Clogged kitchen sink in the kitchen what to do

If the shells are littered on the kitchen, what should I do to prevent activity in this important room from being paralyzed before the arrival of the plumbers' team? From such an emergency situation, no hostess is insured, and in this connection it is necessary to know several ways to eliminate this problem and be able to apply them. And , not always in the kitchen there is a special solution , which is able to cope with this task, therefore , knowing the ways using 's tools, you can always get out of the situation, using them in practice.

Clogged kitchen sink in the kitchen what to do

The kitchen sink in the kitchen is clogged. What to do

There is one most problematic place in the sewer pipe system in which the sediment is collected. In some designs it is a siphon tank, and in other - the bent pipe section fulfilling its role as ( otherwise this element is called a water seal).In this place of sewage drainage of the shell, dirty water is usually retained, and, naturally, the mud settles on the walls of the lower part of the siphon, where in most cases clogs are formed.

Different types of siphons - in the overwhelming majority of cases, clogging occurs here

Different types of siphons - in the overwhelming majority of cases, clogs occur precisely here

If such an emergency does happen , then do not immediately call for plumbing, as this process can be saved by doing the work yourself.

There are many ways to clean the sink from the kitchen sink from accumulated dirt. Some of them have been tested for many years by owners , and other - were invented by craftsmen quite recently, and they use means that seemingly are absolutely far from sanitary engineering.

Sink clogs can be of three types:

  • Operational, resulting from accumulated fatty and mud deposits.
  • Mechanical, which appeared due to the falling into the to the of the litter that interferes with the free movement of water.
  • Technical blockages that may occur due to improperly assembled siphon design or due to factory reject. This option sometimes can be corrected solely by replacing the siphon drain block.

In any case, , you need to try to solve the problem yourself, especially since, and replacing the corrugated pipe in conjunction with the siphon - also does not belong to the tasks of increased complexity. However, before buying a new kit, you should try the various cleaning methods.

sink plunger Cleaning

Article Contents

  • 1 sink plunger Cleaning
    • 1.1 first method
    • 1.2 second way
  • 2 Traditional methods of cleaning
    • 2.1 first method
    • 2.2 second way
    • 2.3 third option
      • 2.3.1 Video: soda andvinegar "guard" of the cleanliness of the shell sink
    • 2.4 Fourth version of
  • 3 Cleaning using specialized chemical agents
  • 4 Mechanical cleaning methods
    • 4.1 First method
    • 4.2 The second way
    • 4.3 The third way
    • 4.4 The fourth method
      • 4.4.1 Video: cleaning of the sink drain with disassembly of the siphon
  • 5 Prevention of blockages on the kitchen sink

Method of cleaning the sink with The is considered to be traditional and quite effective. Therefore, this plumbing accessory should be in any household, especially since it is inexpensive, and it can be exploited for decades.

Known almost all plumbing fixtures - plunger

, the first known method for all

. The is composed of a handy wooden or polymer handle and a thick rubber cap. This simple device works by the principle of creating a small force in the drain hose. Under its influence, the accumulated clogging dirt moves and rises from the siphon to the level of the branch pipe, and the water then takes the to its to the sewer.

In order to manipulate the with the , it is necessary to take two hands on its handle and press the hood against the drain hole of the sink. Rubber part The plunger works like a sucker, and when pressed it is well fixed on a smooth ceramic or metal surface.

Techniques of working with a plunger

Techniques for working with the plunger

Then, using the force, perform several progressive thrusts of the downwards - upwards .At this time, fluid flows inside the pipe, which the transfers to the to all the clusters in the clog. They lag behind the walls and can freely move together with the incoming water into the sewage.

The principle of the action of the plunger is that the hydraulic shock it gathers blocks the blockage from its place

The principle of operation of the plunger - the hydraulic shock it creates blocks the blockage from the

site. If the first attempt was unsuccessful and the water still leaves badly or does not go away at all, then the manipulation of the airpump should be repeated until a positive result is obtained. If you remove the hood from the drainage place, dirt and elements of the attack will come out into the sink with them, then they should be removed immediately, in order to avoid re-clogging the pipe.

It is very important - if is connected to the discharge pipe from from the , the then this hole must be closed, for example, by making a gag from a wet rag. Otherwise, the attempts are doomed to failure - the water will go along the path of least resistance, and the will start the out of the overflow hole, not passing the hydrostatic to clusters of dirt.

The second method

If you can not cope with the clog only with batten , then this tool can be used in combination with a mixture, the ingredients of which are in any kitchen - it's soda and salt.

For the cleaning process, you need to take a glass of salt and the same amount of soda, then mix them together and gently fall asleep in the sink. After that, a glass of boiling water is poured into it. The mixture should fall into the siphon glass, so a large amount of water should not be poured. After this simple process, the shell should be left alone for 10-15 minutes. Then the jigger re-enters the work, which again should be carried out the above manipulation, remove the uplifted dirt, and wash the pipes with an intense with water jet.

Traditional cleaning methods for

Sometimes it is possible to clean the sink without the use of the jigger , for example, if an operational blockage has been created, that is, water does not pass because of the thick layer of fat deposits on the walls of the pipe. This process will also require substances that are always in the kitchen, and the main one is again soda, since it is it that is able to dissolve the fatty components in the deposited layers. It is better for these activities to use technical soda, which is often used to soften water in the washing machines , but is quite suitable and food its option.

The first way

This method is the simplest of all existing ones. The technology is simple - 3 ÷ 5 tablespoons of soda and approximately 250 ÷ 300 ml of are poured into the sewage aperture, and after 10 ÷ 15 minutes the drain is spilled with hot water.

Second method

Again takes soda, the same amount as in the first method, and is poured into the drain. Then, a glass of vinegar is poured in there, and all this is left for 10-15 minutes, since in the the contaminated siphon should cause a chemical reaction between these two ingredients. It is during the turbulent reaction that the mixture will promote the dissolution and detachment of dirt from the walls of the siphon and pipes. When using ingredients that react with each other, the drainage hole must always be topped up with a stopper so that the foam and the released gases remain inside the drainage system.

Soda and vinegar are excellent helpers for eliminating blockages.

Soda and vinegar are excellent helpers for eliminating blockages

After this time, the drainage system is spilled with hot water.

If acetic acid is used for cleaning, then its must be diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 9, otherwise the plastic pipes can not withstand the process of excessively turbulent exothermic reaction, melt and give a leak.

The third version of

In this case, used: soda and washing powder, 3 ÷ 5 large spoons, beaker of vinegar. Soda and powder are poured into the drain hole, which is then topped with vinegar and left for 15-20 minutes. After that, the pipes and siphon are thoroughly rinsed with hot water.

Video: soda and vinegar "on guard" of the plum cleanliness

Fourth variant

With this method of cleaning instead of soda, the drug used to remove the hangover syndrome - "Alka-Seltzer" is used.2 ÷ 3 tablets of this drug should be thrown into the drain hole, and then pour a glass of vinegar into it. This ingredient t is the same as and the interaction with vinegar is a very violent reaction, at which dissolution of fat will occur, and the mud will split and actively move away from the walls of the siphon and pipes. After 8 ÷ 10 minutes, the drainage system must be flushed with hot water.

"Алка-Зельцер", кроме своего примого предназначения, можжет помочь и в борьбе с засором слива

"Alka-Seltzer", besides its intended purpose, can also help in the fight against the blockage of the

discharge. The advantage of using Alka-Zeltser before soda is that, in addition to cleaning the pipes, it effectively removes the unpleasant odor from the accumulated mass. However, immediately it should be noted that this method of cleaning the will fit the only to eliminate operational gaps.

Cleaning with the use of specialized chemical

All the folk compositions described above are used for drain cleaning nowadays in extreme cases, as in the hardware store you can find a large number of chemical products designed specifically for this process. And , it should be noted that the on can lie in a fairly wide range - from expensive to very affordable for everyone.

The assortment of special chemical compounds for the elimination of blockages and their prevention is very wide

The assortment of special chemical compounds for the elimination of blockages and their prevention is very wide.

Household cleaning products intended for cleaning are divided into those produced in liquid form or in dry form in the form of powder or granules. All preparations are made on an alkaline or acid basis.

Cleaning products must be selected depending on the material from which the drainage pipes of the pipeline are made. Basically, all the tools are suitable for both plastic and metal pipes, but the after all before buying is worth studying the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, it may happen that the will have to not only do urgent cleaning in the kitchen, but also buy a new drain system.

Universal means are acid compounds, which are capable of dissolving production clogs and freeing pipes from large debris.

Most often, cleansing type "Mole" is selected from this kind of formulations. Work with these reagents is carried out in the following order:

  • In the sink poured cool boiling water and left for about 20 minutes.
  • After that, a cleaning solution is added to the hole and held for several hours. At this time, the shell can not be used, so it is best to carry out all manipulations late in the evening. - overnight an aggressive cleanser will do its job.
  • In the morning pipes must be well poured cold water.

It should be noted that "Mole" and the like are able to free the system not only from fat deposits, but also from rust, if metal pipes are installed.

As any preparation intended for cleaning pipes is an aggressive environment, it needs to work extremely carefully, taking the necessary precautions. Rubber gloves must always be worn on their hands, they should be careful not to allow drops or dry matter to get into the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Before starting work, it is absolutely necessary to study the manufacturer's instructions in detail.

Mechanical cleaning methods

There are several options for mechanical cleaning methods: use of a plumbing cable, a special plastic household hook or even a vacuum cleaner.

Similar methods can be called cardinal, and they are applied only in those cases when none of the above methods has worked with due efficiency.

First method

For self-cleaning of the drain by mechanical means, you can use a special hook made of flexible plastic. Although this device is called a crochet, it looks more like a narrow bar with small peculiar "thorns" on the sides. On top, this rack has a handle that makes cleaning the shell more convenient.

Special cleaning hook

Special cleaning hook

This hook is used to remove mechanical obstructions from the pipe and siphon, that is, elements that are not soluble by chemical and folk remedies, for example, hair or fibers about t cane.

Use the with this tool as follows:

  • The plastic hook is lowered into the drain hole, gently, bypassing the available jumpers.
  • Use the handle to scroll it in the pipe and siphon.
  • When scrolling on the side "spikes", the accumulated dirt gets hooked and tightened.
  • After this, the rod is carefully pulled out of the sink together with dirt, which are immediately removed into the trash can .
  • If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

The second method

This cleaning method is available to those who have a powerful vacuum cleaner with blowing function. Such an operation can be carried out with the help of an electric mini-wash.

To use the compression and push the stagnation further down the pipe and then into the sewer pipe, it is necessary to remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner, wrap the of its around the perimeter with a thin cloth for a dense entry into the drain hole. Then its is lowered into the hole as deep as possible of the , and the vacuum cleaner is turned on to blow the .A strong airflow and become a pipe cleaner from clogging.

The washing vacuum cleaner should be used in a different way. The principle of its operation is diametrically opposed - the vacuum cleaner in this case is used to draw dirt from the siphon. To do this, a special nozzle-sucker is put on the end of the pipe - instead of the , can use a hood from the batten , if it is made of elastic rubber.

You can try to punch or pull out the blockage with a washing vacuum cleaner

possible to try to break through the blockage or pull through cleaner detergent

nozzle was installed on the vacuum cleaner, is pressed against the drain port maximally tightly that it abuts sealingly sinks to the bottom and then turn the device on retraction. Dirt from the pipe or siphon, drawn through the pipe, will fall into a special chamber for dirty water. Thus, the sink drain will be cleaned.

The third way is

If the hook does not pulls out the until it clogs up, and the vacuum cleaner fails because the plug in the drain is too dense, you can try using a special plumbing cable that has a convenient handle on one side, and on the other hand - nozzle-ruff or spiral. This tool for is made from resilient steel and has an external plastic coating for easy cleaning after use. Special

Специальный сантехнический тросик с "ершом" на конце

sanitary rope with a "bottle brush" on the end

working end of a cable with a "bottle brush" is gradually immersed into the drain, and with the handle by screwing in principle, promote reflux grew through the siphon tube. During scrolling

e pw MF ischaet walls with all gathered on them plaque and pushes aside dirt stagnation sewer main pipe. To enhance the cleaning effect, you need to periodically turn on hot water, which will immediately carry mud deposits into the sewer.

this method to clean the pipe is well suited in the case if the removal system is made of metal, as e pw cn singularity scrape not only dirty, but the rusty patina .If it is used for a plastic system, then it is necessary to act very carefully, so as not to damage the walls of the siphon and the pipe.

In the absence of such a cable in the household, it is possible to produce a similar cleaning device from an elastic wire or a plastic hanger - "shoulders".So, from the hanger the longest of its part is cut - the cross , on which a small hook is left on the end.

So you can make a self-made hook for draining

So you can make a homemade hook for cleaning drain

If the cable is made of wire, then it first rectified and then on one of the ends is bent a little hook. However, this kind of cleaning is less effective, since even curled wire is not able to collect all the dirt formed on the internal walls.

Dirt and accumulated fibers are hooked and extracted outside

dirt and accumulated fiber picks up a hook and taken out

fourth method

method number four is a last resort in the sink cleaning, and even if it does not help, then, means , the reason should be sought not in the drainage system, and in sewagepipe. And in this case, most likely, only a specialist can help.

However, trying to solve the problem yourself is still worth it. There is a way in cardinal cleaning of the siphon.

Standard scheme of drainage system with siphon

The standard scheme of the drainage system with the siphon

The process can be carried out by the in two ways: it is a complete disassembly of all drainage systems, or unwinding only the siphon cup if its design allows it.

It should be noted that this process - is not pleasant, but if there is a desire to save on calling plumbing and quickly clear the sink drain, then the work done will be fully justified.

Since basically the cause of the clog is hidden in the siphon, the also starts with it. In the event that it turns out to be clean, the then the can already be taken for removing and disassembling the entire discharge system.

The plastic siphon consists of two parts, which are twisted together by a threaded connection. To clean, this node must be disassembled. Before you start, you should prepare well, so as not to complicate the matter further by cleaning. Under the sink it is necessary to put a suitable basin or bucket , since when the siphon is unscrewed, dirty water will flow out of it.

Siphon should be disassembled over a bucket or a basin

The siphon should be disassembled over a bucket or a basin

After unscrewing the bottom of the siphon, of its , needs to be rinsed with and remove the garbage that interfered with water drainage. If does not detect serious in it it is not found, it is necessary to conduct inspection of one more problematic site - the connection of a siphon with a corrugated pipe, as sometimes dirt gets stuck on this area from the bottom of the siphon.

Having disassembled the siphon, you need to carefully remove and rinse or even replace any rubber or plastic gaskets, as they will need to be properly installed when assembling. Very often after disassembling , is seen that the gaskets are deformed, pinched, tearing and not reusable - will have to purchase .True, and they are very inexpensive.

All dirt is removed from the siphon and the pipe, they are thoroughly rinsed, and after that all the elements of the system can be assembled and installed into place.

After disassembling, cleaning and rinsing all the drain parts, you can proceed to the reverse installation

After dismantling, cleaning and rinsing of all drain parts, it is possible to proceed to the

back installation. The should not be removed from under the sink until a leak test is performed on the leakage system. To check the quality of the assembly and the tightness of all connections, it is necessary to turn on the water under a strong pressure and spill the pipes abundantly. At this time, you need to keep track of all - connections, they must remain absolutely dry. In case of leak detection, the connection should be tightened, but, if does not help it - means has a poor-quality gasket.

When tightening the connectors, the "fanaticism" - is not necessary for plastic threading, it is quite easy to deform, and thus cause the part to become unusable. Here, a more important role is played by quality cuffs or gaskets.

Video: cleaning the sink drain with disassembly siphon

Prevention of blockages on the kitchen sink

To avoid as long as possible the above-described methods of cleaning the sink, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures that will allow the kitchen sink to be used for a long time without causing emergencies.

  • Fat dishes should only be washed with hot water using household fat-splitting detergents.
  • All utensils before being placed in the sink should be properly cleaned of food debris.
  • An additional detachable grid with small cells must be installed on the drain hole, which will only allow water to drain into the drain, filtering out large inclusions.
  • Every week it is desirable to conduct a preventive flushing of the drain system using boiling water and soda.

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