Bathroom design of small size

At present, the construction market is literally filled with modern building materials, plumbing fixtures and other accessories for bathroom facilities. A person who looks at this diversity inevitably has a completely explainable desire to transform the bathroom in his home. However, in a small room in a bathroom of a standard city apartment, or even a combined bathroom it's quite difficult to change the arrangement of accessories, and you have to think carefully to bring the room in line with your ideas.

Bathroom design of small size

Design of a small bathroom

The design of a small bathroom requires the most serious approach, especially if you plan to replace the bath, move the toilet or sink, and install a washing machine.

In addition to the optimal, most convenient arrangement of everything necessary, an important task is to ensure that the bathroom looks more spacious and modern. Therefore, many designers are purposefully working on projects of such small rooms, since this direction is the most popular today.

Bathroom design

Content of the article

  • 1 Bathroom design
  • 2 Surface finishes
    • 2.1 Ceramic tiles
    • 2.2 Plastic panels
  • 3 Bathroom accessories
    • 3.1 Bathtub for small bathroom
    • 3.2 Shower enclosures
    • 3.3 Toilet bowl
    • 3.4 Bathroom Sink
  • 4 Small Bathroom Lighting
  • 5 Small Bathroom Interior
    • 5.1 First Variant
    • 5.2 Second Variant
    • 5.3 Threethird option
    • 5.4 fourth option
  • 6 recommendations Interior small bathrooms
    • 6.1 Video: Design options for the small bathroom

rooms Not to be mistaken with the size when buying plumbing fixtures and accessories, you must carefully calculate everything. For this purpose, a plan-project of the premises is drawn up, on which it will be determined how it should become after the repair. The project can be made by using one of the applications on the Internet, or in the old fashion, using paper, ruler and pencil. For this, the exact layout of the bathroom is only transferred to a sheet of paper on a reduced scale.for example 1: 10( 1 meter of the actual size of the room on paper will correspond to 10 centimeters).The same chosen scale should be followed exactly and when you transfer to the plan any interior items of the bathroom.

The design of the future bathroom should be made very carefully, with strict observance of the scale

The design of the future bathroom should be made very carefully, with the exact observance of the

scale. In the project, it is necessary to "arrange" all the accessories in the location that would be desirable to see after the completion of the work.

It is advisable to take into account the places of passage of central sewer risers and water mains, if they pass through the bathroom, because they have to stretch the corresponding pipes.

The fact is that there are certain rules that allow the replacement of water pipes only after the water supply to the apartment is closed. And the sewer pipes must be connected to the central riser( which no one will ever allow) at a certain angle, otherwise there is a risk of plugging in the sink and even flooding the lower flats.

If the work is done on its own, then for the distribution of all the pipes it is also necessary to compile a separate project, taking into account the planned installation of sanitary ware, and work only on it.

If the wiring is carried out by the invited masters, you need to carefully monitor the correctness of their work( alas, in this field "grazes" a lot of obvious hackers), so you do not have to reinstall everything, and if the pipes are hiding in the wall -finishing.

In any case, after drafting it is worthwhile to seek advice from the housing and operational organization and even if necessary - to invite a specialist who could assess the possibility of the desired reshuffle.

Even after completing the project, it should be understood that in the course of the work it is possible that some adjustments will have to be made. The need for them can arise after the dismantling of the old finishing covering of the premises and will be "in all its glory" are visible engineering communications.

Surface Finishing Materials

Having created the design of the necessary bathroom accessories, you can proceed to the choice of materials for finishing the surfaces of the room.

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles have always been considered the traditional material for wall and floor finishing in the bathroom. If you choose it, you need to think about its color and shape.

For a small bath it is recommended to use a tile of light shade, as it will help visually expand the space and bring the required amount of light to the room that most often does not have windows, especially in combination with well organized lighting.

Optimum decoration of a close bathroom - these are light tones of ceramic tiles

Optimal finishing of a close bathroom is the light tones of ceramic tiles

Light tiles will create the effect of a single plane, visually smoothing the joints of walls that will not emphasize their boundaries, thanks to the entire bathroom room will seem bigger.

Several tile colors can be used, but it should be selected and arranged so that the shades emphasize certain areas of the room.

Another option is the boundary separation of the dark bottom and the lighter top of the walls

Another option is the boundary separation of the dark bottom and the lighter top of the walls

When choosing an interior made in several colors, the shades should be selected to each other in such a way that they perfectly match each other, as in small rooms the absence of harmony will immediately rush intoeyes, and even the "rich" design simply lose its aesthetics.

Having stopped on one of the color solutions of the interior, it is necessary to understand and in what form there should be a ceramic tile. As you know, it is rectangular, square and mosaic.

Techniques for using tiles to visually change the bathroom space

Techniques for using tiles to visually change the bathroom space

  • In order to achieve the effect of expanding the bathroom, it is recommended to purchase a rectangular tile and lay it across the walls, that is, the long side horizontally. This option is shown in the first figure.
  • If necessary, visually raise the ceiling, the tiles should be laid on the walls in height. In addition, it is recommended to additionally add a vertical picture on the remote wall, which also supports the desired effect. This option is shown in the second figure.

Plastic panels

Another material that has often become very used for wall plating in the bathroom is plastic panels or, in a different way, they are called PVC lining. This finish has a very affordable price and looks great on the surfaces of walls and ceiling. Advantages of the panels, in comparison with the tiles, can be called ease of installation and dismantling, which allows, if desired, to change the decorative material at any time.

Panels are produced in a variety of colors and with different patterns, both toned and textured. They can mimic ceramic tiles or natural materials, such as different rocks or wood.

In addition, you can purchase a lining, which has a light top and the bottom - a darker one. Such panels very reliably create the appearance of the masonry tiles of different colors.

Горизонтальное расположение полос "расширит" стены

Horizontal strip arrangement will "widen" the walls

If you want to visually expand the bathroom, plastic panels are laid in the same way as ceramic tiles, that is across the wall, but it is desirable to use a lining of different shades. The same method is used if you need to visually extend the room.

Чтобы "приподнять" потолок лучше использовать вертикальную обшивку с выделяющимися узкими яркими фрагментами

To "lift" the ceiling, it is better to use a vertical sheathing with prominent narrow bright fragments of

. If the goal is to visually raise the ceiling, then the panels of the lining are mounted vertically. In addition, between a single-colored finishing material, you can install a panel with a vertical pattern.

PVC Wall Decoration1 How difficult is it to dress the bathroom with a plastic lining?

This is probably the easiest way to quickly and qualitatively decorate the room. How to make the bathroom paneling with PVC panels - read the special publication of our portal.

Very often, plastic panels are used for finishing the ceiling plane. They are easily installed, and if necessary - easily dismantled, which is very important for the bathroom, since it is in this part of the apartment that emergency situations are most likely. If leakage occurs and water gets on the polymer lining, then nothing terrible will happen to it. However, it will be necessary to remove the cladding from the frame on which it is fixed, in order to dry the slab. But this is a very simple operation.

Plastic ceiling 1. The ceiling from plastic panels is the solution to many problems of

. Besides the plastic covering perfectly hides all defects of the ceiling, it also looks very advantageous, is not afraid of dampness and is easily put in order. If the bathroom is decided to make plastic ceiling - to help the instructions given in a special article of the portal.

For a ceiling it is better to choose panels of white color, having shiny metallized strips in which light walls and fixtures will reflect, adding a room of illumination.

The ceiling in the bathroom is also finished using other technologies. One option is a stretch ceiling, which has recently become, perhaps, the most popular for installation in this room.

Stretched ceiling1111 What to choose for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom?

There are a lot of options - from the most simple and inexpensive methods of finishing to the installation of complex hanging or tensioning structures. Detailed information on the various types of the ceiling for the bathroom can be obtained on the pages of our portal by clicking on the recommended link.

Sanitary accessories for bathrooms

Correctly selected sanitary accessories for the bathroom, having a variety of compact shapes and sizes, as well as their competent arrangement, will help to save the space of this small room. If before it was a problem to buy a sink, bath or toilet bowl of the right size and model, then today you can find any variants of these plumbing fixtures on sale.

Baths for a small bathroom

The most significant area in the bathroom is occupied by a bath, so first of all it is necessary to determine the place for it. Recently, angular acrylic bathtubs have become popular. They are available in a wide variety of shapes and designs, so you can easily choose suitable for a particular room.

A modern range of baths will allow you to choose the best option for specific conditions

A modern range of bathtubs will allow you to choose the best option for specific conditions.

Baths made of cast iron and steel as well as more exotic materials are also on sale. The choice in many respects depends on financial possibilities and an interior style, but that this accessory can be picked up for any taste, it is not necessary to doubt.

Copyright RAVAK a.s. What you need to know about baths?

Before choosing one of the options, it is recommended to study the characteristics of the baths of different materials to choose the optimum. Will help in the bath article of our portal, which is easy to get on the recommended link.

Even for the smallest rooms to choose this accessory today will not be very difficult. Having determined the design and measuring the place reserved for the bath, having estimated their financial capabilities, you can go to the store for purchase.

Shower cabins

The shower enclosure can be an excellent alternative to the bathtub, especially as they are produced in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Some of them have a pallet with low, and others with high sides, and the latter option can even completely replace a sedentary bath.

Increasingly, the usual attribute of the bathroom are shower cabins

The shower cabins

are becoming more and more habitual attribute of the bathroom. The shower cabin can be "inscribed" into the smallest space, releasing a sufficiently large area for the installation of other accessories. Models of shower cabins can be simple, equipped only with shower head and mixer, or have a complex design with numerous functions. Here, the choice depends on the space reserved for the accessory, the financial possibilities and the preferences of the apartment owners.

shower cabin21 May I just use the shower?

Often such a decision becomes the most reasonable solution when planning a close bathroom room. How to properly equip the bathroom interior with a shower booth - find out from the special publication of our portal.


If you plan a combined bathroom, you have to select a toilet, which is optimally suitable for the size and type of the model. There are several varieties, differing in design - they are hinged, monoblocks and stand-alone ones. In addition, if necessary, you can buy a corner toilet.

WCD toilet bowl

In the model of a hinged toilet bowl, the waste tank is hidden in the wall or behind a special partition, which often also acts as a shelf. Thus, a more aesthetic appearance of the room is created.

Very convenient for planning a close toilet bowl hinged type

It is very convenient for planning a close toilets of the toilet bowl

. The toilet is securely fixed to the wall and can withstand a weight load of up to 400 kg - this is sufficient in any circumstances. Compactness of this design allows you to save up to half a meter square.


The toilet bowl made in the form of a monobloc differs from other types in that the tank and the ceramic bowl itself are combined into a monolithic structure, thereby avoiding the risk of leakage at the junction of these two elements. The kit looks quite aesthetically pleasing and can have different configurations: depending on the model, the toilet bowl, as well as the tank is with straight angular shapes, or with rounded, oval ones.

Single-piece toilet bowl

Toilet bowl

For a small bathroom, this option is good in that you can choose a candy bar with a narrow compact tank and a minimal forward ceramic bowl.

Stand-alone toilet

This is the most commonly used kind of toilet bowl

This is the most commonly used version of the

toilet bowls. This option can be considered the most common. Usually this is a kit consisting of, in fact, a toilet bowl and a tank, which are connected together. This type of toilet bowl is presented in the widest range of different models.

Often the best solution can be a toilet, the design of which provides installation in the corner of the bathroom

Often the best solution can be a toilet, the design of which provides for the installation in the corner of the bathroom

. Including you can stay on the corner version, which is sometimes the only way to place all necessary accessories in the room, since it occupies a minimum of area.

Bathroom sink

The developers have provided for small sized bathrooms several types of compact sinks that can be placed both at the wall and in the corner part of the room.

Four kinds of small shells are very popular:

  • "Tulip"
  • Built-in sink
  • Wall-mounted sink
  • Console-sink

All shells can have various shapes - oval, round, square, rectangular, and often - and more complex, so it is possible to choose the one that is most suitable for installation in a specific interior.

In addition, an important for interior design will be the material making shells. They are made of the following materials:

  • Ceramics
  • Stainless steel
  • Natural or artificial stone
  • Glass
  • Quartz composite

Each of these materials has its surface texture and color design. Due to this variety, accessories can be selected for the color of the walls or other elements of the bathroom.

"Tulip" sink

The "Tulip" set consists of two elements - a bowl and a foot-stand that not only supports the sink itself, but also masks the failed communications and other details of the structure. Produced and monolithic versions - in them the leg and the sink have no separation.

Раковина типа "тюльпан" - весьма симпатично, но отсутствует возможность варьировать высоту установки чаши

The "tulip" shell is very nice, but there is no possibility to vary the height of the

bowl. The disadvantage of this type of shell is its fixed height, which will depend on the stand parameter, that is, the bowl can not be placed above or below.

Built-in sink

The built-in version of the shell differs in that it is placed in a special stand, which can be a furniture cabinet, a concrete surface decorated with ceramic tiles, and sometimes even the top panel of a washing machine.

Built-in sink allows you to save a lot of storage space

Built-in washbasin saves valuable space

This kind of washbasin can help solve the problem of optimizing space, as it does not require a separate space for installation. They often go in combination with one of the bases, which can have various forms, including angular ones.

A successful combination of a sink and a small washing machine

A successful combination of a washbasin and a small washing machine

Wall-mounted sink

Wall-mounted sinks are fixed to the wall plane using special brackets. This type of shell is represented by the largest variety of shapes and has a good compactness, so it is very popular and is most often used in a small bath. To make this option look aesthetically pleasing, the water and sewer pipes supplied to the sink must be embedded in the wall.

Miniature wall sink in corner design

Miniature wall sink in angled version

It is also important that this type of sink can be attributed to the most affordable in terms of price range.

Console shell

Console is a stand for a washbasin, which is made in the form of a frame, which has legs in the front and fixed to the wall by the back side.

Very interesting look sink cantilever type

Very interesting look conch shell type

Another option can be a frame that is installed on the floor and not connected with the wall. In any case, the communication pipes leading to the sink are best hidden in the thickness of the wall.

Console shells can have different widths and shapes, so they can also be matched to the interior of a small bathroom.

Lighting a small bathroom

From lighting in a small room, usually not having windows, the entire appearance of the interior design depends. Therefore, the lighting system must be carefully thought out so that the lighting is in full harmony with the overall style of decoration, emphasizing its aesthetics.

Bathrooms lacking natural light require a special approach to lighting

Bathrooms lacking natural light require a special approach to lighting

For these reasons, very often luminaires are installed not only in the ceiling plane, but also on the walls. The traditional place of fixation of lighting devices is the area around the mirror, which, reflecting light, strengthens it.

A good help can be a falsh-window illuminated from inside by LEDs

A falsh-window

, illuminated from inside by LEDs, can be a good help

For lighting, you can use a false window, which can be equipped on the back wall of the bathroom - it will visually expand the space and create the effect of natural daylight. In addition, a beautiful image of landscapes or foliage of trees, illuminated by LEDs from the inside, will make the room not only lighter, but also very cozy.

Hirdavat_2737673 Special bathroom fixtures

are required for bathrooms. Considering the fact that the high humidity is a natural condition for the bathroom, and besides, the possibility of splashing water on the lighting fixtures is very high, they have to be treated specifically. On the types waterproof luminaires for bathrooms tells a separate publication of our portal.

Interiors of a small bathroom

After considering all the elements of the bathroom separately, you need to be able to see their "interaction" in the finished interiors of small rooms so that, based on the finished projects, it was easier to make up your own for your bathroom.

I would like to present the design of bathrooms, similar in layout to the standard rooms in the apartments. Very often designers show rooms whose area can be compared to large halls. But, when studying similar projects, it will be difficult to orient and "try on" the style of design for your own, more than compact bathroom.

The first version of the

In this interior, a very important mirror plays a very important role, which expands the space by reflecting almost the entire room in it.

Зеркало позволяет значительно "раздвинуть" пространство тесной ванной комнаты

Mirror allows you to significantly "push" the space of the small bathroom

The bathroom is decorated with a light gray ceramic tile, which has a greenish tint, which perfectly matches the floral pattern depicted on the panel. The seams between the tiles are sealed with a grout of the same color as the finishing material, so the surface of the walls looks like a single plane, and this circumstance also contributes to a visual expansion of the space of the room.

Narrow bathroom is used quite rationally, thanks to the installation of a corner acrylic bath. A compact, built-in washbasin does not make heavier, but, on the contrary, makes it easy for interior decoration, thanks to the smoothness of its shape lines and white color. The washbasin and bath bright spots look on the grayish background and are natural "lights" for the room, so they are always recommended to keep in an ideally clean condition.

A special "highlight" of the bathroom interior is attached to the floral pattern, which is also, to a certain extent, designed for visual expansion of the room. The background for the plants depicted in the foreground is the imitation of the surface of the water surface with a clear horizon, so the panel looks like a kind of window behind which there is free space.

In general, the design of this interior looks very harmonious. The color solution and the images of plants have a psychological unloading and relaxation, so in such a room it is very comfortable to be.

The second version of

The presented version of the bathroom design is made in lilac tones, and in this case the presence of a window plays an important role in lighting. However, it can easily be replaced by its imitation with a backlight of white color and the falsh-window installed in the screen by the chosen landscape.

Interior, decorated in gentle lilac tones

Interior, designed in gentle lilac tones

Interior lighting is designed in such a way that daylight, falling on white panels, a sink and a bath, is reflected from them, and therefore the room becomes lighter and more spacious. In addition to color, space also expands the small geometric pattern of the floor covering, which, with the help of the perspective effect, lengthens the room.

In the design, well-matched and complementary shades are selected, which give it freshness and elegance. Moreover, it should be noted that the walls do not have expensive and intricate finishes - they are just leveled with one of the types of plaster and covered with water-based paint. Typically, for such leveling of walls for painting, gypsum plasterboard moisture resistant sheets are used, which can make the surfaces perfectly smooth.

In this case, the area allowed to install a usual large acrylic bathtub, with rounded sides. It harmoniously combines the shape of the wall sink, which does not have sharp outlines and angles, which gives the interior softness.

In the interior there are no unnecessary details, it is dominated by simplicity, rationality and spaciousness, which gives the room a special care.

The design of the bathroom, produced in such shades, is perfect for a bathroom in any apartment. Naturally, it is possible and necessary to make any adjustments, for a specific area and the form of the existing premises.

The third version of

The unusual chocolate color of ceramic tiles makes this design very original, since not everyone will risk to decorate a small bathroom in this way. Having seen the white color of other bathroom accessories on the background of the chocolate floor and the walls, an association immediately arises - chocolate and milk.

Sometimes dark colors can be used - but only in combination with high-quality backlighting

Sometimes dark colors can be used - but only in combination with the high-quality illumination of the

. The bathroom is too small, so the designer decided to visually expand it with the effect of an oblong rectangular tile laid out in the horizontal orientation and a milk color tint that emphasizes the direction of the finishing material.

Plus, the shower cubicle has a clear glass that does not cover the walls. They are completely visible, and therefore the room does not seem too narrow.

The toilet bowl is hidden in the ledge in the wall and does not spoil the general appearance of the interior. On the surface there is only an elegant button that regulates the drainage of water, and on the top of the concealed tank there is a wooden shelf on which the necessary toiletries can be placed.

Mirror over the sink from the side is almost invisible, thanks to the decoration of the walls with tiles of the same color. But it also plays an important role, since at the entrance to this room, its size visually seems to be more precisely due to this accessory. In addition, the mirror increases the amount of light in the room, doubling it.

The interior is made in low-key colors and excludes various excesses. It can very well be taken as a basis in the design of a standard bathroom in an apartment. However, it should be noted that lighting a room with a sufficiently dark finish will require more lighting devices, which means that a lot of electricity will be expended. This criterion must also be taken into account when choosing the color of the finishing material.

Fourth version of

A similar arrangement of accessories is possible in a combined of two rooms, a bathroom and a toilet, a bathroom. In this interior there is a window that can be replaced with a false window in the combined bathroom of an ordinary apartment with powerful backlighting with white LEDs.

All surfaces of walls, floor and ceiling are decorated with a mosaic tile of pleasant turquoise hue

All surfaces of walls, floors and ceilings are decorated with a mosaic tile of pleasant turquoise hue

. The interior is made in white and turquoise colors, and for mosaic tiles, which creates a rich textured pattern on the surfaces.

All accessories are fairly compact, so the interior was able to accommodate a built-in sink in the cabinet and a fairly large kit consisting of a tank and toilet bowl. In addition, the interior decided to leave a standard bath, which will occupy the entire width of the bathroom.

Cabinet, serving as a stand under the sink, will also serve as an excellent disguise for various utilities, the main node of which is located exactly in this area. In addition, the cabinet under the sink can be used to store various detergents, for which, in any case, there must be a place in the bathroom.

Mirror, as in other interior design options, performs not only its direct function, but also serves for the effect of space expansion, so for small bathrooms, this accessory is usually chosen of a rather large size.

Recommendations for the interior of small bathrooms

In conclusion, I would like to take stock and define the criteria that need to be considered when developing the interior for a small bathroom:

  • The project plan should be drawn up with an accurate scaled correspondence to the actual dimensions of the room and sanitary equipment, otherwise you can make a mistake by purchasing accessories.
  • To enhance lighting in a room that does not have windows, and save energy, it is recommended that the ceiling surfaces and walls in the bathroom be made white or very light.
  • If a shower is installed in the bathroom, it is recommended to choose its model with transparent glass doors, which will also help visually expand the room.
  • This room needs a lot of light, so you need to carefully consider the system and the general lighting, and highlighting individual zones.
  • For visual effects of extension and extension of the room, as well as raising the ceiling, you need to use the techniques described above in the article on laying ceramic tiles.

Beginning work on the interior design of a small bathroom, do not rush, because you need to accurately calculate all the parameters. It is necessary, apparently, not once to go to the building store or flip through a lot of Internet directories to find exactly those accessories that perfectly fit into the chosen interior design. If all these activities seem too complicated for independent execution, then it is best to entrust this work to the proven specialists, but in this case you will have to multiply the expenditure on equipping the bathroom by half.

And at the end of the publication, by tradition, a video-collection of interesting design solutions for small bathrooms.

Video: Design options for a small bathroom

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