Where should the interior doors open?

Where should the interior doors open?

Anyone who has ever made repairs with his own hands knows how many important nuances can not be missed in designing, preparing a room, actually repairing and at the final stage.

That's why, some seemingly little things go away from attention, but after the repair is over, it turns out that from failure to comply with certain rules, for example, where to open the interior doors, life in a renovated apartment becomes much more complicated.

Small rooms and safety equipment

When installing a swing door, you can consider as many as four installation options, choosing the most appropriate one in each case.

Doors can open outside and inside the room, and also to the right or to the left.

First of all, when installing the interior door you need to be guided by safety requirements.

Thus, at the request of construction SNIPs, based on the strict observance of which any construction organizations work, in small spaces( bathroom, toilet, kitchen), the doors must open outwards.


This is done for the purpose of more convenient evacuation from the building in case of an emergency.

In addition, if a person becomes ill in a toilet or bathroom, he loses consciousness and falls, then when you open the doors outside he can not block it, and help will come much faster.

Saving space in the apartment and design solutions

However, when considering where to open the interior doors in the apartment, you should take into account not only the security issue.

The problem of the useful area of ​​the room is acute here. It's no secret that the usual swing door requires a lot of free space for its full opening and closing.

And since bathrooms, pantries and toilets in standard apartments can not boast of a large footprint, the space saving in this case is extremely important.

Therefore, you have to sacrifice a free place in the corridor. The same applies to living rooms.

If every centimeter of useful area in a room is acutely needed, then it is also necessary to give preference to doors opening outwards.

But in the case when the whole corridor occupies a closet or a dressing room, it is necessary to install the door in such a way that it opens into the room.

And by the way, in some cases you can do without doors at all.

For example, the door from the kitchen to the living room can be replaced with a large arch, so you can not only facilitate the movement between the rooms, but also visually increase the space.

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