How to make a spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands - the instruction for manufacturing

stairs There are several engineering solutions used in the arrangement of such "non-standard" stairs, hence the difference in their names - helical, radial, round. Regardless of the features of the performance, they are all very popular with homeowners. Someone wants to make an element of elegance in the interior of their home, and before someone there was a problem of ascent to the second floor after the reconstruction of the building( for example, the construction of the attic room), if in the original project this was not provided.

There is no point in this article to give any exact dimensions of all elements of such constructions. At least because all houses differ from each other - and on the materials used in construction, and in lay-out, and on dimensions of premises. If you want, you can find suitable drawings on the Internet, although the owner, who decided to undertake this work independently( without the involvement of specialists), is able to calculate everything himself. It is enough only to know all the features of such "construction" and to recall the basics of geometry.

Therefore, we will focus specifically on the construction of the spiral staircase, which any master should know. And its competent master can determine the exact size of it by himself.


The variant with the central support is the most budgetary one. The construction of stairs in other designs( for example, with fastening steps to the system of handrails) will cost much more. And given the complexity of installation, it is unlikely to be able to mount such a structure that meets all the requirements of operation and safety.

Also in the calculations it is necessary to correctly determine the "twist angle" of the spiral. How will the lower step( the "entrance" to the staircase) and the upper one( "exit" from it) be spatially related?

Intended use

schematic-construction-screw-ladders1 If a ladder is to be used as an auxiliary, emergency or emergency, you can choose a circular variant in order to save usable space. In this case, the radius should not be less than 1 m, otherwise it will be extremely inconvenient to use it.

If this is the only way to the top floor, then it is desirable to mount a wider and sloping design, the features of which will not create special difficulties when moving people of all ages on it( if you want to build an ordinary wooden ladder - read).


There are 2 variants - with an adjoining wall or with an "independent" installation in any part of the room, with a stand as a support( bearing element).

Ease of operation and safety

On the one hand, inflated railings make it difficult to carry around the spiral staircase of dimensional things( furniture items, massive household appliances).At the same time, handrails placed too low( especially their absence) pose a certain danger both for children and for older people. If an old person suddenly dizzy, he should be able to immediately find a reliable and convenient support for himself. It is these factors that should be given priority when choosing a particular design solution.

Requirements for materials

  • stairs Used almost all of what is used in the construction industry. But for a private house is hardly suitable, for example, a staircase of concrete or marble. Most often it is made of metal or wood. Many designs are also performed in the "complex" version, which involves a combination of different materials. For example, metal + plastic or wood. Quite often you can meet exclusive performances, when individual elements are made even from glass( of course, lasting).
  • Given the specific design, the wood should be well dried( humidity less than 10%).It is easy to imagine how such a ladder will lead if this requirement is not met. By the way, not everyone knows this, but the Sellers "modestly" keep silent. According to the norms, wood with a moisture content of more than 20% in construction is generally prohibited.

As for the metal, it is better if it is either "stainless steel" or steel with a surface coating. For example, zinc or chrome.

  • The material should optimally combine such qualities as strength and "compliance", as some elements of the design in the process of work will have to be bent. For the construction of spiral staircases are recommended such varieties of wood as beech, oak, from budgetary - larch, pine, ash, maple.

Features of calculations

If the staircase variant provides for the construction of a central support, then it must ensure maximum stability of the entire structure. Various materials are used for it, but in residential buildings, as a rule, it is a wooden pole or a metal pipe. It is necessary to correctly determine the location of its location, especially in the presence of a basement room, since it must be securely fixed both from above and from below. In addition, it has to "hold" a significant burden. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the floor( ceiling and ceiling in the room).

When fastening directly to the concrete rack, it is more appropriate to "wall in" the rack and, if necessary, to install additional extensions.

steps Since the conversation is about a spiral staircase, it means that the lift is carried out spirally. Therefore, above our head there will always be a higher step. When designing, you need to focus on the growth of a tall man so that he does not have to climb( descend), experiencing discomfort( the need to bend his head).Therefore, the distance between the steps( vertically) is chosen to be of the order of 2 m.

The widths of the flights require that the requirements for all types of stairs are approximately the same - about 1 m. Regardless of their design, this is the optimal value that ensures the convenience of moving.

For the production of steps, solid material is used. But handrails( railings) can be made of metal, wood( glued) or their combinations.

The optimal depth of the tread( h1) is from 25 to 35 cm. But in the part where the step is fixed on the support( central pillar or wall) - not less than 10 cm, in the central part - about 25. In this case, the height of the riser( h2)is selected within 15 - 20 cm.

The following recommendation on the ratio of these parameters is often encountered:

h1 + 2h2 = 65 cm.

how to calculate-ladder

Although some experts recommend that risers are not installed on spiral staircases as such. It is believed that their absence makes the lift more convenient, and the overall weight of the structure is significantly reduced. Plus - savings on materials.

In the manufacture of bent elements( handrails, bowstring) of solid wood, it is pre-soaked in boiling water. After the material becomes pliable, it flexes in shape and is fixed in this position until it finally dries.


Notes on the calculations of

  • It is optimal to have such a height of the handrails when they are just above the belt of a person of medium height.
  • The number of stages is determined by dividing the height of the structure( from floor to top) by the riser parameter. It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the material used. As a rule, a private is never obtained in the form of an integer. Therefore, the fraction is rounded upwards. In this case, the distance from the lower step to the floor is somewhat reduced, but this does not affect the usability of the staircase.

The main recommendations for the manufacture of spiral staircase in the article are set out. Well, the choice of its specific model, the reader, is yours.

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