Relief stucco - create a beautiful textured surface with your own hands

Substrate preparation for application of the

base layer. When self-repair is carried out, the relief plaster is applied at the latest stage. Before this, a base is prepared and then covered with a base layer. But, about everything in order. So, first you need to remove from the surface of old wallpaper, paint. If the cover is too tightly held on the wall, then it is beaten with a chisel. First, incisions of about 10 mm depth are made, and then the whole base is rattled properly.

If there are any grease stains, they are also eliminated. A special primer mixture is applied to the cleaned surface, increasing the adhesion properties( for example, it can be Betokontakt).But the most suitable composition is selected depending on the type of substrate. When covering with a primer it is worthwhile to make sure that there are no stains left on the wall. After the drying of this layer, you can start the basic plastering. But for this it is also important to choose the appropriate solution for the surface.

Applying the basic plaster layer

When the base is completely ready, you can start applying the base layer. To do this, it is also important to choose the correct plaster and prepare the mixture( the recipe is indicated on the package).During the laying, the trowel and trowel will be used. The thickness of the layer is completely determined in accordance with the unevenness of the walls. The more depressions and cracks, the thicker the layer. In order to make the surface perfectly smooth, you can mount beacons for plastering .

It is easy to install racks on lighthouses. First, on one side of the surface being treated, small clumps of the composition in the vertical direction are, as it were, clashed. Then they fix the rail. The same is done on the other side. Next, put a spatula mortar plaster. Align it with a rule attached to the beacons. Reiki is removed and the voids formed in their place are also filled with the mixture.

However, if there are not so many irregularities on the base, then the beacon can not be used. At the last stage, the plaster is allowed time to dry and only then proceed to further decorative finishing. It can also be applied with completely different decorative decorative plaster. It all depends on what effect you want to achieve.

Note! If lime plaster has been used in this process, it is better to apply an acrylic deep-penetrating primer before coating the surface with a decorative layer.

Embossed plaster with own hands

The relief plaster of the walls is carried out at the last stage. It can be applied in completely different ways depending on what kind of surface you want to create. Special shaped spatulas are purchased for work. With the help of them you can paint the walls with patterns, separate lines, all kinds of figures. Also in the process various sponges, brushes, crumpled lumps of paper are used. In general, all that will help create a certain texture.

In case you want to simulate the surface for cramped wallpaper, use rubber stamps ( sold in stores).It is better to apply the mixture itself together with a partner. And do it not on the whole wall, but in stages at each work site. The first teammate applies a composition equal to the thickness of the grains, and moves to the side. The second begins to create on the freshly-laid layer various drawings, using the above-mentioned improvised tools.

At the final stage, when the relief plaster, the video with the lessons on the application laid out on our site, dried up, you can start painting it .In this case, it is better to stack the composition with strokes on the protrusions or hollows, combining several tones. It is desirable to make soft transitions and slightly shade the mixture. It is important to use façade or interior paint. After the resulting surface can be covered with a finishing coat of any protective composition.

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