Electric snow shovel - volley cleaning of the site

Electric snow shovel - basic and optional equipment

If you want to use advanced technologies for cleaning your site from snow( and sometimes from debris), be prepared for the fact that you will not see the usual soviet work surface. Of course, how much easier is it to pin a piece of plywood to a handle from a mop and literally in a couple of days throw a couple of centners of snow( the simplicity of this action, by the way, is very doubtful).

But it's even easier to take the telescopic handle and direct the snow-removing machine in the right direction. By the way, the first component of our unit is a sliding handle, the length of which you can adjust for yourself. Usually, the electric snow shovel is very easy to equip. First of all, the handle at the end of the bar, on which two wing nuts should be present: one for fixing the telescopic system, the second for fastening the auxiliary handle moving along the rod.

Next, in fact, the tool housing, inside which the electric motor is hidden( the wire most often passes through the bar, near the handle there is an outlet for the extension).On the special axis in the lower part of the casing there is a nut, after having unscrewed it, you can change the nozzles - the rotor on the brush and back. And, of course, the electric shovel has an extension.

Electric snow shovel - preparation for work

In order for the garden technique to serve you for a long time with faith and truth, it must be operated strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. In particular, the electric snow shovel should be outside the premises for a while before it starts, in order to be able to cool down to the air temperature. In addition, you must take care in advance that the extension cord is not exposed to moisture, which is true for any electrical appliance.

Depending on whether the winter is in the yard or summer, a rotor or a brush should be installed in the body of an electroopath, in no way the reverse.

On many electric shovels, the control consists of several keys - carefully read their location so that at any time you can stop the unit and start it again without focusing on the .As the last action, just before turning on the electric motor, press the key releasing the rotor blades, otherwise it may be damaged in the first seconds of operation.

Easy-to-operate electric snow-plow shovel

The correct procedure is a guarantee of high performance of machinery, but even more important when working with garden implements, including mechanized equipment, to observe safety procedures. Preparing the unit for work, inspect the site, on snow-covered paths should not lie branches, wires, toys, so that the rotating parts are not damaged by a collision with a foreign object .

When you have a working electric snow shovel in your hands, do not direct it to yourself and, especially, to others, try to avoid having children and pets nearby. You also need to act with the right tool. When clearing the tracks, keep the shovel not straight, but slightly at an angle so that the snow mass flies to the right or left, beyond the borders( if any).

Work better when the snow layer does not exceed 10 centimeters, the unit can not cope with a higher altitude of drifts. Try not to clean the steep slopes, on gentle slopes do not move across the ramp and carefully change the direction of movement so that the working part does not collide with a dense and deep mass of snow.

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