It is believed that such elements of architecture are present only in large, spacious rooms that are in each private house. However, they, with the right approach to this issue, will not be superfluous in a city apartment. The main thing is to understand what function they can perform. Here with this and understand.
Initially, the columns were used only as supports. But the views of modern architects and designers have been somewhat transformed taking into account the realities of our time. At the forefront is purely decorative function. This is facilitated by a constant increase in the pace of individual development. Experts have found application of this previously only constructive elements in any home, whether it's a small house or a typical apartment.
First let's look at how you can put columns at all? And at once we will notice, what to adhere only to any one technique would be not absolutely correct. Even in a specific room, you can do everything "in a complex", successfully combining different options.
Arrangement methods for
- columns by groups. Most often they are installed in pairs, although this is not a dogma.
- Double columns.
- One by one in the corners of rooms or evenly distributed around the perimeter.
- In the center of the room.
- Grouped in any part of the room.
Any house has its own engineering communications. If they are laid in an "open" way( as they say, "put on display"), then with the help of columns they can be effectively hidden from the visual view.
Some property owners prefer to divide large rooms into separate parts, depending on their functional purpose. It is the columns that can be used to make appropriate zoning. There are also many options. For example, to furnish these elements with a plot designed to play the role of a kind of living room. It will only be necessary to install the necessary pieces of furniture( for example, armchairs, a sofa, a table, a floor lamp) inside the formed square( rectangle).By the same principle, a lunch or a different zone is formed.
In some cases, the hosts seem uncomfortable. Not everyone likes our typical layout, especially the Soviet period. This often introduces some dissonance between the dimensions of the rooms and the situation that you want to buy. In this case, the columns, if properly positioned, can slightly change the geometry of the room. For example, by placing them along the walls, you can visually "lift" the ceiling.
All of the above features of the use of columns in the premises are mainly based on our visual perception of space. However, in some cases, it is advisable to use them not as a "decoration", but as a constructive element that carries a certain load( which was done in the old days).And here there are several ways to organically "fit" it into the interior of the room.
Option 1. Select the column on the general background so that it immediately catches your eye, has become the main part of the design of the room. The methods used are different - special lighting( backlighting), contrasting or brighter coloring and a number of others.
Option 2. "Dissolve" it in the interior. In addition to monochrome painting, other methods are also used - pasting, draping and the like. It is possible to place decorative molding directly on the column, which will "distract" attention from it.
Our idea of the materials from which the columns are built is usually limited to marble or granite. However, in practice, others are used. The whole point is for what purposes such elements are constructed. We list the main( except for those already mentioned) that designers often use to implement their projects:
- brick;
- concrete;
- stone. Both natural( for example, basalt), and artificial( imitation);
- wood that has undergone appropriate processing;
- plastic;
- polyurethane foam.
The article gives only an overview of the use of columns in the interior. A kind of a certain "sketch", and the writing of the finished "picture" entirely depends on the flight of your imagination, Dear Reader. For example, use a column as a home bar - what's not an option?