How to close the pipes in the toilet

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Appearance toilet, bathroom only will benefit, if everything, utilities located in such premises, will be as hidden as possible from an outsider. The problem: how to close pipes in the toilet, it is easy to solve when using quite accessible materials. It's enough to do this work with your own hands.


  1. How to close the pipes in the toilet with plasterboard?
  2. Materials and tools
  3. Step-by-step instruction
  4. Photo of various options
  5. Video how to hide pipes in the toilet

How to close the pipes in the toilet with plasterboard?

Closure of pipes in the toilet can be done in many ways. Below, recommendations will be given on how to do this, using drywall sheets and a profile system. In this example, at the same time as the pipe masking, the installation system for the toilet will be closed.

In typical houses of modern buildings, as well as in buildings erected during the USSR, as a rule, the system of water and sewer pipes is located in the corner of the room. This allows it to be gypsum plastered with a frame made of galvanized profiles in the form of a corner structure.

Materials and tools

Getting started, you need to purchase the required building materials and tools.

Of the materials you need to buy:

  • moisture-resistant wall drywall;
  • set of profiles for plasterboard;
  • dowel-nails of fast installation of the required length;
  • self-tapping screws, both for joining profiles and for fastening drywall;
  • mixture for sealing joints on plasterboard;
  • hatch for access to meters;
  • sound insulation for pipes.

Of the tools you need to have:

  • punch gun with a set of drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • knife for cutting plasterboard;
  • hammer;
  • tape measure, level and plumb line, and also a building square;
  • marker or construction pencil;
  • small spatula;
  • plane for drywall.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Starting to sew sanitary pipes in the toilet, marks of places for setting profiles are placed on the walls, ceiling and floor. This procedure is carried out taking into account that the subsequently assembled frame will close all the pipes and the toilet bowl, after which all this can be finished with tiles.

2. The next step is to assemble the frame from the profiles. Initially, with the help of dowels-nails, you will need to install profiles on the walls, floor and ceiling along the marked lines, attaching the rack profile to them with the help of transverse segments.

3. In the place where it is planned to install a checker-switch for maintenance of meters, as well as to remove the readings from them, it is necessary to execute the frame taking into account the dimensions of the hatch.

4. The frame should be sewed with plasterboard, in which all the necessary holes are previously left.

5. For sewing the installation of the toilet, it is necessary to equip the framework of profiles covering the entire structure, leaving only the terminals under the drain and for the control button for draining the water.

6. After finishing the installation of drywall, all seams and heads of self-tapping screws should be sealed with a putty.

7. After the completion of the works described above, you can perform the final finishing of the toilet walls.

Using the video and photos on our site, the owner of the housing without any problems will be able to independently perform all the work on sewing the engineering structures in the toilet.

Photo of different options for

Video how to hide pipes in the toilet

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