Moisture-resistant plaster - where and how is it used?

Why do I need a moisture resistant filler?

The most common preparation for finishing is the alignment of defects and subsequent finishing puttying to apply a coating of a certain type and purpose. Obviously, not every putty compound can work under certain conditions, especially capricious building materials to high humidity.

As it is already clear, waterproof putty is necessary for the preparation of walls and surfaces exposed to moisture in its various manifestations, i.e. evaporation, condensation, rain, fog, etc. In a vast list of such premises, besides a variety of exterior walls of buildings, there are kitchens, cooking rooms, baths, bathrooms and others.

Main characteristics of the waterproof filler

Almost all waterproof fillers of various compositions are based on Portland cement. To obtain these materials, mixtures of ground clinkers and gypsum are used. In the dry state, the mixture has a powdery structure. For its transformation into solid cements, the presence of water in a certain proportion is necessary.

Only then, with positive ambient temperatures, the liquid solution is hardening. Moreover, the more often the moisture settles on such a surface, the harder the applied layer becomes. As an external feature, it can be noted that, when hardening, the applied layer may turn out to be lighter or more gray. It should be borne in mind that the first are of higher quality than their "gray" brethren.

On the other hand, declared as moisture-resistant, putty based on gypsum alone can hardly be considered as such in full. After all, as already said, full resistance to water is provided by compositions based on Portland cement. Very often, waterproof fillers are called façade.

This is true. Despite some inaccuracy, the title reflects the essence of the application. Although such putties are widely used for finishing interior surfaces of rooms with high humidity.

Basics of the behavior of moisture-resistant putty - how to handle it?

As a rule, any putty for damp rooms or façade putty hardens within a day. Qualitative facade compositions are distinguished by high elasticity and the ability to cover the surface with an even layer, adhesion to the underlying substrate.

The optional additional plasticizing components included in the fillers are not the only additives to cement substrates. The presence of the inclusion of pigmentary dyes allows obtaining a high-quality coating of the layer for its entire thickness. Such compounds are often used on facades.

However, they successfully handle not only facade but also interior surfaces intended for painting or other types of decoration. The facade is used as a finishing putty for wet rooms.

The feature of most mixtures is that no special tool is needed for the application. Different formulations are applied to the corresponding primer layer applied in the usual way. Then the facade putty works on sealing all defects and irregularities, the so-called stage of leveling putty.

Probably, for critical areas, another primer layer will be needed with a suitable moisture-resistant compound. After its drying, the façade putty, also applied by spatulas or metal rulers, is used, depending on the preferences of the masters. Of course, the work is carried out in the dry mode of operation of premises, excluding the impact of moisture.

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