often breaks. Therefore, it is recommended to make some stock of the canvas before starting work.

There are two main types of canvas, which differ in their shape and arrangement of the teeth. The first type is a canvas with a straight double tooth. Sawing with a hand-operated jig saw with such a file is perfect for quick and direct cutting. Its total length is about 130 millimeters, and its working length is 85 millimeters. Perfectly saws both wood and plastic. The second type of cloth is spiral. It has a swirling shape and is ideal for cutting different circles and winding lines.

Preparatory actions before the work

The work with a jigsaw is not difficult by its technology, however, it is necessary to carry out the preparatory work correctly, on which, in many respects, the quality and success of the business will depend. To begin with, the canvas should be fixed in a jigsaw. To do this, unscrew clamps, which are below and above. Then they insert a saw with the teeth, which are turned downward from the jig saw, and the clamps are twisted.

A special table can be used as a support for cutting at home. It can be fastened with a clamp freely over the work table. The groove and opening of the table must protrude above the working surface. The sawed piece lies over the hole and a saw band is inserted into it. When the work is completed, the tree is treated with a porous material.

Note! Instead of a porous material, you can use a cork board, which is wrapped with sandpaper( sandpaper).

technology We already know how to prepare a tool for work, now it's time to figure out how to saw with a jigsaw. There are three basic types of work with a jig saw:

  • sawing along a curve;
  • cut-out cutting;
  • cutting straight lines.

Cutting curved lines. The jigsaw is taken in one hand, the saw is placed on the edge of the marking, and the jigsaw starts moving up and down. Start the movement a little differently than with a large saw. It takes a little pressure on the jigsaw, but only slightly, so that it does not break. When working, follow the markings and turn the tool to the required sides. This can not be done with great effort, it will lead to bending and, possibly, to the fact that the saw blade will burst.

Sometimes it is necessary to make cutouts inside the workpiece itself. To do this, a hole with a diameter of 0.6 millimeters is drilled in it. It inserts a jig saw blade and is fixed to the clamps. Then continue working on the usual technology. Professional manual jigsaw and amateur require the same technique, so the above principles are suitable for two types of tools.

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