How to make shelves in the bath with your hands - instructions, drawings and video

interier-bani Any room, regardless of the specifics of its use, has some kind of "filling", the situation. With regard to the bath interior design( except for wall finishing, installation of electrical wiring and the like) is to place the relevant items of furniture. We will try to find out how to make the shelves for the steam room with our own hands, we will consider the drawings, dimensions and material of manufacture.

For a more comfortable adoption of bath procedures in the steam room there is always a place where a person can sit down, lie down, and take any convenient position, that is, completely relax.

As everyone has his own concept of comfort in the bathhouse, and desires are often limited by the dimensions of the rooms, the author considers it expedient to give only some variants of constructive execution of regiments. In fact, these are decks of very different configurations and "storeys"( in one or several tiers), of different length and width.

* Further all dimensions are in "cm".

Many people prefer( in order to save time and space) restricting themselves to setting up a steam room with only wide benches. For those who have them in the bath quite enough, we give such examples.


Shelves in the bath - a more complex option. The choice of a specific engineering solution depends, first of all, on your own capabilities. Not everyone is able to make a design with his own hands, for example, multi-tier. Readers who have a modest sized bathhouse on the site can be offered a simple model of the regiment. Its universality can be argued for a long time, but the fact that it performs its function is unequivocal.


shelf manual It should look something like this:


The order of operation is detailed in the pictures, the necessary explanations are given, so adding something else is completely superfluous.


General recommendation for the shelf - length from 180 to 200;width - from 40 to 140.

It remains only to clarify certain points. By the way, all this must be taken into account regardless of which shelf and in what bath will be mounted.


Features of the

  • Design In order not to disturb the natural circulation of air flows in the sauna room, the minimum distance between the floor and the bottom edge of the shelf is 2 - 3, between the tiers - 10.
  • The bed is always located along the "blind" wall. Installation of the shelf near the window of the bath is fraught with the fact that when a splash of hot water hits the glass, it will burst( in the winter)( crack).
  • As the steam accumulates at the top, the distance between the top of the shelf and the ceiling must be at least one meter.
  • Boards can not be mounted butt. Between them, there must necessarily be cracks, so that the water does not stagnate, but flows down to the floor. With the same purpose and the flooring itself, the shelf is mounted with a slight inclination from the back( about 1.5 º).

Features of the choice of materials

The fact that the shelves are assembled from wood - it is understandable, but what kind of breed is more appropriate to use? If the installation in the bath is carried out with their own hands, it is unlikely that the owner will acquire expensive material. For example, abash or something like that. But regardless of the preferences and cost of wood, only hardwood( not coniferous!) Breeds are used for the shelf. In detail, the best wood for finishing the bath is described here.

  • Alder.
  • Birch.
  • Aspen( the best choice).
  • Poplar.
  • Lime

and more expensive, for example cedar, oak.


  • Bar( for supporting elements of the shelf - racks) - section not less than 5.
  • Board. Their thickness is selected depending on how long the shelf, in what order and how many supports are installed, their cross-section and so on. Everything depends on the chart. The optimum ratio for a bath( taking into account the total weight of several people) is the width / thickness of the board is a proportion of 4 to 1. Argumentation is a good combination of the drying speed of wood with the strength of the shelf.

Useful advices for

For small pairs it is advisable to install shelves on the principle of "coupe" - a couch above the couch. Their sidewalls are fixed on opposite walls.

Any wood before processing, especially in a bath, is treated( antiseptics, flame retardants - read about it here).For products from which shelves are collected, it is impossible to use drugs that contain "chemistry", since high temperature in a thermae can not avoid intensive release of toxic substances. It is possible to recommend impregnation with linseed oil - a fairly effective natural remedy.

how-to-do-the-shelf-in-steam room

When designing a shelf and planning the way to fasten the elements of its structure, it is necessary to provide for easy dismantling of the boards. To ensure that they serve longer, it is advisable to periodically remove them, take them out of the bath and dry them in the open air, in the breeze and in the sun.

As fasteners it is better to use wooden products( nagels, wedges, chopiki and the like).At least in those places where they can contact with the human body. Metal fasteners, in high temperatures, can cause burns. In the same place where one can not do without it, it is necessary to drill chamfers and install in a hidden way, putting the heads into the wood. Or twist( screw, drive) from the back side of the workpieces.

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