If your apartment is damaged linoleum, do not rush to throw it away and change the coating, because to repair linoleum is not so difficult, and you can do it without help and for just a little money.
Damage to linoleum can be very different: during use, it can crack, swell in some places or get other defects.
But in most cases, you can restore the cover without resorting to its full replacement.
In the article you will learn about the most common damages and ways to deal with them, and video works will help you to deal with them yourself.
- Bloating and drying
- Bonding edges and corners and repairing scratches
- Replacing damaged coating areas
Bloating and drying
Linoleum bloating is one of the most unpleasant problems. However, eliminating it is much easier than working with other types of damage.
To remove it, you need to make a cut in the part of the floor where the material is swollen, and squeeze out the accumulated air from under it.
After this you will need liquid glue: it needs to be diluted, put in a syringe and fill the incision that appears.
After you have glued the deformed area, it is necessary to lay plywood with a heavy load on top of the floors, and leave it in this position for several days.
This method is suitable only if the linoleum is swollen at some particular site. If the entire coating is deformed, then it will have to be changed completely, becauserestoration will not be possible.
After its removal, it makes sense to deal with the waterproofing of wooden floors - often linoleum is inflated precisely because it was done incorrectly.
Waterproofing is correct for you video - after you have fixed the problem, you can re-cover the cover.
It also happens that the linoleum dries up: the material is cracked, and if nothing is done, it can completely disperse. To correct this problem it is possible with the help of paraffin, which is poured into the cracks of linoleum.
After this, a seam should appear on the deformation site, which will protrude to the surface. That it does not spoil the appearance of the coating, it is better to clean it with a poorly sharpened knife, so as not to damage the surface of the material itself.
Then the treated area should be wiped with a normal rag - then it will equal the surface and will be almost invisible.
Bonding edges and corners and repairing scratches
It often happens that after gluing the coating, the edges and corners of the linoleum are retracted or bent, or else this happens during operation.
In any case, this problem needs to be removed to prevent further deformation of the coating. Here for repair you will need a special glue, or you can use cold welding.
The glue is made simply: a piece of foam is placed under the damaged area of the coating, and on top of it a few drops of acetone are applied.
Ensure that the mixture is spread over the entire surface so that the material is firmly seized.
After the foam has melted, you need to press the edges to the floor, and from above to install a load that will not allow them to move away.
This is a classic way. A more modern version involves the use of cold welding to seal holes.
With the help of cold welding it is possible to repair different types of coating: both recently cut linoleum and old coating.
The method of cold welding is effective because this material is very dense and it is possible to effectively fill it with both a large and a small cut of material.
Although the plus of repair by cold welding is obvious, it is necessary to work with this material very carefully and make sure that it does not get on the exposed skin, becausewash it after that without any harmful consequences will not work.
Correcting scratches and holes is one of the most common problems with linoleum.
Because the material is soft, they can appear from almost any strong impact, be it the claws of animals, traces of moving furniture or even from sharp particles that you could bring on shoes.
To scratch small scratches where the linoleum has kept its color, it is possible with the help of a wax crayon, or simply rub the coating with wax to make the scratches on it less noticeable.
A deep cut will be somewhat harder to repair. Here, you will most likely need a special mastic or putty for linoleum, which you can buy at any construction store.
Applying mastic to the floor covering is easy, the most important thing is to choose the right color so that you do not even get a scratch on the linoleum background.
It is best to check how it will look, in an inconspicuous area, and then apply to the damaged part of the cover.
You can make such a mastication with your own hands, for this you need to use glue with cold welding for linoleum and add to it a colorless nail polish.
To get the chips that need to fill the cut, rub the linoleum with a knife. Thus, there is no doubt that the product will accurately match the color of the coating.
However, homemade mastic must first be applied to an inconspicuous area, and only then it should be putty putty of scratches and holes.
Replacement of damaged areas of the
coating It happens that the damage on the linoleum is too large, and removing part of the coating is easier than removing the holes in it.
The replacement of the coating is carried out in three stages: first you need to cut a piece corresponding to the size of the damage, then prepare the base and remove minor surface damage.
To cut the material correctly, you need to lay a piece that will be cut into the patch, on top of the already laid surface. Make sure that the linoleum and patch patterns match, if any.
After you have correctly adjusted the material, you need to cut it off with a knife - it is best to use a specialized tool for flooring.
It is necessary to cut both layers of the coating, and then remove the damaged part of the fabric.
After this, you need to do preparation of the floors for laying the material. You need to clean the base by removing the old glue and debris that accumulated under the material.
After the floor has been cleaned, it must be primed and left for a while to allow it to dry. After this, it is necessary to apply glue to the surface of the floor, as well as the inside of the patch.
Before gluing it is necessary to hold for about 5 minutes, and then install a piece of material in place, making sure that the patterns match.
After installing the patch, you need to put a press on it, which is usually installed on a piece of plywood, which closes the coating.
It is also possible to further pressurize the floor covering by walking on it with a rubber roller before laying the plywood.
Whatever repairs of linoleum with your hands you did not do, after finishing it, you must carefully wash the cover.
In order to wash, do not use too hot water, it is better to wash the cover with warm and pure water. Wipe linoleum better by half, the second changing not only water, but also the rag itself.
If you want the floor to be washed easier, then add soap to the water.
Other means and substances that can be washed off the coating, especially soda, it is better not to use, becausethey can damage the coating, it will quickly fade and lose its luster.
If there are noticeable dirty stains on the linoleum that can not be washed off with plain water, use a turpentine solution or chalk powder.
From matte spots you will help mastic with the addition of turpentine, which is produced for parquet floors.
Do not forget that quality care will extend the life of your linoleum and resort to repair, perhaps, do not have to.