Porch of a wooden house with your own hands

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Imagine a country house without a porch is quite difficult, because it performs functions not only to facilitate entry and exit, but also is an effective protection against the penetration of snow and dirt from the street. One of the simplest, but quite effective options for arranging the porch is its construction from wood. Moreover, it is possible to erect a wooden porch at any time, as such necessity arises, in contrast to its concrete variant, the foundation under which it is recommended to lay with the main foundation of the house. In addition, we advise you to read information on the manufacture of porch made of bricks with your own hands.

The foundation for the porch.

Like any other type of construction, the construction of a wooden porch needs to start with a foundation, which is still absolutely necessary, even despite the relatively small mass of the entire structure. The optimal option here will be a pile foundation, which does not require serious labor and investment, but can provide a sufficient level of reliability and durability.

The technology of creating a pile foundation is relatively simple, but before its arrangement it will be necessary to perform some preparatory work:

  1. In those places where piles are located in the future, it is necessary to excavate pits. The depth of these holes depends on the planned dimensions and, correspondingly, the weight of the porch, but in any case it should not be less than 80 cm. This work is best done with a special hand drill.
  2. Insert the pieces of timber in the prepared pits. The length of the beam should not be less than the height of the future porch. Wooden piles are recommended to be treated with an antiseptic prior to installation, significantly increasing the service life of the structure by preventing decay processes.
  3. Pour pits with concrete, controlling the verticality of the installed piles by means of a plumb line.
After complete hardening of concrete, the foundation can be considered ready for the continuation of the construction.

If there is no desire to communicate with digging holes for the foundation, then instead of svaymozhno do with the support bars, leaning on the stones put under them. However, this option is suitable only for the construction of the porch to the baths or other outbuildings, where patency will be minimal. In the case of a residential house, the porch on such supports will simply not bear the load.

Installation of lag for the porch.

The next stage will be leveling the pile heights under one level, so that the porch area in the future was absolutely horizontal. The height of the piles should be selected in such a way that from the surface of the pad laid on them to the door threshold there should be approximately 5 cm.

Now it is possible to lay horizontal lags on which the platform will lie. For this, the thickness and height of the lags in the piles make the cuts. The ends of the lag are attached to the wall of the house.

Manufacture of socks.

Kosoor is nothing more than an inclined design with a comb cut out on it. On the cutouts of the comb are fastened the steps of the ladder march. With a relatively small width of the ladder, it will be necessary to make a pair of strings for each edge of the step. Since they will take on a fairly large load, you need to put planks at least 50 mm thick on the strips.

Under the lower parts of the oblique need to pour from the concrete small foundation areas. At the same time, it is desirable to put a layer of vapor barrier on top of the basement so that the moisture rising from the earth does not affect the wooden structures of the porch.

Manufacture of socks

Manufacture of socks

Manufacturing technology Kosovar is very simple: with a pencil and ruler-corner on the board draws the future steps. According to the resulting pattern, an electric jigsaw or a conventional manual saw cuts out a comb. It should be taken into account that the number of steps should be odd, their width should not be more than 40 cm, and the height should not be more than 20 cm.

You can fasten kosoura to the lags with either a familiar sawing or a more reliable and complex lock "spike-groove"".

Manufacturing of porch and steps.

The platform is created by successively screwing the screws or stuffing the boards with nails into the logs. In this case, the boards should be placed as close as possible to each other, since the tree has the property of cracking, and this leads to the appearance of cracks.

The scheme of a wooden porch

Scheme of the wooden porch

The steps are formed by two elements: risers and treads. Begin work on their installation should be from the bottom of the Kosovar. And in the first place, the step is set, and the tread is already laid on top of it. As fasteners, self-tapping screws of the appropriate length are ideally suited here, for the safety reasons it is best to drown them for a couple of millimeters deep into the tree.

Now the wooden porch, manufactured by own hands, is ready for many years of operation.

And how do you build a wooden porch?details in the commentary.

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