The correct planting of fruit trees in the spring is all you need to know the salesman

wood On the issue of when to start planting seedlings in the ground, judgments are different. Someone focuses on personal experience or advice of older relatives, for someone a good example - neighbors who receive from year to year an excellent harvest. As for the experts, their numerous disputes do not subside, as everyone has his own point of view.

But if you summarize the various opinions, it turns out that for most of Russia, it is spring - the best period for planting "young" almost all fruit trees.

The fact is that the peculiarity of our climate is such that many seedlings planted in autumn do not have time to "settle down" well. One of the reasons - for the plant to independently extract moisture from the soil with all the substances necessary for the full development, it takes at least 2 months.

Unfortunately, early frosts do not give this time. As a result - "freezing" or drying of "young animals".Therefore, the recommendation for the autumn planting of seedlings has many opponents.

Let's consider in more detail the procedure for the spring planting of fruit tree saplings at the dacha or in the garden of your house.

Site planning

Some features of the landing should be taken into account also in those cases when the territory is already equipped. The principle of "where there is free space" is not suitable here. What to consider:

Kind of seedlings. Each of the plants is characterized by a certain height, features of the crown and the root system. If you do not take into account the specifics of development, then there is the likelihood that later the trees will "interfere" with each other. For example, the higher shading of the undersized, intensively growing sideways will be interwoven with branches.

Compatibility. Gardeners who do not have enough experience, this factor does not take into account. But there are special tables with recommendations, which plants can be planted nearby, and which ones should not be. In any dacha section( namely, they are referred to, since no professional advice is needed), in addition to the fruit trees there are beds with their plantations, and various shrubs( fruit, ornamental).


Place in the garden. If there are any buildings in the territory or it is obscured by something( for example, by other trees growing on the adjacent one), it is advisable to place the seedlings so that they are illuminated by direct rays for most of the day.

Preparation of "landing" pits

Once talking about the spring planting of tree seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the place in advance, even in the fall( although this is not necessary).It is necessary to take into account the soil features. Depending on this, the dimensions of the wells are selected. Recommendations are different. For example, if the soil is soft and fertile, then the side of the conventional "cube" of the fossa is about 70 cm. On loam and sandstones, it increases to 1 m.

It is necessary to understand the very meaning of planting. In the chernozem, the hole does not need to be made broad and deep. The roots of the plant themselves "find the way", and the soil is already a nutrient medium. If the soil is "depleted", then the enriched soil will have to be filled in the pit, so its dimensions should be larger.

In the process of working the land is "stored", for which the top layer of the excavated soil( fertile) is stacked separately from the "internal", as the latter will have to "feed"( mix with compost, humus).

Separate conversation - about sites on which underground water layers approach close to the surface( read how to determine the level of groundwater).On them, the plant should not be buried, otherwise there is a risk of decaying the roots. In such cases, compost is used, a mixture of land with peat or chernozem, which are piled up.

The bottom of the well "softens".To do this, it is digged with a shovel not less than half the bayonet.

And most importantly! Immediately not recommended. The well should "settle", disappear for 10 - 12 days at least.


Preparation of pegs

They will definitely be needed for the garter of the young. The wood is dried and processed;at least that part of it that will be immersed in the earth. To ensure that such a backup does not rot before the time, you can dip it into liquid tar, burn, grind - options for protection from liquid are enough.

Preparation of seedlings

Each of the trees should be carefully inspected, especially the roots. The dried out shoots are immediately removed, after which the root system is immersed in warm water for a day.

Installation of the

sashenec seedling First, a support is installed on the bottom of the well, after which water is poured. After it is soaked in soil, a mixture of land with humus or something else( this has already been said) is filled up with the expectation that a hillock will form. Seedling( with straightened roots) is placed on this mound, its base is poured and slightly kneaded, after which it is spilled with water. Such work is done in several stages: a layer of earth - an easy compaction - irrigation.

It should be taken into account that the root neck should be level with the surface after the "subsidence" of the soil. Therefore, when planting the plant in the hole, it rises above the ground by approximately 50 mm.

After the end of the landing along the perimeter, the pit is renewed by the earth's shaft so that the sides of such a peculiar bowl are formed. In this case, with subsequent watering, the water will not spread over the territory.


The roots of the young plant are very tender, so they should be protected even after they are sprinkled with soil. It is with this purpose that a protective layer is poured around the tree. Its task is to prevent overheating of the soil in this place. You can use everything that is at hand - crushed wood or bark( sawdust, chips), dry needles, humus from the compost pit.

Further care

After a day or two under the tree, you need to pour a mixture of humus to the ground and shorten the support if it is too long. In conclusion, tie the barrel to it.

Well, how specifically to care for the "young" in the process of growth - the topic of a separate conversation. For example, how to protect from burns young leaves, with what intensity to produce watering and top dressing and so on.

So, we summarize all the important points that must be taken into account when planting:


Anyone who is not even a specialist in the field of crop production has heard about the so-called "lunar cycles".Every year, special calendars come on sale, targeted primarily at people who are engaged in varying degrees of care for plantations, whether it is beds in the plot or house flowers on the windowsill.

derevia They have all the necessary information( lunar days, phases, signs of the zodiac, in which the "heavenly Goddess" is at the moment) and recommendations for planting various plant species depending on these factors. Such information can be found in almost any "detached" calendar.

Do not work with seedlings on any day off. The correct choice of the planting time will determine how the seedling will "get accustomed" and develop, and what crop can be expected afterwards. It is not necessary to neglect these rules, especially since these are laws of nature, and all of them are repeatedly tested by practice. For example, a tree is best planted in the ground before the full moon .Anyone who really wants his work to have the proper effect, one must be guided by the data from the lunar calendar.

But that's not all. For example, suitable for planting seedlings are a few days in a month. Which to choose? Here you should inquire and forecast the weather forecasters or just look out the window( if the event is planned for today).The most is the best weather - windless , besides, when the sky is "covered" by clouds. Saplings( especially the root system) are easily exposed to external influences( scorching rays, wind gusts), and this must be taken into account.

There is one more rule. You need to "guess" so that the shoots have not yet gone into growth, and the ground has already thawed. At this time, if all the above conditions are the same, you can proceed to planting.

Features of seedlings

Any plant, regardless of species and variety, develops unevenly. Even the smallest twigs that "looked" to the south, will look stronger, hence, the future crown will differ asymmetry. To avoid this, when planting "young animals" you need to make sure that those that are stronger, were oriented to the north side of the site, and "kutsyye" - to the south.

Acquisition of seedlings

To ensure that the tree will develop well and bear fruit, it is necessary to pay attention to such moments:

  • "young" should be adapted to local conditions, so you should not buy imported trees;
  • the best age for a seedling is a 2 year period;
  • should carefully inspect the trunk. It should not have mechanical damages, burns, signs of disease;
  • at the root system - 4 - 5 branches, not less. Their optimal length is about 25 cm. If they look shrunken and easily break, then it is worth to refuse the purchase.

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