Sound insulation of steel bath

Cheap and simple noise insulation of a steel bath with a mounting foam allows to reduce the "ringing" of metal when recruiting water, in addition to conduct its insulation. The work takes less than 2 hours, for its implementation you will need to buy only 2 cans of foam, a gun. It is recommended to cover the bath in a dry, ventilated room. Is

  1. really need noise insulation bath?
  2. Stages of work
  3. Foam selection rules
  4. Advantage of bath noise insulation with mounting foam
  5. Video

Is it really necessary to insulate the bathtub?

Sound insulation of the bath allows you to reduce the noise produced by stitching water. In addition, the problem with the rapid cooling of the hot bath and, correspondingly, the cooling of the water collected into it will be solved. The high-quality sound insulation of the steel bath will increase the comfort of its use. We apply the method for plumbing, closed by a screen, and for free-standing sanitary ware. It can be used for old and for new steel baths, since it does not harm the metal and does not affect its shelf life.

Stages of work

First of all, the owner will need to remove the bath( if it was installed), clean the surface of dust and debris. Wipe the plumbing with a slightly damp rag. After washing, wait until the surface dries completely. Initially, it is recommended to process the side walls of the product, for this purpose it is located strictly horizontally. Soundproofing of the bath with their own hands is carried out according to this instruction:

  • foam is applied in small thin strips on the side walls;
  • after partial drying of the composition( it will take about 4-8 hours) to cover the bottom of the bath with foam;
  • protruding residues are cut off( a day after the mixture has completely solidified);
  • in the area of ​​drainage / overflow holes cut off the residues that will interfere with the connection of plumbing pipes;
  • from the bottom, in places where the bath is installed on the supports or legs, excess foam is cut off.

The bath can be installed immediately after the composition has solidified. Therefore, it is necessary to study in advance the features of the selected foam, the time and requirements for the quality drying of the composition. It is recommended to work in a ventilated, spacious room where the bath will not interfere, and where it is convenient to cover it with a mounting compound.

Rules for the selection of foam

When buying bottles with foam, you need to pay attention to its type. Ideally suitable for the planned works of mounting polyurethane foam( in some stores can be called polyurethane sealant).After solidification, it does not expand more than 1.5-2 times. The created layer will slightly increase the size of the bath and will not complicate the subsequent installation.

Application should be made using a gun. It will allow you to accurately distribute the composition, avoiding its excessive consumption. It is necessary not to rush during work and try to arrange foam strips as close as possible. Such application will eventually help get a tight and uniform "casing".In places where the drain / overflow system is fixed, you can leave a free space: this will save some foam and will save the artist from the need for cutting it in the future. Using these tips, you can learn how to make a noise insulation bath without the mistakes and waste of the purchased mounting foam.

Advantage of sound insulation of the bath with mounting foam

High-quality sound insulation and bath insulation with the help of mounting foam is an advantageous solution. The minimum costs of funds and time make such an option budgetary and affordable to all comers. Unlike a vibroplast, it does not require much effort to carry out. In addition, to perform the work using the specified instruction, the attached photos and video materials will be able to each owner. It is only necessary to follow the recommendations exactly and carefully select the foam necessary for the job.


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