How to split beds on a slope, or mastering the differences in the terrain

How best to arrange flower beds on the slope?

Very gentle slope of the plot does not interfere with growing plants, be it trees, bushes or grassy crops, let alone weeds. Therefore, if the landscaped area smoothly descends from the house downwards( or rises upwards) at an angle within 10 degrees, you can safely do planting, as if it were on an ideal plane. Plants for the slopes will even be easier to water, as water will more easily run along the grooves between the beds.

Curvature of the terrain is of three types: if the difference between the top and bottom point for each meter of the slope is less than 30 centimeters is a gentle slope, if the slope is 25-28 degrees, like a ladder, the slope is average, if the angle is more than 30 degrees, the slope is steep. Whatever the ledges on your site, when forming them, you need to take care of the drainage, for draining watering and sedimentary or thawed waters.

If the site has an average slope, it is not difficult to strengthen it by sowing a Moorish lawn on a slope, for which it will be necessary to plant seeds that have a highly branched root system. In particular, it can be clover, daisies, buttercups, fescue fescue.

If you prefer more decorative plants, you need to lay a geogrid, sprinkle it with soil and do planting in the cells. Well, flowerbeds or beds on a steep slope can not be kept in any way, and to protect the soil from erosion by thawed or storm water, and to provide plants with normal development, we will have to do terracing steep. This does not mean that you need to dig in the slope of the site, on the contrary, they should be poured in pre-made fences.

The garden on the slope, will not the slope be a hindrance?

Trees reinforce even almost steep slopes in the mountains. However, this does not mean that decorative rocks should cling to the slope, so as not to collapse. Of course, to change the landscape is necessary only in those cases when the slope of the section is too steep. Here you need large terraces, suitable for growing trees. If for grasses and vegetable crops the fences in which earth is buried can be woven from a vine or made of boards( which is not very reliable) or from slate, then the garden on the slope should be planted on ledges supported by stone walls.

Fences for garden plantings should preferably be made of bricks, or wild stone, cemented, as otherwise rampant tree roots will easily break the barrier of the .The height of erected buildings depends on the steepness of the slope and the desired area of ​​the terraces, as well as on the number of trees that you want to place on one or another ledge. Of course, you need to use the rules of planting, observing the distance between the seedlings. If there is not enough wood, and the main space will occupy the flower bed on the slope, you can make the terraces quite narrow, in the form of steps up to two meters wide.

A vegetable garden on the slope, how to use an uncomfortable plot rationally?

Many owners, having a site with strong terrain swings, think for a long time that they are planted on a slope, and eventually leave it to wild grasses or, at the most, sow a meadow lawn. However, fertile soil can be used more efficiently, especially if you need more vegetables on the site. So, the simplest option - slate fences, in which the earth is falling asleep. High such terraces can not be done, the walls are rather fragile, but up to half a meter the ledges are completely permissible.

You can also form steps with the help of a fence, this is a fairly reliable fencing, although it requires annual repairs. Low level ledges can be limited to logs laid along the slope, for this the slope must be very flat. If you need a vegetable bed on the slope, make it stepped, any slope of the site is suitable for this.

For steep tails with a slope angle of more than 45 degrees, narrow staircases, limited by natural stone or brick walls, are suitable. With their help, you can arrange a kind of vertical garden on the slope, or use the terraces for planting spicy plants. When planting edible crops, it must be remembered that each plant should be no further than at arm's length from the path or staircase passing through the ledges.

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