Polyfoam: characteristics and properties

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Production of foam

Before describing the advantages and properties of this material, we describe the process of its production. It is produced by foaming polystyrene beads. Further these small particles are processed by specially heated steam. Repeat this procedure several times. Such cyclic processes are necessary in order to significantly reduce the density and weight of the material.

Next, the resulting mass is placed in the dryer to eliminate residual moisture, the process is carried out in the open air. It is during this stage of production that the polystyrene obtains the finished form of granules, the size of which can vary from 5 to 15 mm. At the final stage, the dried granules need to be "packaged" into a mold, that is, to give the material the look of plates. To do this, pressing is done with the help of special machines and machines.

After this, the material is treated for the third time with steam. As a result, a white block with a strictly defined width is formed. It is cut to the size that the customer needs. It can be of non-standard sizes( for certain design decisions).

Properties of foam

First of all, the thermal properties of the foam are distinguished. This is an excellent insulating material, which is used in almost all areas of construction of both industrial and civil structures. Thermal conductivity of foam is 3 times less than claydite and wood, and 17.5 times lower than the thermal conductivity of bricks.

For comparison, if you take 12 cm of polystyrene, they are approximately 210 cm of brickwork. Such thermal characteristics of foam make it possible to significantly save electricity, which is spent on heating the room. In addition, this material also has excellent soundproofing properties. This is explained, first of all, by the porous structure of the plates. The thicker the material, the better the sound insulation.

Also important property of the foam plastic is its resistance to all kinds of chemical influences, as it is made of environmentally friendly components. It does not form an environment favorable for the development of fungus and mold, so there are practically no problems with operation. And, of course, you can not fail to note its moisture and fire resistance.

It does not support burning. But at the same time, it is capable of releasing harmful gases( this is its undisputed minus).

The durability of the material and its high strength characteristics make it possible to use it in the construction of the most serious structures and structures. Numerous tests have shown that the foam is capable of withstanding significant mechanical stresses and is not deformed at the same time. And it fits easily enough, because it has a small weight.

Technical characteristics of foam

The main technical indicators include density, compressive strength and bending strength, moisture, water absorption, heat capacity of foam and some others. For example, it is known that the plates have a small whole, since their density is 11-15 kg / m3( 15 mark).25 and 35 brands have, respectively, an indicator of about 16-25 and 25-35 kg / m3 . The compressive strength of each plate is from 0.05 to 0.16 MPa .

And on the bend the index is from 0.07 to 0.25 MPa. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the foam is 0.033-0.037 W /( m * K).This, as already mentioned, is much less than the thermal conductivity of reinforced concrete, bricks and some other materials. Humidity is not more than 1%, and water absorption per day is equal to 1%.That is why inside there can not arise a favorable environment for mold and bacteria.

Note! To pick up this material with the necessary characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the marking of the foam. There are PSB-C-15, 25, 35.

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