How to quench lime - all stages as in the palm of your hand

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How to clear lime or why do it at all?

It is also used in a loose form, for example, as a strengthening and binding material. If it is extinguished, the plaster will be much stronger on the basis, and the solution becomes more plastic when it is added.

lime is quenched very often, since it is in this condition that the material is used in most cases. For example, it is used for whitewashing rooms, as well as wooden fences and rafters. This procedure protects wood from rotting and burning.

You can also use material for construction masonry, silicate concrete. Also, this material is taken in the manufacture of bleach, softening of water, in the production of fertilizers. You can also use lime in the process of tanning the skin, in the food industry, in dentistry.

Extinguishing lime - operating principle and safety precautions

It should be noted that quenching lime at home is not a difficult process, especially since it does not require much time or materials, and there is no need for any special equipment.

At construction companies, there is often a pit for quenching lime. In this pit, a powder is poured in and poured with water in a certain proportion. It all depends on how thick the mass should be( thick material or in the form of milk).

Before you quench lime, you need to know that the period of cancellation is 24 hours. However, for greater efficiency, it is recommended to withstand the process for up to 36 hours. To dilute the mixture, it is necessary to prepare a quench tank, lime, water and a stick for stirring.

Naturally, you need to work in gloves, glasses, a respirator, a tarpaulin suit and make sure that the mixture does not get on the exposed skin, as it can corrode the skin and cause irreparable harm.

How to quench lime - get down to work

The technology of extinction of lime is such that we should make a pussy, and for this it is necessary to put lump lime in a prepared container. The container should not have rust, and its depth is determined by the amount of diluted mixture.

Then the material is poured only with cold water. Moreover, the amount of water is calculated from the ratio 1: 1( 1 kg of powder per 1 liter of water).During the interaction of water and material, the quenching temperature can reach 150 degrees, so caution does not interfere.

Before clearing lime, you need to know that during the quenching it will be sprayed, but depending on the time of the procedure( from 5 to 30 minutes) the mixture will all the time need to be mixed.

After properly quenching the lime it turned out, immediately use the mixture is not recommended. It must be covered with a lid, placed in a dark cool place and kept from 2 weeks to a month. Only in this case the solution will lie well and fulfill its functions.

Naturally, before use, the pussy can require additional dilution. You need to do this gradually to achieve the correct mix density. If a sticky white trace remains on the stick while stirring, then the mixture is ready for use.

On how to quench lime, the instruction is briefly understandable, you can supplement the knowledge with some specific advice on a particular brand of material by reading the instructions on the packet of the purchased mixture. And you can buy already slaked, ready to use mixture, then these manipulations will not be needed.

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